15210144? ago

Anti-Mormon tripe. I have been a member of the Church for over 40 years and I received my temple ordinances in 1980. I'm calling BS. This is just the attempt of a bitter apostate to vilify the Church needlessly. In a free country, if you don't like your religion, pick another one. The poisoned pen of the anti-Mormon is the sign of a traitorous soul. Don't trust such a person with your money, your pets, or your back in a time of danger.


15211057? ago

You are a liar and you suffer from cognitive dissonance.

Here is the pre 1990 temple in FULL. You are a coward for your lies but you cannot hide the truth nor the facts.

FACT: The blood oath included miming slitting our throats chest and belly PENALTIES for revealing the signs and tokens of the priesthood as taught in the temple. YOU DID THIS. I DID THIS. You are a liar and you are ashamed of the truth.

15215347? ago

If you have such a good memory of the endowment, then you should recall that it is explained explicitly that every thing about it is figurative, not literal. Hence the fallacy of your distortions.

I also happen to be a martial artist. As late as the 19th century, Jujutsu masters required blood oaths of them students that they would not reveal the secrets of their art--and they were enforced. There is a difference between a blood oath and what is performed in the endowment. You prey on the ignorant to spread lies. God will hold you accountable, not men and not any blood oaths. He will not be mocked.

How long has it been since you abandoned your covenants? Are you really happier? Can you go a day without feeling resentment toward the Church? Why can't you get on with your life? Why must you attack any Mormon that appears on your radar. That, my friend, is the spirit of the devil that will never allow you to know peace. Repent and the peace can return.

15220939? ago

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15220786? ago

You seem to be the one conflicted with living a lie contrary to the teaching of Jesus Christ. It is you who is in disharmony with the gospel. Did jesus say to ban little children of gay parents or did he teach them to be suffered and not forbidden? Did Christ preach that heaven was welcome to all or did he preach that you must make blood oaths?

Joseph was a liar with 34 wives, several mother daughter pairs and YES he had sex with them. You have been deceived by the spirit of the devil and it is because of that evil inside you that i speak the truth when you are too clouded in lies to see clearly.

15248636? ago

And yet God appeared to him, like he did Abraham, Moses, and David--all of whom had many wives.
The Church he founded is filled with the presence of spiritual gifts and miracles. Long after Joseph was dead, the Church rolls forward making progress, saving souls, doing humanitarian service. One day, the New Jerusalem will stand gleaming in the dawn and Christ will return to it. And you and your fellows will stand afar off and wonder:

2 Nephi 27:3

3 And all the nations that fight against Zion, and that distress her, shall be as a dream of a night vision; yea, it shall be unto them, even as unto a hungry man which dreameth, and behold he eateth but he awaketh and his soul is empty; or like unto a thirsty man which dreameth, and behold he drinketh but he awaketh and behold he is faint, and his soul hath appetite; yea, even so shall the multitude of all the nations be that fight against Mount Zion.

You don't sound like a happy person. I hope you have better plan for your life, one that makes you forget this mission to destroy something that God himself created.

15255635? ago

Seems like you can't reconcile the shame and guilt you face for having partook in suicide pacts against God. You are heathen and will burn in hell with the other sinners.

15221838? ago

Sodomites have no place in a Church, though they do have a place in hell.

Jesus taught that the gate to heaven is narrow, and that the only way to heaven is through him. Most people are damned. Likely many bad Christians are also likewise damned.

15223386? ago

Of course sodomites have no place in a church,

but the children of a sodomite is not guilty of his fathers sins

Matthew 19:14 King James Version (KJV) 14 But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Banning the children of families where one parent is a sodomite is directly AGAINST the Lords teachings.

15225250? ago



a sex slave is not in a parent-child relationship

15233278? ago

Oh i see you are just a retarded nigger.

14180391? ago

/hugs /comfort (づ˙︶˙)づ♡

I'm so glad you woke up and got away from them.

I hope and pray that right now and in the immediate future that more and more will see the TRUTH about ALL of these socially engineered /dumbing down /controlling programs (social media, certain religions, public schooling, etc) that have kept SO MANY people in the DARK and convinced them that their Orwellian standards and LIES are somehow "The Truth".


14179896? ago

Whats your take on Flake?

14180581? ago

Following the plan, fearful of retaliation.

14179495? ago

A short synopsis of my own "religious wokeness"...

  • Was originally a Catholic (up to Age 8) then mom died of Cancer
  • Adopted by Aunt and Uncle, converted to Southern Baptist (up to Age 18)
  • Something clicked/didnt seem right so started life long search for answers.
  • Dumped religion entirely, but remained "spiritual"
  • More digging found religions to be nothing more than organized control of Spirituality all people have innately.
  • Began digging into religions of the world as a hobby
  • Found confirmation of my early age realizations that you can be spiritual without religion
  • No religion is exempt from these findings. Literally all of them do the same things, but in their own ways.

Conclusion: Religion serves itself. Without having "faith" in themselves, they place that "faith" into their religion of choice. That Religion takes that "faith" and molds it into the ideology that it wants it's cult memebers...er...I mean religious advocates... to be. Hence the mass brainwashing you see from the different "faiths" of religion and all the atrocities that spring from it over the course of human history.

Advice: Know yourself. Have the courage and self-worth to know every individual has it within themselves to be a spiritual entity. You do not NEED religion to express or confirm this, as you already have it as your birthright. That said, there are some religious institutions/churches that are great for being around good people. Let your conscience guide you, for that is your spirituality. Do not allow others to guide you, for that is religion.

14180121? ago

I agree that it is a very personal relationship that one has with God. I believe that God does want an organized religion, and personally have found peace with God through the Book of Mormon https://www.mormon.org Have you ever read it?

14190579? ago

You are living a lie and you are blind to it.


wake up

14196440? ago

14199000? ago

You have been deceived and are controlled by the devil. Joseph Smith took the signs and tokens and exact words of the endowment from the masons. You have to perform mental gymnastics in the same fashion as the liberals and you are no different. Keep listening to your authority figure, the left will keep listening to theirs. In the mean time true followers of Christ will think for themselves.

14200421? ago

The Masonic signs and tokens aren’t the same. “Did Joseph Smith reinvent the temple by putting all the fragments—Jewish, Orthodox, Masonic, Gnostic, Hindu, Egyptian, and so forth—together again? No, that is not how it is done. Very few of the fragments were available in his day, and the job of putting them together was begun, as we have seen, only in the latter half of the nineteenth century. Even when they are available, those poor fragments do not come together of themselves to make a whole; to this day the scholars who collect them do not know what to make of them” -Elder Nelson https://www.lds.org/ensign/2007/02/why-symbols?lang=eng&_r=1

14184751? ago

Yes, I've read it and was the catalyst for my post since it was being talked about. I disagree about organized religion, completely: The body is the temple, not a brick and mortar place. Organized religions inevitably create Temples/Mosques/Synagogues/etc, growing ever larger and more extravagant to show "how great they are" and as result demand more of their followers to give more and more money for the status and upkeep of such grand edifices, and their "front men". Mormon church is no different. No thanks, I choose personally not to indulge any more of Man's interpretations of spirituality.

14196482? ago

I agree that the body is a temple. I agree that we should not follow man’s interpretation. Curious on why You think God is opposed to organization? Do you believe God organized the world? Planets? Solar Systems?

14198501? ago

"Curious on why You think God is opposed to organization? Do you believe God organized the world?"

First, I never said "God" (or whoever) wasn't, in the aspect of creation, especially of the examples you offered; i.e. planets, etc. That is completely different than organized religion. The difference is obvious and should be apparent by my original post, where I stated:: I've studied world religions as a hobby.

Short version: Creation by a greater force/intelligent design; i.e. not man made, versus a man made opinion of how it was all done (organized religion). Further than that, no man or group of men can agree, thus creating splintered versions of an original opinion with their own opinions inserted or changed completely Christianity, Islam, Mormons, Buddhist, Shintoism, Judaism, et.al. All of them man made.

Think of it like this: We know someone built the pyramids. What no one really knows is how. No, seriously, you were taught wrong in school...they really don't have a clue and have stated this repeatedly. Ok, so since they don't know, they create forced perspectives to explain it with this or that theory based on their own observations and limited understanding of it all. Thus, you can logically follow that a) it was created, b) unknown means, c) force perspective thought, d) accepted theory since it sounds good. This, however, doesn't make it correct. It is the same difference with Creation vs organized religion.

Does that make my point easier to understand or did I just go too deep? =)

14200509? ago

So you believe a greater force created or organized a world, but could not create an order or religion to make his / their will known? Did God abandon us? The Ancient Egyptians are dead and gone and can’t reveal their secrets, but why wouldn’t God send someone to explain his will to us now?

14212904? ago

"Men create Gods after their own image, not only with regard to their form but with regard to their mode of life." --Aristotle

A man's belief and faith are his own to reconcile. I have found many of my own through finding answers outside of religious indoctrination/influence. I have learned spirituality is inherent to all living things and all is connected. Some religions are very close to this truth, just as some are very far off. Thus, I am not here to dissuade anyone of their own beliefs but to shed light on another possibility that may not have been realized. Nothing more, nor less.

The questions you ask are already known to you. Listen to your spirit, as it knows more than you allow it to tell you.

14215614? ago

I agree with you nearly 100%. Paul taught, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious. “For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you. “God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; “Neither is worshipped with men’s hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things; “And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; “That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us“ As you said we should seek after God, and as Paul said if I’m Acts 17, he is not far from us. We are all brothers and we are all children of God. https://www.lds.org/scriptures/nt/acts/17.23?lang=eng

14217679? ago

You recite from Paul who states what what I have found. He is correct in every measure, by my own experience and journey. I know, and am certain, there is a Creator: whether the name "God" applies, I cannot truthfully say, as his description and name is different depending on where you are in the world and what religion you view. Thus, I settle for "Creator", not as a given name, but both as a noun and verb that is all-encompassing.

I needed no man-made temple, trappings, or finger wagging to reveal the truths I now know. So we are full circle: You do not need religion to know spirituality that is inherent in all things.

14217761? ago

I agree with you, and we merely differ on what our spiritual senses tell us: God is real and we can come to know him through prayer, and through his Prophets who organize us together in families and congregations.

14179392? ago

I dated a Mormon chick for a few months. The more I learned, the farther I had to distance myself. What a cult.

14179297? ago

Dayamn. I've known many Mormons. Always seemed like really nice and well centered folk.

14181846? ago

til they stab you in the back.

14179374? ago

OP here. WE ARE. Line members verses Top Leadership. Many active leaders are entirely unaware of the historical lies and other discrepancies within the official church timeline.

14179131? ago

Interesting that Trump pardoned The Bundys: “the other side, he claims that environmentalists, globalists and socialists believe that man has evolved into an intellectually advanced species, and therefore all other species are at a disadvantage. He said the environmentalists believe it’s man’s duty to balance the species and to eliminate much of the human population. He said environmentalism is a religion.

“It is a completely different theology than a Christian theology,” Bundy said.

He said this same group of environmentalists, educated in “government” schools, have infiltrated the lower and middle levels of the LDS Church.

“I know that our church on the lower levels, the mid levels, has been infiltrated by these same people, but not the higher levels,” Bundy said. “I truly believe that those higher levels are honest, good, righteous men who follow the Lord’s guidance and inspiration, and I believe that they will guide us … through these rough times.” https://www.idahostatejournal.com/news/local/ammon-bundy-claims-lds-church-infiltrated-by-socialists/article_af3435a3-2893-5dc4-95a5-590aa695652f.html

14178800? ago

I think there are several stages of woke.

1) you take the red pill and stumble to the restroom to pee...

2) You learn that MSM and Democrats lie to you then you grab your cup of coffee...

3) Help me out here, what is next?...

14180227? ago

Dirty up their minds.

14178823? ago

uhhhhhh that would excompass large volumes of text.

Start em out with the Plan to Save the World.

14178759? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=qEKGPqu92EI :

Mormon Temple blood oath (Pre-1990) recorded w/ hidden camera - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=JcRnk-62CWY :

Mormon Temple Penalties - YouTube

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14178707? ago

Glad you made it out.

14178659? ago

Well, the Catholic Church has huge problems going on internal to it right now - religions in general always need to be digging down and staying vigilant on house cleaning of all the shit stain they always get infected with

14178640? ago

This is why my religion is: Objective Analysis of Evidence.

14178498? ago

Use Mormons as an example or parable of how to wake up normies to the red pill.

The irony is a Mormon realizing the MSM lies while ignoring their own churches extortion.