ardvarcus ago

We all know Mormanism is pulled out of a hat (literally), but the funny thing is, it produces a good family environment that raises decent, law-abiding, truthful children who go on to be successful in their lives. Go figure.

LuvOurPotusDJT ago

Did you say 'good family environment etc." Are we forgetting the rampant incestual relationships, the polygamy and other shit? Thought you were being sarcastic until I read 'go figure'.

belrial ago

Don't forget how their god answers to the US government. Polygamy was mandatory until they wanted statehood. When the US government said Utah could not become a state with polygamy going on. Their god said "LOL jk, no polygamy."


Remove their tax exempt status of these BS cults and see how long they last.

Dougal_McHaggis ago

Mormonism is actually the most legit religion when you realize its about simulated reality. The earth being a computer generated testing ground for "souls". It makes perfect sense from that perspective.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Not sure how that makes it the most legit, unless you are using circular reasoning which presupposes a simulated reality. Even then, many religions have beliefs in a dualism between perceived reality and actual reality which are similar.

Master_Foo ago

I'll grant Joseph Smith's status as one of the fore fathers of science fiction. (The only other author that predates him as far as I can tell is Mary Shelly). I mean, the dude was basically writing a pulp fiction novel about advanced aliens living on another planet.

But, your "simulated reality" interpretation is stretching it a bit much.

Dougal_McHaggis ago

Aliens is scientology not mormonism.

There is actually quite a large sub-cult of mormins that beleive in the simulation theory. I think it's called transhumanist mormonism.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Per the post i am Mormon, and trust me those who leave the church as a result of critical thinking and the pursuit of truth have entertained EVERY option in order to reconcile the facts and save the emotional trauma of the cognitive dissonance. But your supposition is one of many filters from which mental gymnastics take form, the history of the origination and founder are more than enough to compel one back to reason.

Don't think for a moment they have the monopoly on eternal celestial dogma, if its the theology of the mormon faith that intrigues you let me point you to the where smith stole the ideas from.

Dougal_McHaggis ago

Do you think he could have got his info from magic mushrooms or other psychedlic plant messengers?

con77 ago

If we could get a holy war going between Mormons and Scientology.

derram ago :

Mormon Temple blood oath (Pre-1990) recorded w/ hidden camera - YouTube :

Full 1984 Temple Endowment Audio - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

Super_Cooper ago

Was raised Mormon along with a half dozen siblings. Only one of us continued to be Mormon as adults. That religion is so obviously made up. It's like a 19th century version of scientology.

I_Always_Lie ago

So is Christianity. At least all of the miracle shit like walking on water and turning water into wine. Jesus may have been real with a legit message or he may have been a jew psyop. Maybe a little of both?

Super_Cooper ago

Jesus was real and his miracles may have been exaggerated, but I think he really did live. After experiencing a spiritual awakening I recognized his teachings as being true, if not often misinterpreted.

I_Always_Lie ago

Well you don't actually KNOW he was real. Plenty of scholars claim he was made up although I'll spot you most mainstream scholars will say he really did exist. But then the gospels were written well after he died when nobody that lived during his life was left. His teaching could easily be an amalgam of teachings handed down through the ages by different religious sects. Man has been having spiritual awakenings for much longer than the Christian Era. Alternatively the jews may have created Jesus as a means of making docile their enemies. Or maybe Rome created him to jew the jews. Who really knows?

Master_Foo ago

I tell the Christians, "Hey, let's find some common ground, maybe meet somewhere in the middle. I'll accept Jesus was real, if you accept he was just a schizophrenic rabbi."

Pattern_Blind ago

Archeologists have not uncovered anything having to do with the Old Testament. To think the whole Western world revolves kike religious propaganda from 7th Century or so is fucking insane. But I think smarter people than us looked around and saw Idiocracy the Movie happening around them and decided to make up stories with morales and enforced those stories and traditions to unify and control various tribes of savage idiots.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

If you haven't read this please share with your family.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Seems like a CULT to me. @zyklon_B

NoRoyalty ago

It is a cult. I've observed it close up but from the outside. But they won't bother you as long as you don't become a victim - i.e., stay out.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Just to clarify as in the original post. I am a Mormon. I resigned. No need to explain it to me :D

NoRoyalty ago

It was for others' benefit. 😁