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14168645? ago

Shill attack.

Fake and gay.

I see ZERO evidence of any of the OP's baseless claims.

14168846? ago

No record has been provided of the following by the OP:

  1. @PenSHITLORD's appointment as a mod as v/theawakening.
  2. @PenSHITLORD's bans.
  3. @Breadbox's complicitness in upvote farming.

14169049? ago

For your 1 & 2 points I should have archived.

For point 3 that subverse was set up for farming.It is obvious.

14169232? ago

For your 1 & 2 points I should have archived.

No record been provided. Cases closed.

For point 3 that subverse was set up for farming.It is obvious.

Please provide a link to a post or submission by @Breadbox that confirms his complicitness in upvote farming. Record pending.

14169515? ago

Here is a post pens made while still a mod:

14169912? ago

Record of appointment accepted. Thank you.

Grievances with PenSHITLORD's moderating of v/theawakening has already been acknowledged and rectified.

Unless you have a grievance with PenSHITLORD's moderating of v/QRV, you don't have a case.

14170748? ago

Unless you have a grievance with PenSHITLORD's moderating of v/QRV, you don't have a case.

As a user of this sub I have every right to ask why these two were chosen after both engaged in questionable activity.