14171064? ago

OP barking up wrong tree playing games, gets ass handed to him. Nice work.

14168645? ago

Shill attack.

Fake and gay.

I see ZERO evidence of any of the OP's baseless claims.

14172279? ago

Don’t you know evidence doesn’t matter? You don’t need any witnesses either! Accusations only from here on out.

14168846? ago

No record has been provided of the following by the OP:

  1. @PenSHITLORD's appointment as a mod as v/theawakening.
  2. @PenSHITLORD's bans.
  3. @Breadbox's complicitness in upvote farming.

14169188? ago

Yeah, this looks like another SoapboxBanHammer shill attack like their fake rumor about us attacking other Voat communities or all those fake posts claiming to be Neon Revolt begging for up-votes.

It's all designed to create division and get Voat groups to down-vote-brigade each other.

14169300? ago

Ignore them. They're lonely and angry.

14169381? ago

Agreed but there's also a need to step and and leave a warning if their too many legitimate patriots are fooled by their lies.

That fake rumor about us attacking Voat made it to the QRV front page. :-(

14170799? ago

You can't ignore us. You have no idea who we are.

I'm thebuddha. I play complex games with you, all the time. I have been since you got here. I can make you parrot jingoisms, vote, and respond on cue. I'm actually getting really efficient at it - and I'm never suspected until I leave clues. Ever. I've never been caught.

I don't even use alts or manipulate votes. I just gently lead or prod. Appeals to emotion work very well.

You're pretty much locked in here and you have no choice but to read what I write.

Be grateful I'm not malicious.

14169049? ago

For your 1 & 2 points I should have archived.

For point 3 that subverse was set up for farming.It is obvious.

14169232? ago

For your 1 & 2 points I should have archived.

No record been provided. Cases closed.

For point 3 that subverse was set up for farming.It is obvious.

Please provide a link to a post or submission by @Breadbox that confirms his complicitness in upvote farming. Record pending.

14169515? ago

Here is a post pens made while still a mod: https://voat.co/v/theawakening/2719730

14169912? ago

Record of appointment accepted. Thank you.

Grievances with PenSHITLORD's moderating of v/theawakening has already been acknowledged and rectified.

Unless you have a grievance with PenSHITLORD's moderating of v/QRV, you don't have a case.

14170748? ago

Unless you have a grievance with PenSHITLORD's moderating of v/QRV, you don't have a case.

As a user of this sub I have every right to ask why these two were chosen after both engaged in questionable activity.

14169478? ago

The fact that he did not remove the rulebreaking posts speaks for itself.

14169962? ago

Speculative. Please link to a specific submission or post evidencing his complicitness. Record pending.

14170732? ago

Speculative? Obvious troll is obvious.

14168307? ago

Am I correct to assume your mean v/theawakening rather than v/TA?

How is it that you know that @PenSHITLORD is a mod at v/theawakening? I was expecting to see him/her included in the moderator list.

What bans do you refer to? I see one from six days ago: https://voat.co/v/theawakening/about/log/banned

Can you link to @Breadbox's upvote farm?

14168384? ago

How is it that you know that @PenSHITLORD is a mod at v/theawakening?

He was when they first moved.

What bans do you refer to?

All the bans from the first 3-4 days on Voat. Most of them from him.

Can you link to @Breadbox's upvote farm?


14168585? ago

To be fair, your grievance with @PenSHITLORD is quite dated. It's also redundant given that the matter was rectified with the creation v/QRV. Move forward.

Did @Breadbox encourage upvoting? Is see that he's the mod but he's not the creator of any of the four submissions.

14169072? ago

I see that he's the mod

And chose not to remove posts that violate Voat's rules.

14168112? ago