14198469? ago

Does anyone have theories on why POTUS's advisors don't encourage him not to post things on Twitter that make half the country think he's dumb and hate him?? I'm a huge President Trump fan (more because of his results than what he says) but he makes me cringe. Is it an act? Am I so uninformed that I don't have the same information as POTUS that would cause me to hate and be rude to Lebron, etc?? I hate the way as President he calls out individuals such as athletes and picks a fight with them. I would be horrified if President Bill Clinton called me out personally or if Hillary got elected and called me out publically on social media because she didn't like my music or something - I'd be like, "Well that's it. I'm dead. I'm about to be suicided." I find it scary that the most powerful man on the planet calls out people on social media. He could end up getting those people killed on accident by the sheer power of his influence and the vast number of his fans.

14198967? ago

You have to understand the reason we love Trump is because those people need to be insulted. We are beyond sick and tired of those smarmy, politically correct hypocrites acting proper as they commit real harm to Americans. The lying two faced scumbags insult us with their propriety.

14197143? ago

Did you see Vincent Fusca when Trump walked out?

14175558? ago

He is picking up where JFK left off . In his own way. To be sure. Rally’s planned this week in succession. Must be successful . High security and awareness needed. See something; say something . Bikers for Trump. (Bicycle)... Enjoy the show...they have everything.

14173333? ago

"1000 points of light". I think he was quoting George Bush Snr. A message to W? Soon?

14173173? ago

I love that the President took a jibe at the illuminati, but it seems not many people reacted, he mentioned the thousand points of light. The man is a genius!

14173069? ago


Good old American song to listen to. Great lyrics!

14172426? ago

BEST President Ever!

14172424? ago

He is a good guy, a great president and a fantastic show man. I wonder when we'll start seeing him in the wrestling ring again.

14171857? ago

Bless him and pray he is not hoodwinking us for permanent military state control...temporary may be needed....but if this is all a covert angle to take hold and slow cook you with a very low flame...may the father bless him if the fathers will be done.

14171480? ago

Dear Lord, we come to you today to ask that you keep the President and all those who are working to shine a light on darkness safe. Protect them lord, coat them in your armor. Give them strength and comfort them when they need rest. Amen!

14197239? ago


14173126? ago


14172809? ago


14170830? ago

Love #45 period the end

14170053? ago

Trump is the best. We are the luckiest citizens! I am very proud of our POTUS!

14169657? ago

All strength to President Trump

14169431? ago

He sure can pack a stadium. Working hard like he said he would. Pray for a red wave on Nov. 6th. so we can actually Drain the Swamp.

14169220? ago

Did he mention this at all: https://voat.co/v/news/2754792/14164801

14169126? ago

I love it when he trolls the deep state.. "Alice we won't be going out for movie.."

14168896? ago

He's not just the best President ever... he seems to be the best Superman/Batman ever... He's bigger than life, and more surreal than fiction. And, THANK YOU GOD, I love this MAN! The left is full of shit. THIS HERO TRUMP IS THE GREATEST UNIFYING FORCE IN 250 YRS! And he's accomplishing something more impossible than George Washington. And, he's doing it in the wide open whole world... AND ALWAYS BRINGS US TOGETHER WITH GOD!

14172031? ago

Really well said. His rallies are so uplifting, positive, inspiring, and UNITING! He makes it feel so great to be American, again! Too bad the low information haters will never tune in to hear it. They've probably never heard such positive, inspiring talk in their sorry lives.

14168951? ago

Do you remember when they called obummer the Messiah?

14168849? ago

Ever had one of those experiences that's available to anyone, but there's a bunch of naysayers who will never experience it and you end up feeling sorry for them? Nothing has compared to the lead up to the 2016 election for me. I have never felt so sorry for so many people who just refused to 'get it'. They missed one hell of a ride.

Yet. To this day it somehow still persists. The stupid on the left has me no longer feeling sorry for these people, now I'm wondering how I can forgive them.

14169469? ago

Well said, especially the forgiveness part. I wasn’t on board with Trump before the election, but I eventually came around after finding out about Q. This has been one hell of a ride and I’m glad I got to witness this firsthand.

14176048? ago

Welcome to the Trump Train choo choo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwDiPrFCM0M&t=1s

14168829? ago

Donald Trump is the maestro and he is playing the greatest masterpiece ever played

14172045? ago

I hear a little SB2 there. ;-)

14168726? ago

WE HAVE ALL BEEN BLESSED BY HIS PRESENCE. God bless him. God has blessed us with the perfect POTUS for our time.

14168623? ago

He took the media to the woodshed, kicked their ass, then sent them out tarred and feathered. Fucking awesome to watch.

14169033? ago

Always like to hear him list off his vast # of accomplishments too! Love his anecdotes about asking foreign leaders to "pay their share" or some such and their excuse is "no one from US ever asked." Paints a vivid picture of how truly lazy and tone deaf to "we the people" so many of our leaders are. I think we'll shortly be shown what they have been doing with their time and on our dime.

14168470? ago

We are witnessing a true revolution in this country. Make sure you get out and vote so we can keep driving out the forces of evil.

14197208? ago

1776 2.0 !!!

14169831? ago

But I am evil...

14170458? ago

No, I am Spartacus!

14197226? ago

Not so smarticus?

14168436? ago

It's an amazing time to be alive

14168229? ago

Did you see his reaction to DFT leaks Epic!

14168201? ago

Pray for Trump. Did you all see the post about possible AF1 assination attempt from Q #309 post tonight? Whether that is the case or not, the Deep State is in a panic. This is a very dangerous time. May God bless and protect POTUS and all the military and white hats in harms way,

14197175? ago

New info might suggest a 787 flight to Italy. Wonder who was on the plane?

14173416? ago

These animals are desperate - it wouldn't be the first time

14168845? ago

Can u post a link?

14171957? ago

14169671? ago

https://qmap.pub/ - search for post 2298 - as of now it is the latest post and should show up first

Now ask the guy above you how this post shows AF1 was getting shot down.

The picture is not AF1....it is a flight to Italy.

I am a Q believer but the guy above is not giving the full story. Investigate yourself

14177191? ago

Check out Neon Revolts article today. Toward the end he posts a couple of different Anons theories about the meaning of the airplane interior picture. The one about the UK is hard to ignore. https://www.neonrevolt.com/2018/09/30/the-twitter-battlegrounds-newq-qanon-greatawakening-neonrevolt/

Also the date that comes up on the picture for me is April 6th. I saw several people asking.

14173818? ago

Not a 787 flight to TFC (Taormina Harbour), no way. As far as I can tell, there is no airport there. Perhaps this is a code used by seaplanes making water landings.


14172077? ago

I posted the link above, it is here: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2754657

14168027? ago

Yup, even if this Q stuff doesn't work out. Trump has still done a lot and most importantly he prevented Hillary (the most evil and corrupt politician of all time) from getting in.

14168628? ago

It has to work out otherwise Trump is but a minor setback for the cabal.

14170020? ago


14167883? ago

He is INCREDIBLE! God bless him.

14167876? ago

He was in rare form. Awesomeness

14167842? ago

I am so grateful for Pres Trump everyday... he takes no shit and I love that about him..

14167794? ago

Best president ever , I love this man . We are witnessing history in the making we have never had a president that fought for his constituency like this .

14177228? ago

Fighting to preserve the Constitution.

14167744? ago

Yeah how did we get so lucky!!!! Love him!

14167689? ago
