herestothefuture ago

praying medic helps to clarify.... i had the time line till i looked at it again time of day it happened

trich1972 ago

Thats two that we know of now!

ScarletSabre ago

God Bless POTUS. Locked and loaded Patriots will be needed. WWG1WGA

Aaronkin ago

I must be missing something. What do you see in AlertBAHWx71_Z9.png that indicates AF1? All the evidence I have seen shows the photo is from a United 787 Polaris Business Class section.

ShaneE11183386 ago

Anything to do with the f35 crash?

DebGS54 ago

Father God, You are our almighty protector. In Psalm 91 you tell us He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust. we give thanks to You for Your holy protection of our President Donald Trump and his family. And for a hedge of protection over and around all Your people in the White House, congress, judicial branch. We cover all those helping and protecting our President and Vice President. Cover all Your people Father in the blood of Christ. We give thanks to you and ask this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen

QAnonCub33 ago

Air traffic control zones are named using Zxx. Miami = ZMA, Jacksonville = ZJX, DC = ZDC. 381 is alititude = 38,100 feet. I don’t know what zone [des_TFC] is refering to, to it is in the target brackets. Q is probably saying that he is flying in a Boeing 787 on the way to the WV rally and the Air National Guard is on high alert protecting what ever ATC zone they fly through.

Christosgnosis ago

Well, James Comey did take that selfie of himself standing in front of Abe Lincoln at Mt. Rushmore

Time to take Comey to Gitmo and water board interrogate his treasonous ass

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Cree ago

What is behind the seat in the picture? I see what looks like sunglasses and part of a face.

fogdryer ago

fogdryer ago

I feel sick!!

carmencita ago

No one is covering this on MSM. Not doubting it by any means at all. But really, the Pres. being shot at? Huge News.

CryptoWeb ago

What does SPLASH stand for? Special Program to List the Amplitude of Surge from Hurricanes (US FEMA) ??????

What does AIRG stand for? Asset Identification and Removal Group (various locations) AIRG abbreviation seems fitting.

So I guess at least that group is in high alert.

"Check_in_Z[des_TFC]381" might mean "Check in XXX (operative)". ?

bigbaldjohnny ago

AIRG - Air National Guard - Its a NOTAMs check. Looks like they splashed a bogie!

eclipsebrk ago

no way I was just going to ask for someone to explain that post...

Anamcara1 ago

When will this craziness stop?

17762018 ago

Planefags, TFC (a destination)?

M-T_45 ago

Our military needs to take charge of the deep state now before they succeed in killing anyone else. I believe the CIA is responsible for the missile attacks on AF1 and other planes that come down. Of course I do not know, just a hunch. This is our most dangerous time. So proud of the military for protecting our President. No man is braver than he.

Are_we_sure ago

No, it's not. Stop with the drama.

rmcline4 ago

BAHW=911 Alert911

Kaynin ago

Darn POTUS has survived more attempts to assacinate him than Hitler did, and those are just the ones we know about.

GodsAngell ago


Chickanon ago

I have also seen references to the Sky is Falling on Patriotsawoken on the 8chan. We all know that most small aircraft crashes aren't accidents they are hits.

Chickanon ago

Got a tip on Twitter. That it is Code for meaning that an unidentified aircraft will be shot out of the sky.

SaltyAF ago

Mr. have my permission to RETURN FIRE, not just at their bullets, but at the SCUM shooting them. YOU HAVE IT ALL. Give Maddog the go-ahead to FIGHT BACK!

KYanon ago

I googled Jet crash in SC...and a pic of crash came up next to Fords picture. ..(like both are connected)

Type-o-Negative ago

Havent been great at keeping count, but would this be the 14th attempt then? The only thing I keep count on is praying every day that God keeps him and our troops safe with the armour of God protecting them from the evil swine that wishes to harm them.

kathydiane ago

AIRG: Airgain, Inc. (NASDAQ: AIRG), a leading provider of advanced antenna technologies used to enable high performance wireless networking across a broad range of devices and markets, including connected home, enterprise, automotive, and Internet of Things (IoT), today announced the release of its CENTURION family of 9-in-1 antennas. The CENTURION antennas deliver industry leading performance in a significantly smaller footprint than competitive solutions.

mostlysafe8 ago

I can believe this.

lowmaintlow ago

Possible. Wikileaks also just made a huge drop.

73s ago

IDK the message came long after the F36 went down. I have a relative who is non com officer in National Guard. I called another relative to see if he had heard, said got a call but missed it and now no answer --doesn't have secure number to contact relative.

Agrees splash, Z check in.

SemperFortis99 ago

Splash1 means an enemy aerial asset was taken out/ down! Therefore, a white hat asset ( aerial) took out an enemy component (black hat, - aircraft or missile)!

DebGS54 ago

These black hats just love using planes. They are sick and evil

IDaMan ago

I just saw fusco in the crowd

42641 ago

There was just a clip on Fox from the rally and I saw him too!!!! If POTUS were facing crowd Fusca would be approx.15 people over from POTUS right shouldter in the approx. 3rd row up. 100% it was him.

MatildaQ ago

I did too!! Seems he gets the VIP seats. It wasn’t until the end that the camera panned to POTUS left that I spotted him.

42641 ago

What location in reference to Prez?

IDaMan ago

Was a close up shot of the arena crowdfading out. Could not tell but looked like a mezanine

Qdog ago

Numerous attempts on POTUS since November 2017. I can't wait to know how they stopped every attempt

Type-o-Negative ago

I think you may need to ask God on that one.

Gumbynator ago

Flight 381 to tfc airport in Italy

WanderingTaurus ago

The (original) image when opened in notepad looks different than normal images (starts off with a LOT of "D"s and at end of text has several blank lines before just a few letters but I have yet to figure out how to decipher what is helpful in image text data.

usa100000 ago

AirG is a Canadian mobile software company.

Sugar_Cat_Dancer ago

From urban dictionary Z9 When playing a video game involving an area that you need to capture and a member of your team rushes in and captures the area singlehandedly

Kill-Commies ago

what fake ass bullshit are you fags going on about this time?

Type-o-Negative ago

Oh we were talking about how your mom loves having a train run on her even after you were born niggerfaggot. Try to catch up slowfuck.

patriot2008 ago

Z= zulu time? 381? [des= description - TFC = traffic]?

Stopmotionhistory ago

LOL, really. So how does this save the country. It seems to instill allegiance. Be careful patriots.

Pickzilla ago

This looks like the thread

StormVet6 ago


Pickzilla ago

Props brother!

StormVet6 ago

You too, man!!

SPUD21 ago

Whta a terrible clickbait title, total fabrication.

CryptoWeb ago

This so true. Planting of false/fabricated narrative-thinking? Disturbing the Q forums.? Stay focused

Consistent_Peace ago

We always do but we need to pray for and cover POTUS in our prayers even more than before. "No weapon formed against (him) will prosper" God gave us that and we must stand on it. God has ordained POTUS for such a time as this !

dias17se ago

Trump is safe dont worry, as long as he worships Israel.

dunklederf ago

souds like air force ones Jew-dar worked correctly, and they successfully intercepted the incoming hook-nosed threat!

Skeeterdo ago

Doesn't it bother you that he hasn't asked for god forgiveness?

Thedametruth ago

For what? And how do you know he hasn’t?

StarAnon ago

No. There are as many belief systems, as there are patriots. Respect for "Freedom of Religion" is important in this country. Besides, since that video was made, he could have asked for forgiveness, and moved on to walking his Christian path, leaving the past in the past.

PatriotsCloset ago

Acts 10: 34-35 NIV

"Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right."


"34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him."

He plainly said he always try's to do what is right.

Next is once he decided he needed to help right our country from the evil that is, I am sure he educated himself on what makes countries fall and what makes them flourish.

The scientific community is loaded with science that dictates religious moral standards for a country to survive and even thrive.

The communist tactics are clear, longstanding and public. To take down a country, you tear down the churches, then family structure and then the rest is literally all down hill from there.

Every single country that removes family and religion always fall, and has always fallen throughout history.

Multiculturalism is strictly forbidden in the Bible from Genesis to the maps. It's leads down a dark and deadly road.

A good place to start researching is Jordan Peterson's' walk through the Bible. It's long, grueling, but well worth the effort.

Even if he is not a believer, he has already started implementing support for christian based religious organizations. So even if he is not a believer, he most likely believes the science and has therefore already taken positive action for people of faith.

What's amazing to me is the fact that his timing was perfect. He entered the race while we were in our final steps of becoming communist (socialism is a form of communism). We were literally at the apex of decision on the direction our country was headed. It was a critical time because were were at a 3 way intersection.

The 3 way intersections are falling to communism like Venezuela, taking back our country via the peoples power to vote or civil war.

Aren't you grateful Trump stepped in when he did with the knowledge he had acquired where a true believer or not?

Thedametruth ago

They pray every morning in the OO

PatriotsCloset ago

I am aware, was just throwing in more information and possibilities.

poiuty ago

That is old now. And only prompts me to pray for him more.

bb22 ago

Always putting confessional time with the young boys first huh Father Faggot?

Consistent_Peace ago

Yes it does. But he came in the office a baby Christian. Go to bing and type "Is Trump a modern day cyrus: He has advisors over him, (spiritual) pray meetings and Bible Studies. He is growing in his faith. Kim Clemente prophesized he would come and be a 2 term president that people would scream impeach but there would be no impeachment. He also saw him getting 3 SC candidate's through which Im guessing will be in this first 4 years. I didn't elect a Pastor. I elected a business man to clean this crap up. Hiring sold out Jimmy Carter did nothing for us. SO yes it bothers but yes I pray for him. It was he or the baby killer

e baby killer man hater than visited Haitian witch doctors and did many other bad things. I would take him anyday.

kanon7 ago

Amen and Double AMEN!

PatriotsCloset ago

Acts 10: 34-35 NIV

"Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right."


"34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him."

He plainly said he always try's to do what is right.

Next is once he decided he needed to help right our country from the evil that is, I am sure he educated himself on what makes countries fall and what makes them flourish.

The scientific community is loaded with science that dictates religious moral standards for a country to survive and even thrive.

The communist tactics are clear, longstanding and public. To take down a country, you tear down the churches, then family structure and then the rest is literally all down hill from there.

Every single country that removes family and religion always fall, and has always fallen throughout history.

Multiculturalism is strictly forbidden in the Bible from Genesis to the maps. It's leads down a dark and deadly road.

A good place to start researching is Jordan Peterson's' walk through the Bible. It's long, grueling, but well worth the effort.

Even if he is not a believer, he has already started implementing support for christian based religious organizations. So even if he is not a believer, he most likely believes the science and has therefore already taken positive action for people of faith.

What's amazing to me is the fact that his timing was perfect. He entered the race while we were in our final steps of becoming communist (socialism is a form of communism). We were literally at the apex of decision on the direction our country was headed. It was a critical time because were were at a 3 way intersection.

The 3 way intersections are falling to communism like Venezuela, taking back our country via the peoples power to vote or civil war.

Aren't you grateful Trump stepped in when he did with the knowledge he had acquired where a true believer or not?

Matildaroo ago

This was an older clip and I think since he is around more believers now, he might have a better since of what faith and a relationship with Christ is all about. We can't know anyone's heart but we can know them by their fruit. I am talking about his current actions when I talk about fruit. Pray for him, pray that he has a good relationship and pray that if he doesn't that he will find it.

mismacheta ago

Your preacher or priest will tell you to ask for forgiveness. I don't know of of a scripture that requires it. Repentance is being honest with yourself and the spirit of god that knows the condition of every man's heart. Repentance isn't oh fuck I'm sorry, it's changing your heart and ways. Fucking semantics. What he says in this clip is rather than telling your neighbor you are sorry that you ran over his mailbox and just saying forgive me, you build him a better mailbox and do right by him. What does that say? it's actions over words which are meaningless if not backed up by the substance of doing right which is true repentance.

JackRabbit48 ago

Your preacher or priest... I so agree with your statement! Forgiveness comes from the self and not anyone else. Without the physical action that you described, "Sorry" means nothing as it is only a temporary comfort to one who has wronged another. Just as compassion in, "Thoughts and prayers" is hollow unless an action follows. I adhere to no religion and embrace spirituality. GOD IS! The hundreds of thousand of prayers for Peace that have been sent over the years brought results in the Victory of DJT being elected as President. This battle is between Good and evil and the continuation of sincere prayer (in Love rather than fear) will bring about a Victory for We the People of the world.

URQ2 ago


otterwalks ago

The image insert is of United’s Business First product on the 787 Dreamliner... The TFC reference may well be to Taormina Harbour Airport -Taormina, Italy. The drop as a whole was likely meant for specific receivers, but it be be a reference to Italy's Conti having made statements about immigration policy while in flight & on route to the U.N. this past week.

pwdwp ago

TFC abbreviation is used for Trooper First Class but also for traffic so I think des_TFC they want to destroy traffic, right?

abbreviation source:

Revodude ago

Destination: Taormina Airport IATA Code: TFC Italy. Did a plane get shot down near there or go down near there?

akilyoung ago

Des could be destination too.

Revodude ago

BAH is Bahrain. Bahrain west?
Sakhir Air Base? Bahrain National Guard HQ And it is the X-37b space plane. X-71 was in the movie Armageddon

pwdwp ago

True it could mean "destination", thanks!

TexasDeplorable1135 ago

Or Data Encryption Standard

Type-o-Negative ago

I would say great idea, but DES is deprecated and they are using AES now.

1scm ago

Good guess. However, it could be something different. I believe the answer is in the picture which prominently shows an aisle seat in 1st class. I dont think this is on AF1. So why show this aisle seat? Did someone try to fly the coup and hastily depart the country? Did the Air Nat Guard intercept and divert this plane? Remember the Atlanta airport extraction. Also, remember this is another suicide weekend with a lot of rats running for their lives.

otterwalks ago

WanderingTaurus ago

Oops, sorry. Just saw you posted same airliner. Definitely the Polaris.

Pickzilla ago

Q's pic is spot on every detail of the 787 business class. That's what it is. Good Dig! Now to put it in context with the other parts of the crumbs

Uptosomething ago

The Dreamliner is built in Charleston, SC

StormVet6 ago


forever30 ago

The interior of business class planes are very unique to each airline. The pic is definately of a KLM 747 business class section. No other airline matches those particular seats and the black TV Monitors.

sweatybetty ago

AirFrance 737-300 has 381 seats. TFC is the airport code for Taormina, Italy (Sicilia)

WanderingTaurus ago

United Airlines 787 Polaris Business Class Review

otterwalks ago

Good vid... Imagine all of the VOC's in that thing...

TimeOutofJoint ago

Yeah -- it's a 787. Look at the windows. The 787 has really large windows.

mybeardismymanifesto ago

Not only are the windows large, but below them you can see the button/switch to control the electronic dimming of the window, a unique feature of the 787.

LurkMaster ago

divider is wrong, its the 787.

otterwalks ago

United’s Business First product on the 787 Dreamliner... [ Here]( Here)

forever30 ago

The seats are wrong....have a look at this and see what you think.

StormVet6 ago

Interesting. I did not know that. The thing is, since the current aircraft used for AF1 is a 747, there is always a possibility they got the idea from somewhere. Not discounting your theory. Thanks!

Hiker03 ago

President Trump was supposed to leave Andrew's at 5 pm to Wheeling WV for a rally.

TexasDeplorable1135 ago

Notice the departure time 17:45

otterwalks ago

United’s Business First product on the 787 Dreamliner...[ Link:](United’s Business First product on the 787 Dreamliner... Link:

NorthernFront ago

So why the picture of the plane seat then?

StormVet6 ago

Probably to show Q is up there too, posting somewhere where no one is sitting at that moment so as to not dox anyone.

RecceRat ago

Agreed, but then I saw the tech and wondered if it had any reference to previous about censorship steeping up, GOOG, FB etc? Just thinking out loud really.............

Hiker03 ago

Idk I couldn't make much of anything out of that pic so I concentrated on the name of the pic. Was AF1 in the air today? If it was its possible it was targeted along with the other two planes that went down today.

Freebird2 ago

Trump was headed to W. Virginia today.

kiwiblack ago

Look at the first monitor picture...I see a few things odd.

Freebird2 ago

In Q’s pic, they have blocked out something in the plane window, but the reflection is still on the TV monitor to the left of the window. Looks very bright. Explosion maybe?

Hiker03 ago

I don't know About that but an X-71 are the new mini shuttles. 2 planes including an F35 went down in Lindsey Graham's state today. I think it's saying they shot down the X71..splash one X

wgvdl ago

Bah - bahrain international airport.

any idea what Wx71 coudl mean?

looks like a 747 resting on Bah.

variable ago

Aren't those fictional shuttles from the movie Armageddon? I haven't seen anything saying they're actual shuttles we have designed. There was a page on a military shuttle of that designation called Spacebird, but the page is deleted.

Type-o-Negative ago

I thought those were the shuttles hussein had in orbit for years at a time orbitting the Earth on classified missions. Well that is what they said, probably used on moon base missions or whatever they got up there.

variable ago

Who said that? I've been searching for a while and can't find anything.

variable ago

37 isn't 71. Saw plenty of that in my searching.

Type-o-Negative ago

Who said 71? I said shuttle and located a link, if you are going to be a dick about it, then look it up without asking questions.

variable ago

The deleted comment said 71. The entire link to the shuttle was he said X71 was referring to mini shuttles that supposedly existed. They don't. x37 do, which is fine, it's not me being a dick here at all. I'm just clarifying facts. X71 shuttles are from a movie.

Type-o-Negative ago

Oh my bad, I didnt see the deleted comment. my apologies.

Pickzilla ago

Read online that 2 were actually built. Can't vouch for validity

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

Is deep state sending Graham a message regarding his outbursts at the hearing?

Rhondaher ago

That was my first thought and I believe you are right. The deep state is not happy with Lindsey. No doubt he has been set free from them by Trump and now he is all in with taking them down. Two planes going down in SC is a direct threat to Lindsey. Probably meaning he is next if he crosses the deep state again.

StormVet6 ago

Interesting thought!

Pickzilla ago

Very interesting thought. Grahambo!!

RecceRat ago

Must admit to reading it also as splash 1x as in target...... Also noted F35b down and corporate fell off the runway! More research for me then!

TeeKayDee ago

DJT mentioned missles and rockets going up in his speech earlier

poiuty ago

At the WV rally?

Fratricide62 ago

X-71 (Movie... Hollywood) not real. It has to refer to some thing else and not the X-71 Shuttles Freedom & Independence from the movie Armageddon.

Cree ago

What’s behind the seat? Lower right.

amarQ144 ago

it wouldn't be the first movie/story reference...ideas?

Quinceberry ago

wow very cool!

RecceRat ago

Initially thought similar because of the mil speak Splash 1 (although we used it more in arty targets) different folks ehh?

have a read and see if this make any sense? I am probably way off, but interesting about filtering content etc..... Regards.

Zynn ago

We used it for Abrams targets as well. Splash or no-splash after firing the main gun.

otterwalks ago

Close. The dividers are different. Q's match the 787. Still working the Alert BAH/W... Be back. The system wiped my mail. took a while to find my way back here.

StormVet6 ago

My first unit was arty as well, but it is used when taking down aircraft as well. HOOAH!!

bman0321 ago

Converging sheaf, fire for effect. Record as target.

StormVet6 ago

Shot, out!!

bman0321 ago

Splash, over.

Quinceberry ago

8chan anons are narrowing in on possible planes - perhaps it was an attempt to take down a commercial airline? One pic had a photo from a United plane that resembled this very closely.

StormVet6 ago

Hope they find it and POTUS says something about it this time.

akilyoung ago

Is this tied to SKY EVENT or SKY IS FALLING?

Blockedassylm ago


StormVet6 ago

SKY EVENT? Maybe. SKY IS FALLING was most likely the Dims in the Senate!!

akilyoung ago

Yes sky event. Search Qpub

StormVet6 ago

I’ve seen in another thread where they are tying in the X71, so I’m beginning to believe both are right!! Thank you!!

Old_longtooth ago

That was my thought as well. The brown stuff has hit fan. The deep state is not to be underestimated. Soon anons are going to be needed to do things other than memes. Especially in big cities. Lock and load patriots

Aaronkin ago

I understand your concerns, but remember Q post 1664. Trust the plan!

Bonez- ago

I'm already doing.... Suggesting red votes to everyone who'll listen. I suggest you all do the same.

Predestinarian ago

I don't doubt they are trying to kill us off.... As Q said... "HUMANITY IS AT STAKE!"

URQ2 ago

I live in the biggest city in my state. I’ve noticed LOTS more out of state tags here than normal. Be a Good Scout. BE PREPARED!

42641 ago

Your comment just gave me chills. Thank you Anons!!! Thank you.

DebGS54 ago

We need each Anons!

Pickzilla ago

Prepared for zombie apocalypse

StormVet6 ago

And keep your powder dry!!

akilyoung ago

Shit... i was wondering what that meant. Trump NEEDS a space force to protect him!

bwarren2010 ago

He has one! Eric Prince of Blackwater...has already shot down two other attempts

Qanonplus1 ago

Where can I read about this?

Blacksmith21 ago

Yeah. Nextgen merc shit now. They've identified the Patriots and built a counter Deep State assault force (with full support infrastructure) and farmed it out to an FSG entity.

URQ2 ago

Need RedNeck Translation please.

Blacksmith21 ago

Erik Prince's latest operation is under the employ of the White Hats.

URQ2 ago


Qanonplus1 ago

Yes, where can we read about this?

Tiptoper619 ago

sounds interesting please explain some more if possible....

Billuminati ago

Maybe theyre already underground?

Consistent_Peace ago

He has better than that, he has God almighty by his side ! Safest place to be in the world right now is with POTUS>

StormVet6 ago

Boys and girls in Blue are doing their jobs well today. Space Force will damn sure help.