RED OCTOBER = Russian Collusion! Mueller has the October Surprise (QRV)
submitted 6.4 years ago by 2754842?
1.THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER was the Russian Collusion Investigation!
By Q posting over and over RED OCTOBER now and removing "THE HUNT FOR", he is saying the search for Russian colusion is OVER!
If this happens, the entire PREMISE of resisting Trump collapses! How many stooges have been saying "puppet of putin blah blah". They will be forced to realize it WAS ALL A LIE! The normies will be freed unconsciously.
This is the October surprise! People are going to be pissed. This recent motif of innocent men being accused (Kavanaugh fresh on the mind) of false crimes is going to hit its fever pitch and drive home the rest of the GOP votes we need to fucking destroy the democrat party.
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14165277? 6.4 years ago
Red October is another name for the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia (Wikipedia)
Maybe Q is wanting us to see further into the Russian revolution, maybe hinting at what the dems are trying to pull? Idk, just a thought.
14165307? 6.4 years ago
I think Q is telling us to look for news of Trump being cleared of russian collusion. The witch "hunt" is over!
14167350? 6.4 years ago
Hi thebudda
14167374? 6.4 years ago
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14165277? ago
Red October is another name for the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia (Wikipedia)
Maybe Q is wanting us to see further into the Russian revolution, maybe hinting at what the dems are trying to pull? Idk, just a thought.
14165307? ago
I think Q is telling us to look for news of Trump being cleared of russian collusion. The witch "hunt" is over!
14167350? ago
Hi thebudda
14167374? ago