14034720? ago

I think the patriots here should start asking question as to why the cabal are trying so hard to destroy Neonrevolt credibility... is it because he talked about the Payseur? He released too much pedo stuff? Red doors, white rabbits, MKultra?

Go read that and if you are not a schill you will never be able to tell me the guy is not on our side:


Guys maybe its time to stand for those who are on our side and downvote and report the cabal.

14034854? ago

it's because I sell shirts for shekels but don't pay my dues to them

14034696? ago

Fine example - of why this new group is not taken seriously by other anons. Why the movement is splitting. Good job, "Patriot."

14034722? ago

I'm here fighting the shills and protecting muh wife's reputation and you shit on me for it?

14034654? ago

Grow up and focus on important issues. This is not fucking Kindergarten. You are wasting your potential, "digital soldier."

14034688? ago

excuse me, but I invest a lot of time into my neonrevolt wordpress blog and I think the matter of who is fucking my wife is an important issue

14034204? ago

This is another, typical, SoapboxBanHammer attack against Voat.

SBBH is the Reddit equivalent of TopMindsOfReddit - they dedicate themselves to attacking pro-Trump communities.

Most of the disgusting pictures and spam misinformation you see being posted here and to TheAwakening are from these Mossad agents.

Be vigilant.

14034772? ago

They will downvote you to hell just because you wrote this...

14034923? ago

Yes, they are that stupid.

14034171? ago

Do you clean up the creampie after?

14034191? ago

I want to but Mr. Al'shafar says that's the work of a woman

14034210? ago

You can be one, modern medicine can do it for you. See Caitlin Jenner

14034242? ago

this is considered haram by the religion of peace unfortunately

14034289? ago

Just invoke taqiya and do what you want then.

14034106? ago

Will the real NeonRevolt please stand up...

14034757? ago

He can't reply of post anymore on VOAT the cabal downvoted him too much.

14035814? ago

Or he could use a new name, continue to post, and not try to name fag to line his pockets.

His only issue with that is it affects his following and his money.


14038800? ago

Ok, Neon is with the cabal because he sells t-shirt to pay his server traffic, but when VOAT ask for money its ok?


14040741? ago

Voat is a platform that serves more than Q.

So yes a business is allowed to make money or ask for donations (especially a non-profit).

No, an anonymous "patriot" who cares about the movement is not above criticism and mockery for bring hypocritical.

Voat, a business, is not equivalent to an anonymous person profiting off of a movement. If neon was honest about their motives, they'd continue posting on their site and let the quality of their work drive traffic.

Instead, neon wants to have recognition and authority at a minimum. No one is stopping neon for sharing info - people are stopping neon from whoring out the movement.

You're trying to compare apples to water. It's not a good look on you.

14040226? ago

Neon's owner runs a site for about 300 USD per year. I checked the setup https://builtwith.com/neonrevolt.com - all the traffic is run through cloudflare who manage the traffic for free. All the while his only product is a 30 usd Q hat, not a neon revolt piece of merch but a Q piece of merch.


A website being run not for profit, that costs the same each week at least to run, where an anon, me @lostandfound, pointed out the accounts were all dry again.

Yeah that's the same thing

14034565? ago

I just said this in my mind!!!! Maybe NeonRevolt needs to apply for the game show.