14022531? ago

Why won't my points go up? Look at my comment history: @neonrevolt. I am still in the negatives even after a bunch of you brigaded my account with votes.

14006602? ago

I'm the real @neonrevolt OP is an imposter, otherwise he'd know that CCP doesn't matter to someone like me at all, as long as I can watch brown men fuck my wife that's all I need in life.

14006548? ago

I saw on Gab someone called you out (Neon) specifically about this post. are you going to answer that or not?

14008565? ago

They are shills. They are part of the hate brigade that is voting me down.

14011320? ago


14006414? ago

OP @neonrevolt here calling in from tel aviv I'm a big kike and I suck big black cocks, give me shekels goyim you owe me for my brave selling of shirts. If I don't profit off your movement who will?

14004673? ago

nice try. NR wouldnt be that stupid to post such BS.

14004563? ago

Oh look it’s microdick again!!

14004354? ago

We owe you nothing and how dare you have the arrogance to proclaim we do. We owe Q a huuge ThanQ but otherwise it is your duty as an American, No? you just lost me as a follower bc of this ridiculous post. I would hope that someone is just messing w you and you really didn't say this. If you didn't, or even better if you did, how about post it on your page or Gab. Then I will know for sure what I am hearing and now seeing from you is real.

14008603? ago

Check my last article. I did ask all of you to vote me up and NONE of you did!

14004304? ago

Sorry NEON, I’m too busy waiting for Cerial Brain to tell me what to think.

14004062? ago

No one owes you.

14004054? ago

Owe you? Some folks have spoken up, voted, promoted the cause and Trump, and lost EVERYTHING (job, house, car, family). You expect your backside kissed?

I like your work and appreciate it wholeheartedly. Do I owe you?


14003289? ago

Hi, @bullshit here. Go away!!

14002904? ago

This is @NeonRevolt. I'm still waiting....

14002735? ago

Hi, Re read my post 1519

No one person is above another.

We are in this together.



14008623? ago

For the work I do you all need to support me.

14010281? ago

You sound like private Pile.

14001985? ago

@neonrevolt here, hello.

14001562? ago

seems legit lol

14001244? ago

not buying

14001154? ago

Leave Neon alone you lowlife.

14001027? ago

Recently I had a situation where even if I was right it didn’t matter. The long term goals mattered. So, maybe 2-3 groups are best and we can get together later.

14001005? ago

Low effort troll post trying to trash Neon's reputation.

Why the fuck would Neon post to an anonymized Voat sub where he can't gain CCP and ask for up-votes.


Try harder next time shill.

14001098? ago

I can't post with my account. I have an alt account that I use to vote up my ccp and that of the other mods but I don't want to reveal it. Go into my profile and vote up my comments. It will only take you around 20 minutes. Be honest, are you really doing anything more important than getting the leader of the Q researchers back in the game?

14011229? ago

Nice try!

14001136? ago

What is your primary Voat username?

Why can't you contribute to other Voat subs and discussions to gain CCP, like the rest of us?

14006420? ago

it's because he's a kike

14001202? ago

I am @neonrevolt. I write the biggest Q blog on the internet. The majority of the users who came to Voat came because I told them to come here.

I don't have to contribute anything to the cesspool outside of the Q subs.

14006453? ago

ha nice try shill, do you really think a good patriot would behave like a arrogant, conceited asshole? you can't fool me.

14001052? ago

I get CCP here

14001089? ago

No you don't. See the FAQ.

14000989? ago

I've got to grow some F's to give on my farm... It's going to take a long time.

14000945? ago

Don't care who you are, you can fuck right off with that attitude.

14000981? ago


14000883? ago

@neonrevolt here again. I forgot to mention how I am seriously getting pissed off at the lack of blowjobs I'm being offered by the community.

14001221? ago

Stop trying to ruin my reputation. You aren't me. And people can tell because the OP in these anonymized discussions shows up in a different color font.

14001582? ago

We're all me. We're all faggots here.

14003990? ago

I am Negan.

14012029? ago

Well. We both get that reference, so we're both retarded. I'll see you on the short bus comrade.