14001104? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'This is @neonrevolt. Why won't you people vote my ccp up already?' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply from @14001089:

No you don't. See the FAQ.

This notification (#711) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

13986048? ago


13983956? ago

I want the ability to downvoat to throw out the garbage posts... Guess I need to try and get 100 upvoats to do that?

13980191? ago

Is it possible to be the newest member and already feel older than the oldest fags around?

13978441? ago

I need 10 CCP to post... please someone upvote this comment for me and thanks

13978537? ago

Upvoats on v/QRV don't get you CCP.

Check out v/all or v/GreatAwakening and earn it there. Be careful though, the people will downvoat you into negatives and you'll be further from +10 if you don't do it the right way.

13978438? ago

Thank you Board Owner for setting this up. Looking for upvoats. :)

13978559? ago

Upvoats on v/QRV don't get you CCP. Check out v/all or v/GreatAwakening and earn it there. Be careful though, the people will downvoat you into negatives and you'll be further from +10 if you don't do it the right way.

13978281? ago

thanks for making it simple for us newbies!

13976772? ago

TLDR; Be independent. Be motivated. Don't expect reward.

Don't be a faggot.

13976372? ago

Newbie here! Prob won’t post much but love to read! WWG1WGA!

13976148? ago

Where do we find our points tally?

13978594? ago

Next to your username on the top bar you'll see a string of numbers with | between them. The third number (blue) is your CCP.

13976134? ago

Thanks for the explanation.

13975673? ago

i don't understand how to use this!

13975495? ago

Your user names listed as numbers, are they the same throughout or do the numbers change every day or something?

13978655? ago

Randomly generated but you can tell who the topic creator is by the [S] next to their name.

I'm the OP for this thread so you'll see the [S] by my name as an example.

13975066? ago

I am grateful for voat's constitutional right to speak freely! Thank you. Mebeshea

13974249? ago

I was told there would be rare Pepes and pie

13974193? ago

ok, thanks for the tips!

13974192? ago


13974151? ago

As a gay jewish black man, it's going to be impossible for me to get the upvotes. This place HATES fags, kikes, and niggers.

13973713? ago

Very frustrated, I really dont want to have to “earn” CCP elsewhere. Voat is full of porn and other ickie stuff. Suprised Q would even recommend it for us normines. And I like usernames, it helps me know whether to trust certain users or not. (For instance - what if Q posted on 8ch with no username? How could we gain any trust?) Whole thing peeves me... Guess I’ll just be stuck lurking. ☹️

13972887? ago

This site is cumbersome.

13972245? ago


13971976? ago

Night mode for the win!

13971685? ago

Thank you so much for making this. I was confused AF

13970950? ago

Well said, Anon: Maybe you (or some concerned Anon like you) should start a dedicated bread just for NewFags/rGA or whomever and have it linked to when you sign up for VOAT. I've seen some pretty good Tips and advice on usage (like what you posted) so far. I believe it would be a great service to all who are or want to be affiliated with this 'Historic' movement. What better way for one Patriot to help out another. Sites like this one, 8chan, etc. can be intimidating to NewFags and any help along the way I know would be much appreciated. After all, isn't this a major part of being Red Pilled? Being able to participate in the movement. Thanks for your advise so far, it helps. WWG1WGA

13970149? ago

you don't need votes in an anonymous sub

13978851? ago

But you do need downvoats if you're going to get all the holocaust and other various Voat topics off our front page. The old Goats can upvoat and downvoat us. You need points to show you've assimilated into their culture and the right to control what we see on our board.

Until then you're going to see unrelated content clustering the hot page and it will become frustrating for the normies.

13979155? ago

Post some new content : ) Voting should be used to encourage good/relevant articles and submissions. It encourages the OP and others to be the best they can be.

13969991? ago

Click your username, check NSFW did a lot good for me. Takes you immediately to /v/QRV. Clicking Q's link first brought me to GreatAwakening.

13969804? ago

Why couldn't Q simply create their own board? I don't like this and don't understand why we would have to be on someone else's board, having to learn their culture etc when a board dedicated to Q for Q makes way more sense...

13970192? ago

Perhaps he wants to teach folks not to keep falling for "thought leaders" like Corsi, Posobiec and Neon. Goats have horns, which is very bad for the wolves.

13969521? ago

up votes please :)

13969135? ago

I will upvote QUALITY posts + discussion on /v/programming, if anyone is up to the challenge...

13968687? ago

cheers, bo needs to explain that you need to enable NSFW. took me ages, i thought voat frontpage was QRV for ages. was wondering why all the natives were complaining.

13968528? ago

FUck Yeah!

13968360? ago


13968054? ago


Go to /v/GreatAwakening ... it's the original Voat sub for Q. Participate there like you normally would and you'll have 10 CCP shortly. Do not ask for upvotes, because the natives do not like that very much and you can get yourself negative CCPs in the process.

13969130? ago

Can confirm. Longtime Voat user. I down-vote faggots who whine about ccp. Then I pm all my friends to down-vote them. Plus all of the alts each of us have. Then the user has to make a new account. And there is much rejoicing.

13973786? ago

Geesh. Are there nothing but teenagers living in basements here?

13967815? ago

I suggest educating yourself about the fucking kikes and asking questions along those lines as the most productive means for gaining ccp. Actually engage though voat is notoriously good at sniffing out the shills

13967644? ago

Thanks new to voat

13967354? ago


13967240? ago

Thank you for the clarification! I think it's better that way.

13967219? ago

I've been re-reading through the topic a lot and I do want to clarify that I absolutely love that Q has sanctioned v/QRV and I plan to use this as my primary board. I've only mentioned other subverses so that everyone can get at least 10 CCP so we're not reading topics from the same X amount of people over and over.

There's ~400 online on the "OG" Q board right now. Here on v/QRV ? ~3200. A lot of you are new and that's okay.

We all deserve a voice and to have our thoughts challenged.


13967174? ago


13967138? ago

Newfag here! Thank you for the information. It's greatly appreciated.

13966865? ago

Omg I'm newfag only lurk on boards this board isn't easy

13966801? ago

Supercalafragalurker here....This is gonna be freakin' AWESOME!!!

13966740? ago

thanks so much friend

13966441? ago

Thanks for helping us newbies out!

13965659? ago

ThankQ for this

13965098? ago

I read upvotes don't count on this board since anon. True or False?

13965186? ago

Did you read it in the post you're replying to?


13965012? ago

Just in.... Grassley grants Kavanaugh acuser another extension.

WTF? grrrr

13964718? ago

Thank you

13964697? ago

Find valuable information at the subverse v/Voat.

14006897? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Welcome to Voat | A Guide for New Users' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply from @14006846:

Hehe, I just woke up.. I thought you meant https://voat.co/v/QRV/2734878/13964697

Different topic. Let's be friends.

This notification (#761) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

13964824? ago

Give this anon 100000 upvoats, I should have linked that and some of those topics but I'm fucking retarded.

A Guide for New Users - via v/Voat https://voat.co/v/Voat/2722975

13964380? ago

might be better to explain how to get 10 CCP - im already at 70 upvotes and still at 1 CCP

13964488? ago

Did you get those upvoats from v/QRV or have you been participating on the other boards on Voat and earned them there?

13970667? ago

most from here

13964149? ago

testpost dammit

13963844? ago

ThankQ for the info WWG1WGA

13963777? ago


13963513? ago

I took the advice to introduce myself in that subv and suddenly was accused of voat farming and they were tagging all their buddies. Be careful out there.

13963770? ago

They're an established board that has dealt with 2 rather large Q migrations and the trolls have been around but tonight is especially bad. Everyone wants that down arrow but don't realize it's true value here on Voat.

We value the ability to say whatever the fuck you want about niggers and faggots and not a god damn person here has the right to say you can't.

Use it only when nessecary.

13964183? ago

When you think about it we probably are a tremendous strain on the platform and the least we can do is to try to understand the culture here while we do our own thing.

13963402? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV I can see the page but when I login it is blocked? How do I fix it? Thank CUE for your help.

13963558? ago

My only guess is you may have to enable adult content in your profile settings. This entire board is also marked as "adult" hence the NSFW tags on every topic.

13963657? ago

I don't see any settings to change that in my profile settings. This is a big cluster.

13964067? ago

Go to the top bar with your username in it, click the gear button the the right of username and finally check the "Enable Adult (NSFW) Content" box

13963993? ago


Tick the box that says "Enable Adult Content."

Otherwise I dunno, I've only been here on Voat since r/GA was banned.

13964191? ago

Thanks. That was the fix. You are great. I appreciate it. The instructions are scattered everywhere. Maybe we should collect them and put up a tutorial? Again Thanks for your help.

13963090? ago

Also remember that "shill" does not mean "someone who tells me something that makes me uncomfortable"

If you pay any attention at all, if you've actually left the marxist hamster wheel of mental controtion, you will quickly learn how right we are about race, the jewish question, and so forth.

13962844? ago

Q is always looking 12 steps ahead so in 12 days it will be 10-5-18. Anyway Thank you Potus and Q!

13963152? ago

looking 12 steps ahead and keeping you 24 steps behind by talking in riddles.

13962347? ago

Thanks for the explaination. Now I just need to get some upvotes!

13964097? ago

Here's one!

14038528? ago


13962292? ago

Hello all QRV....I am ready!

13962170? ago

Can someone help me get a few points

13962356? ago

I think you missed the point. You have to post in other subs and put enough thought into what you say to earn the ability to downvoat

13970025? ago

Have 32 in other subs- starting here in zero

13964159? ago

Getting upvotes also gives you points... 10 to post, 100 to downvote

13970116? ago

Not in an anonymous sub

13961988? ago

guess we need to circlejerk up vote ourselves unzips

13970349? ago


13965333? ago

Ugh, you’re right. One hand to the right, boys 😳

13963912? ago

Yeah I tried a post - but zero points mean no new posts... :-)

13964116? ago

Hang out in v/GreatAwakening/new and talk about OPs content in a meaningful enough way to earn some upvoats. You need only 10 to make a new topic on pretty much any board including here.

13962194? ago

I recommend participating at v/GreatAwakening as that's how I earned my CCP.

I do not condone circlejerking for CCP as any shill can join in and then downvoat useful information on the sub and it is counterproductive to having to make productive posts to earn the ability to influence what is "Hot" or not.

13965225? ago

Why go there? Q didn't send you. They sent us here.

13967351? ago

I might drop em some meme love so I can comment more than 10 per day though... If they heard Qs voice in the night, as we did, they know where to go.

13965435? ago

Did you read the topic? You don't earn CCP here which means you're only able to read and comment on topics.

If you don't go there or any other boards and only use v/QRV you'll have limited account functionality and if that doesn't bother you then more power to you.

13966090? ago

Yes, I read the topic. I understand I am only able to read and comment on topics. I am not worried about points, only relevance to Q. I'll get to your level in due time I suppose, but only going where Q sent me.

13966477? ago

I can understand that but we had to have a place to go before Q said make v/QRV. As long as you're not gullible and can think objectively the other boards won't do you any harm.

Great thing about Voat is you can actually see what the mods erase from the boards if you feel there's a hidden agenda



Every sub here has openly available moderation logs.

13966680? ago

Thank you for that explanation.

13966282? ago

Expand your thinking and your sources. There’s nothing wrong with browsing the other 2 subs. If you don’t trust your ability to think for yourself then I guess you should stay here.

13969815? ago

Pretty sure the reason Q sent y'all among the goats was to wean you off blind allegience to "thought leaders" like Neon, Corsi et al. Trust the plan. And Welcome to Voat. 🙂

13969952? ago

FWIW I’ve been following corruption way before trump or q. I try to absorb information objectively and connect the dots as they appear. Occam's razor and all.

13983336? ago

You will love Voat, then, despite it's sometimes sandpapery outer surface.

13967081? ago

Wow, that was close to a shit sandwich, but you forgot the positive affirmation in the end. Positive..The Shit..Positive = shit sandwich. Positive = Expand your thinking and your sources. There’s nothing wrong with browsing the other 2 subs. Criticism = If you don’t trust your ability to think for yourself then I guess you should stay here. Positive = crickets Really just giving you a hard time. I get what you both are saying. I'm good with reading and commenting and staying where Q sent me. I'm not interested in points and totally trust my ability to think for myself which is why I won't go to other boards to gain seniority or ability to start a thread that will come in due time.

13967358? ago

So, you’re just gonna blindly trust whatever is posted here because Q sent ya. Got it.

I honestly have no problem with that. But if you claim to be “woke”, I’m calling you a fucking retard.

PS: what kind of sandwich did this comment make?

13964876? ago

fk the stupid comped mods there though REEEEEE

13964991? ago

Lol I knew somebody wouldn't like that I chose them over v/theawakening but whatever. I quit using them when I found out we couldn't earn CCP there. Maybe you can now but fuck 'em.

13961963? ago

Thanks. Im new here, but learning fast. WWG1WGA!

13961812? ago

Thanks for the info...it's a different pond to jump into ...but WWG1WGA! I will learn how to swim soon.

13963130? ago

It's a great place unless you like leftist hugboxes.

13961651? ago

I have had a Voat account since 2015, this is the first time I'm actually using it

13965476? ago

I created one back when I was following Corsi’s fake ass. week later I found out his ass was fake. First time back since then

13969854? ago

Voat is a great place to find out a lot of stuff is fake.

13961363? ago

This might need to be a sticky so people understand this feature. This is site wide.

13968776? ago

Just looking for upvoats.

13972850? ago

me too :)

13973005? ago

Upvoats don't count for shit on this anonymous thread. Go out into the 'real' voat to earn your CCP

13965540? ago

Toggle the night mode too, makes shit a lot easier to read

13975899? ago

The color blind say God Bless you Patriot.Just like the Bud commercial i love you man.

13973953? ago

Thanks...visually impaired here..much nicer!

13970265? ago

My eyeballs thank you

13960990? ago

Can anyone confirm if the CCP requirements of voat apply in this sub. Can someone with 0 CCP make a post? Can you downvote? Someone who just signed up make a post and downvote some of the trash already posted here and come back and reply to this post whether it worked or not.

13983866? ago

I really want the ability to downvote. Garbage needs to be thrown out.

13983992? ago

Get over on v/GreatAwakening and make good comments. Dont ask for upvotes, just make normal, on topic, comments. With 10 comments, you can get there in a couple hours. Then, please come back and help take out the trash!

13984786? ago

Thanks for the guidance!

13970711? ago

Can't downvote as I'm new. Tried & received a 'Hey, must be new here' reply.

13968793? ago

Go up to the first post “Hey Newfags” (probably board owner). “v/QRV is an anonymous board. You will NOT gain CCP here and usernames appear as numbers.”

13965413? ago

CCP is useless to some of us. I don't care about votes, and I'll probably never make a new post. I just read everything and comment occasionally.

13970172? ago

Actually, you need the to post, or submissions to the channel . Hope this helps.

13969624? ago

Trust me, you will want to be able to downvote the shills and disinfo pushers. Comments with five (I think) downvotes get collapsed. Up and downvotes are how users control content quality. Try it. You'll miss it everywhere you go.

13965711? ago

I respect that but since this is supposed to be our Reddit replacement a lot of people want to have a full access account which feels more like the experience they're used to.

13965591? ago

That works fine too, and may be best for most. The only thing CCP gets you is the ability to post more than 10 comments a day and downvote (besides making posts).

13967310? ago

I'm definitely gonna need more than 10 comments per day on this board. Downvotes meh whatevers.

13962985? ago

1 comment and I was able to give you an up-vote but I could not down-vote to reverse it!

13966949? ago

You can undo an upvoat by clicking the upvoat button a second time.

13963262? ago

Upvoats and commenting are allowed from the second the account is made. Don't worry though, much like Hillary supporters on election day, your votes don't matter here

13970737? ago


13970474? ago

Ah, that is nice. Thx

13963087? ago

You need 100 CCP to downvote. It'll take a couple days if you comment 10 times per day. Make good comments, not asking for upvotes. Try v/GreatAwakening

13961064? ago

The 13 upvoats I've gotten have not affected my CCP which is the 3rd set of numbers in the |'s next to your username in the top bar of the site.

13974440? ago

Be careful -- I just got downvoted 30.

13973722? ago

You have to go to another sub on Voat to earn CCP. you can't earn them on QRV

13968685? ago

I just read that you won’t get any CP on this board—to find another board you like that awards CP that you can use here.

13969720? ago

Each comment gets a new number correct? Even if it's the same person.

13965253? ago

Took me 5 days with little effort to get 100 ccp. It's not like reddit. People here upvoat if you are a down to earth person.

13970908? ago

Upvoated down to earth person

13963590? ago

You're going to have to go out on normal voat and say some interesting things

13960813? ago

This broads gonna be riding a wave of traffic soon

13965583? ago

I’ve always thought their comm model was weird. But if Team Q says it’s worth it, then it looks like I be camping here for the time being.

13960761? ago

QRV - Q Research Voat. RESEARCH

13974614? ago

QRV Ham "Are You Ready" Answer......Locked and Loaded.....;)

13967902? ago

Oh I thought it was Q RendezVous. Makes more sense from a military (intelligence) POV. Oh well. Good to know, thanks.

13960736? ago

mucho gracias danke shon dhanyawad shukriya thankQ

13960732? ago

happy to lurk for now

13960654? ago

they wont beable to switch it over until a couple days anyways

13960539? ago

and since I can't edit I want to clarify that you will still get upvoats but they're as useless as a nigger on a swim team. You need to get "real" CCP on pretty much any other board on this site.