14127513? ago

Q2286 Sept 27th, ... Hive Mind. Another reference.

14002315? ago

Q at the helm? Is Q today's Pied Piper? What's he selling? The Protocols of the Illuminated Suns of the Golden Dawn? Is he leading us into a Golden Age of Humanity? Really? Is this where it stops? If I disagree or don't wish to worship the image of the Beast or take the mark or the number of his name, then what happens to me? Guillotine? Hey, I remember this sequence from history! The Nicean Creed of 325AD. All those who openly didn't agree with the doctrine of the Trinity or the merging of Pagan gods with Christian holidays, met Jesus. Is it any wonder that most Christians now believe in the Nicean Creed? Trinity? Apostle's Creed? Babylonian holidays of Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving?

14004968? ago

You may be surprised to know that just because I write about a topic, does not mean I do not have some of the same fears as you just stated. I present what my gut, facts, and other people's findings support. I pray every single day not to be deceived in the exact context in which you are referring. I know all about the Council of Nicea. I know all about the book of Revelation and it's relationship with other books (Daniel, Isaiah, etc). For starter's, I believe we have already taken the mark of the beast. We already use things to purchase food, shelter, clothing, water, and all of our necessities. What if we are the ones God can still reach and have that choice, to continue to use the tools of the beast system or to alert people to the system itself and pray for an escape from it? If you have money, credit cards, loans, education, you have participated in the beast system. No, I do not recommend you to be guillotined or I would be advising the same fate on us all. No, Q is not a pied-piper, you have a choice to listen/ read Q and decide if there is anything relevant to Q that you wish to pursue. You are not being forced. You are totally free to agree or disagree, that is the beauty of it. Please do not take a mark, worship Q, or worship and image of Q. Please do not take anything I write to be gospel truth.

14019586? ago

I do not equate Q with "the Beast" or the "Beast System". I refer to him as a Pied Piper, because following a pied piper is an individual choice, no force, but may lead to an unintended destiny which you would not consciously choose, absent the inspiring music from the piper. Granted, for the piper's music to give you the good feelings, you must have developed an affinity for that music before you heard it, so the choice in the moment (to follow) was the result of a built up yearning for exactly that music.

Before I follow the Pied Piper, I want to look in the direction and to the location he says he's going, and at least evaluate that destination against my own intent. Pied Piper's current revealed destination is, "The Golden Age of Mankind", as stated so clearly in the last protocol of, "The Protocols of the Suns (sons) of the Golden Dawn". This appears to mirror the promised utopia of accepting the One World Government, Religion, and Money system spoken of in the bible, and credited to Satan. Are you OK with this destiny?

14023348? ago

As I said earlier, just because I write something, does not mean I am saying it is gospel truth or that it is MY preferred choice.

I honestly have been sitting on something for a long time and wish I could share it but cannot. I am not okay with that destiny either.

14001821? ago

Must say, my mind has been wandering down this road for a while. When I started following 6 months ago, one thing I noticed on reddit was every so often, someone would post about how their life had seriously improved since following Q either by reconnecting with religion, living healthier, making more positive decisions in life and general improvements all round. These posts would receive loads of comments from people with similar experiences, myself included. I found this a very interesting side effect, but even stranger was the fact that shills chose to attack these posts very heavily. I mean, with all the info and theories being posted, why would they put their energy into attacking posts about people discussing how they've reconnected with or found god? Some of the heaviest attacks were on these posts. They didn't want us having these discussions.....

14005008? ago

I agree totally. I wrote about similar topics in GA and would be attacked very hard for them. Anything about God or the truth behind what has been hidden from us gets immediately attacked and shilly very fast. They never wanted us to know the truth...they wanted us to remain in the dark and be good sheeple so only they knew the "truth." Their version of truth is so perverted they are unaware their truth is not truth either. God wins! They seem to always forget that regardless of details and what was added/ removed/ or hidden from us, the ending is the same... God still wins.

13999664? ago

Ready for anything, tough enough to hold my own!

13997336? ago


13997082? ago

Good writing fag

13996593? ago

Well said! WWG1WGA

13996581? ago

Like Unite the Right / Unite the workers / Unite the Union / Unite the resistance.

Here's an idea. WORK AND DIG. Stop the cheerleading and do something useful.

13995914? ago

EDIT.. Tried to correct but missed an Auto-correct typo ...QRV was auto-corrected to QVC (go figure).