14003269? ago

I know this is a scam but I wouldn't donate a plug nickel to this site if it was legit. r/thegreatawakening wasn't perfect but it was miles ahead of this dump. I actually hope most of these kids are being paid by Shartblew because it's too depressing to think there's so many people out there that'd do this sort of crap for free.

14004235? ago

just leave then faggot.

Otherwise continue to be a butthurt retard.

Your choice

13995465? ago

https://voat.co/v/whatever/2715711 (Putts post where he gives the BTC address for donations - You should ALWAYS VERIFY this kind of thing!)

I hate receiving donations for a few reasons but here is Voat's BTC address if you feel called to donate: 3NZvuAk3Csf1UP1KCmzN9dhiXTwvhTgr9k. Please only donate if you have the means.

The store is dead, and payment processors have declined voat. BITCOIN is the only way to donate. And yes, we need a post that details how to buy, then how to transfer it to Putt's (site owner - @Puttitout) bitcoin address. I can help "a little" with the buy part.

https://libertyx.com/ "Buy bitcoin instantly at thousands of local stores."

https://localbitcoins.com/faq See the "how to" section.

Sorry, but I'll have to let someone else (or the internet) explain the transfer part.

13992213? ago

its stickin around, have a lot questions still

13992178? ago

OP - you might want to change your submission text to show the link to PuttItOut's post, https://voat.co/v/whatever/2715711, since the store is closed

13992235? ago

There is no tool to edit anon submissions

13992406? ago

Oh wow that sucks. Almost better to delete the submission and make new.

13992452? ago

naw u can tho

13992123? ago

fffffffffffuuuuuuuuucccccccckkkkkkk yyyyyyyyyyyooooooouuuuuuuuuu

13990988? ago

Let’s hear from a mod if any of those suspicious addresses for sendin BTC are legit. I have my doubts

13991525? ago

He has millions worth of btc, thus why he never asks.

13992051? ago

He asked in the recent sticky.

13991054? ago

verify the address yourself https://voat.co/v/whatever/2715711

13990643? ago

DONATE BTC : 3NZvuAk3Csf1UP1KCmzN9dhiXTwvhTgr9k

13990895? ago

SCAM, please delete.

13991007? ago

Nigger @PuttItOut posted this address.

Go check for yourself you techtarded mongoloid.

13990566? ago

Says the store is closed.

13990632? ago

There is a BTC receiving address


13991501? ago

This fake donation address ?

13991941? ago

Speak English you fucking nigtard.

13990924? ago

This is very likely a scam unless proven that it isnt.

13991551? ago

When the site Admin makes a sticky post across the site, it's hard to see it as a scam.

Second we were running solely on Bitcoin for the past months now. We had a person donate a very generous amount a while back now.

We used to offer other ways to donate and we had a store with Merch. Those all got shut down by pay processor's.

Bitcoin is literally the only way to donate to Voat at this time.

13991095? ago

PuttItOut posted it himself.


13991674? ago

Still, I'd get the source from the admin of the site. I wouldn't copy paste it from there, simply because changing one letter or number is so easy...

13991893? ago

Do you understand how BTC addresses work?

You cannot just 'choose' what address you want.

Understand what you're dealing with before you make techtarded comments.

13992236? ago

I don't think it was techtarded at all faggot. It's trivial to have many BTC addresses, and some could look close enough to fool someone who didn't double check.

13990915? ago

This a scammer, don't fall for ir.

13991318? ago

That's not proof. Anyone can post a bitcoin address and ask for donations.

Scam - Beware.

13991834? ago

PuttItOut is the ADMIN you fucking migrant scum.

Stop being so retarded you fucking Qoomer.

13990724? ago

Oldfag says: how do i bitcoin?

13990875? ago

...fucking Qoomers

Alright download the Bitcoin Core Wallet on to your computer. This will allow you to create a BTC 'Receiving Address'. You may have to let the 'public ledger' update first. This can take a little bit but shouldn't be an issue.

Next go on to localBitcoins.com and get some btc. Or Xcoins.com. Xcoins is faster/easier.

Have the BTC you buy sent to your address so you can send it later or just have it sent straight to 3NZvuAk3Csf1UP1KCmzN9dhiXTwvhTgr9k

Look up youtube tutorials if you need more help or ask me.

Crypto isn't going away so best to learn to use it.

13990945? ago

What would a good donation be? How can i ensure reciever knows its from a migrant?

13991151? ago

Whatever you feel is good. I've donated between $25-45 in the past.

BTW here's proof it's a legit address https://voat.co/v/whatever/2715711

13991261? ago

Thank you for the source.

13991296? ago

yeah np.

13990842? ago

LOL. I'm with oldfag. Happy to contribute...not sure how.