14009061? ago




https://imgur.com/a/HMcxI96Imgur Album

https://imgur.com/a/hmuGwShImgur Album https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liminality https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_dissonance


Consider for a moment our known human history verses our unknown.

https://imgur.com/a/oXt8MUCImgur Album

https://imgur.com/a/8Ujt03BImgur Album




2.5 Million years of hominids with similar or larger cranial capacity than our own.

https://imgur.com/a/rXvopHnImgur Album



Populations became dense near the ocean for the most part and there is a large amount of evidence supporting a great flood after the younger dryas.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDejwCGdUV8YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0H5LCLljJhoYouTube megalithic culture has demonstrated advanced knowledge of axial precession and astronomy as a whole by virtue of their designs and orientations. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axial_precession https://imgur.com/a/1FyIxDOImgur Album Reconcile.

Cults exist because its natural for those seeking power to establish such an environment. With knowledge comes power and if knowledge can be passed down so too can that power, the logarithmic growth of tech has opened a window for us but soon it will close forever. If you were in such a position of power to control the affairs of the world, you wouldn't need to raise an army to fight against those who oppose you for their forces would already be under your control. Create the chaos so that the only possible solution of order is the one you desire. Whenever mankind has had a thought for themselves to focus their energy, the energy has ALWAYS been redirected by their methods of infiltration and subversion. Cycles. Great year. Black Sun

Those in power control the historical narrative, if you can see now that we are enslaved why not see that we are blind as well? Who are the deep state assets? How long have they been in place? Its important you really understand this. Its important you realize the power and control over us. Its important you question EVERYTHING and THINK FOR YOURSELF

1947 & The World Wars.

Do you trust the official narrative? Satanists infiltrate EVERYTHING. Whenever mankind has had a thought for themselves to focus their energy, the energy has ALWAYS been redirected by their methods of infiltration and subversion. This is the design with which they control the affairs of the world from darkness.

Remember Cognitive Dissonance. The truth has been in front of us the entire time, the choice to KNOW has always been yours.

Roswell. CIA. Highjump. Paperclip-Bariloche. NAZI tech. & MORE.MUCH MUCH MORE Listen to every word. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv70Wln6H2QYouTube 3:25 "a satanic power" * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Nazi_boycott_of_1933

The official story is a lie and its easy to prove if you know you should be looking. They relied on overwhelming emotional appeal to cloud your judgment and enforced strict (laws in some nations) social stigmas about questioning the authority. Logistically and mathematically the story falls apart, it was impossible. Logically the story falls apart when you realize the emotional lies.

It doesn't matter how much you "think" you know about the subject. You were fed a lie and knowing the lie by heart doesn't get you any closer to the truth. Only independent critical thinking can do that for you. If you are on board with 9/11 expand your thinking. For those honestly wanting to open your eyes below is a very well done ( i argue the best) presentation on the subject. Primary documentation is provided, do not skip around. I know its a long one but this lie is ingrained deep inside you. FIGHT your urge to be triggered and dismissive because i will just call you a dumb nigger and move on. (welcome to free think zone)

Treblinka, Sobibór and Bełżec <-- each camp is easily proven to be falsified. Learn the official story. Learn the timeline. Learn the geography. Learn basic math and reconcile. The video is a summary of primary documentation from the official sources.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vwku0UFB8_s&feature=YouTube http://archive.is/YFcaX https://imgur.com/a/CaPMtImgur Album


Is about 20min of testimony enough to account for 1/3 of the holocaust? What evidence was introduced at court? Who testified? Why did belzec have one inmate witness? What is roman robak's AKA rudolf reder's escape story? Why do the witnesses provide conflicting testimony regarding the camps?

What evidence exists of the these three camps immediately after the war? 1943 order to dig up 1.3 Million bodies and burn the evidence and plant farms over the fields? Do the claims match up with what is mathematically possible given the surface area/ logistical limitations?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5UyynjxAywYouTube "Incontrovertible" by Tony Rooke is one of the best videos on this subject matter in my opinion for redpilling

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kj_VwszvqdMYouTube The State of Israel is a Deep State Asset. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration

Philip Zelikow. 9/11 Commission Executive Director Larry Silverstein Frank Lowy Ronald Lauder Jerome Hauer Lewis M Eisenberg Jules Kroll Judge Michael B Mukasey Judge Alvin Hellerstein Kenneth Feinberg. I/C Victims compensation fund Michael Chertoff. Head of Justice Dept Criminal Division Sheila Birnbaum. Legal disputes mediator Stehen Cauffman Rabbi Div Zakheim Paul Wolfowitz Richard Perle Eliot Abrams Ari Fleischer Douglas Feith Marc Grossman

The "jew call"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOB6f-h2MpkYouTube Reconcile the Balfour Declaration with the circumstances before and after ww1. Nazism was natural? Nazism was nurtured? Does anything happen in a garden that a gardener does not intend? Nazism was planned? Think logically and read the Talmud. Who benefited from Nazism? Who funded it? Why are there so many "jewish" converts and former Yiddish?

His birth certificate is a forgery. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DEntS_iM3cYouTube https://youtu.be/jk3KRxTfkLM?t=42m45sYouTube http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/31899587/ntsb-no-safety-briefing-given-prior-to-2013-molokai-plane-crash-that-killed-hawaii-health-director Jews believe that all non jews are their current and future slaves. We are subhuman to the jew. Satanists infiltrate everything, powerful people who don't believe in a God masquerading as Jews. Convince the Jew that he is superior, make the Christians (americans) do their dirty work, stir up conflict in arab nations and use the muslims to create further chaos. Nationalism for the jew, globalism for everyone else. Culture and heritage for the Jew, one world government for everyone else. Israel / zionists/ satanists have pitted the world against each other and everyone serves at their behest. SA-Islam, Vatican-Christianity, Israel- Jew. All under control by the zionists.








14009303? ago

Thanks for info, I'll check it.

13998573? ago

The Nazi sympathizers on VOAT are shills! Uncouth, misinformed, rude, dumb ass shills! Worthy of being ignored. When enough of us get our 100 up votes, we will be able to overwhelm them and they will likely go somewhere else with their ass hat Tom foolery.

13996679? ago

probably jews

13995894? ago

Hitler was the first one to call out fake news. The lugenpresse (lying press, fake news) was owned by Jews at that time too. Berlin was the pedo Capitol of the world before Hitler came to power. Whatever else you think of him he killed a lot of pedos and destroyed the fake news of his day.

13994360? ago

Read and Learn ttps://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/03/08/the-hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia/

13994326? ago

Welcome to Voat. Where you have to think for yourself and not be led around blindly. Thanks for warning others faggot. Research it or don't. People have different opinions, get over yourself.

13993720? ago

Deepstate/mossad/rouge CIA are trying to use the same propaganda they used to make nazi Germany the enemy of the world by guiding us into blaming an entire race for the crime of a few members of a religion if they succeed the outcome would be trump supporters would become literally nazis and then they could rally support in the country to cause division and chaos. Dont believe it their is good and bad in every race

13993716? ago


Q 1519

No one person is above another. We are in this together. WWG1WGA! Q

13993178? ago

We've swallowed enough redpills to know the truth. I agree it's a little much all at once to you Q newbies, but although it may be a shock to the system you should expect that a completely uncensored community might have opinions like this.

13992957? ago

the Nazis and Communistst are two sides of the same coin.different factions of Illumanati vieing for control at times but always willing to work togather to further the N.W,O. many other ideologies political and economic systems i.e capitalism leads to corperate cronisym big business and big government working hand in hand just like collectivism and facisim are all leading to the same end all property and resources owned and controlled by an elite few whist the people are enslaved and only permited to serve their elite masters' as Q says we must expand our thinking look at the big picture from 40,000ft think puppet glove each finger controlled manipulated by a hidden hand. The tip of the pyramid is the ILLUMANATI they are the real enemy. focus on them destroy them . WWG1WGA

13992252? ago

Hitler did nothing wrong.

13992148? ago

You needed somewhere to stay. This is a place where you can love hitler and be safe. You are either on board with free expression or you are not.

Your wavering in your faith of free speech and argumentation. If you dont like hitler argue with it. Downvoat is not an argument.

13991921? ago

Gas yourself you whiny kike niggerfaggot

13991825? ago

Welcome to the real Internet.

You gotta learn to IGNORE STUFF you don't take interest in.

You are doing exactly what you have been conditioned to do.

Now, will you take the time to realize that you reacted the exact way you have been taught to react?

Break the conditioning!

13994406? ago

Ignoring stuff you don't care about is how things like South Africa happen.

13994793? ago

This is an online forum not a country who is oppressing people based on the color of their skin.

13991612? ago


13991590? ago

This place is a toilet. This is the first major mistake Q made, sending people here.

13992704? ago

Buh bye

13992702? ago

A prophet that is wrong is not a prophet. Duet 18:22

13991386? ago


Absolute dumbass.

When Evil calls another group (Nazi's) evil, am I going to believe these evil people?

No. I am going to assume the Nazi's were good until further notice. Thing is though, that "further notice" thing has gone away. All the evidence points to the Reich understanding what was going on and trying to put a stop to it before the world got shoved on them.

Patton figured things out. He died.

These people we are fighting today ARE THE SAME FUCKING GROUP HITLER WENT UP AGAINST.

You have two choices: Get rid of any notion you think you have of the Truth, and look at what is right in front of you like a rational human being, or get the fuck out of here, because we don't need you.

13991367? ago

To understand the full scale of media lies and manipulation, you must understand how history actually went down and how that story was told.

Look at media now. All lies right? History books are still media and they are still full of lies.

Do you really think germans would have been rounding up and trucking jews from all over the country, feeding them, transporting them, housing them, if they just wanted to exterminate them? Why not just drop them on the spot with a bullet? Much cheaper yea?

You started down the rabbit hole with Q but it doesn't end in these modern times. Look back further.

13996883? ago

theres also the sheer logistical nightmare of killing the supposed six gorillion jews during wartime in the manner that the kikes have insisted happened

  • the cremation meme

the supposed death camps had glorified pizza ovens, the most kikes you could fit at a time was one per oven, unless you wanted to waste fuel reheating a pile of half consumed remains; also howd the nazis keep their tanks and aircraft running if they were burning kikes 24/7?

  • the gas chamber meme

no room claimed to be gas chambers were ever airtight, and the gas supposedly used leaves a vivid blue residue that isnt present at any "gas chamber"

13991242? ago

Honestly. It is crazy. Voat touts itself as a free speech haven, but their version of free speech is being able to say nasty stuff without repercussions.

Free speech is at it's strongest when you have something powerful and true to say, yet you deliver it with pure civility. Seems like the old goats just want their garbage dump to remain a garbage dump, and not be cleaned up at all for the sake of their vulgarity.

13992558? ago

How dare they say that the freedom of speech means that they are free to speak what they want to!

13994364? ago

CIVILITY! Havent you heard the phrase, " you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar"? Do you think the founding fathers wanted free speech so they could say "nigger faggots"? Free speech encompasses that right, but it is about being able to say, " the king is an asshole" and you dont end up beheaded. Seriously people, study history before you feign educated and all knowing.

13991280? ago

yeah, kinda sad that these bunch of losers have inhabited this site. guess we'll have to get our scores up to downvote the idiots.

13994395? ago

thats just a dickhead move. dont visit this subverse if your sensitivities are offended.

14003364? ago

fuck you faggot.

13991003? ago

Shills final attempt to discredit Q movement.

Stay strong. Keep posting. Upvote and downvote accordingly.

13990956? ago

Thank you!

13990938? ago

Hitler allegedly being the guy who was fighting the NWO

Well he did declare war on international bankers. Read the protocols. It doesn't matter if it's true, it's all happened and is still happening. In it though they said if a rare genius appered they'd have the advantage and start a world war to take that threat down. There's more going on here then you'd like to believe. This was published in 1903.

How many coincidences do you believe in? My guess would be a lot.

13990903? ago

I felt the same way seeing it.

13990862? ago

Fuck all Nazis n Kikes

13990840? ago

What are you talking about? This is voat everyday. You really don't understand where you have been dumped? /v/fatpeoplehate and /v/niggers are quiet today though.

13990686? ago

The local old Voat goat members are complete degenerates that are into Adolph Hitler worship and racial hatred dogmas. Whenever a new subverse is created they come pouring into evangelize their beliefs and force it onto others.

You'll also see that they are complete hypocrites. They hide behind free speech as their excuse for shilling new subverses, while at the same time they admit its okay to delete post that are off topic - but they yell, scream, and stamp their feet (yeah, their a lot like the Democrats in Congress) when you go and delete their hitler and racist post for being off topic

frankly, because of v/QRV is set up as this anonymous subverse, and no subscribers can accrue CCP here, none of the folks that subscribe here will be able to down vote and do much about the flood of shills. It will be entirely up to mods to try delete shill post. Probably going to be overwhelming tide of shilling to do that

If something doesn't change then v/QRV may not sustain for very long. People will get fed up with the old Voat goat shilling and abandon. And if the subscriber base gets significant, then Soros-paid shills will show up and it will be a real dumpster fire

13991090? ago

while at the same time they admit its okay to delete post that are off topic

It's okay to delete spam. What is off-topic or not should ideally be decided by the users via voting. Ironically we prefer democratic voting on content over authoritarian rule.

13991231? ago

voat goats with very old accounts conceded to me it was a acceptable for mods to delete post to a subverse that were off topic to the subverse

Of course it's likely the so-called "standards" of the old Voat goat culture are not universally held to and they just make shit up to suit their shilling behavior

13991723? ago

While the potential for mod deletions are true, the little-known fact is that in the event of censor-happy Mods, Mod deletion logs are still visible to the public as a site-wide feature. That's how we root out shills, shitty mods and generally shilly subverses. Just head to v/theawakening (the Q migration that beat v/QRV by a week) and soak in the destruction by supremely sketchy Mod-work that was quickly found out via the record system.

13991644? ago

What kind of off-topic were they talking about? For example if a mod deletes porn that was posted to AskVoat, yes that would be acceptable to most I assume.

Political censorship would not be acceptable, this includes deleting SJW submissions in a political subverse.

Most of us still remember when the conservative snowflakes wanted to censor ego-shooters, outlaw harry potter and heavy metal music. Most of us were opposed to that back in the day. But nowadays it's the left that is censor happy and it's much worse.

13990966? ago

You can leave if you don't like it. No mean Nazis on Reddit. Just suck Spez's dick and apologize for having too much to think and I'm sure he'll let you back in.

13990681? ago

I'd suggest fucking off.

Dont tell the natives what to do. Faggot.

13991045? ago

Freedom of speech. Deal with it.

13991153? ago

Deal with it.

We will, by using freedom of speech.

13990984? ago

Worked great for the native americans, and here we are.

13992023? ago

Lol, savages couldnt hold their land. Just like (((multiculturalism)))

13990667? ago

This is an attempt to make the Q sub look anti Semitic.

In a couple days you will see a MSM article portraying the whole sub and it’s Q followers with quotes from these spammers as anti Semitic

14028285? ago

welcome to the warzone

13993469? ago

You are completely wrong, it's an attempt to show you blue-pilled normies exactly WHO ACTUALLY RULES OVER YOU and thus THE ENEMY OF SOCIETY. You cant argue with facts regarding the holohoax, etc.

13992496? ago

Antisemitic is just a PC term, a term flung at the enemy's of the Jewish people. do you actually think this PC culture is new ? Do you actually think one race has no bad apples ?

I truly don't care what race a person is but they are not gonna pull the race card to get away from punishment deserved !!!

13993521? ago

I don’t see why this is a hard concept for people to understand.

My cousin married a Jew. They produced multiple mini-Jew/gentile hybrids, none are obliged to show up at the synagogue. They’re good people, and not who I mean when I refer to (((them))).

13991134? ago

Oh my, you guys really shouldn't be associated with this.

Better go back to 8chan that's filled with fictional child porn, gore and /pol/ (neo-nazis) just one click away, that's a much better association.

13990587? ago

I completely agree with you, seems a concerted effort to force that Nazi label on this site. It seems to be trying to divide the community before it even gets its feet off the ground.

13993146? ago

you are right their is a certain amount of hazing for sure but plenty posters trying to prevent groth of movement . start up voting one another

13992337? ago

Too bad this is an anon board, because I'm pretty sure your account would say "5 hours."

13991230? ago

Uncomfortable redpill posts are less divisive then these bitchy posts that basically say "we're right about everything and there's nothing they can show us so fuck them". A lot of us are trying to help you. Most of you aren't just noobs to the site, but noobs to researching the (((cabal))) too. You are being given forbidden knowledge on a silver fucking platter and you're turning it away because the media and academia have taught you to reject it.

The beast at Voat. Darmok and Jalad at Voat. Sokath, his eyes uncovered!

13993331? ago

QH I get it now you post its a red pill anyone who questions it for themselves before swallowing it is a bitch. thanks it all makes sense from now on no more blue pills just your BULLSHIT ONES

13994173? ago

No one is complaining about information being questioned. By all means question everything, but accept the results and don't just dismiss things you don't like and pretend you questioned it. Anyway that comment was about people hypocritically calling others divisive even though a lot of those others are genuinely trying to help. Some trolls excluded, it's not us that see each other on different sides.

13994529? ago

Fair enough

13991850? ago

ST:TNG Quote FTW /v/StarTrek

13993072? ago

Oh I get you post its a red oil anyone who questions it for themselves is a bitch. thanks it all makes sense now faggot

13993298? ago

I think you responded to wrong person here. I was just saying kudo's to the star trek reference was all. LOL.

13994597? ago

youare right I did respond to the wrong person and I apologise for my carelessness have a good evening

13990872? ago

a concerted effort to force that Nazi label on this site.

Trying to force the nazi label on voat is like trying to force the nazi label on the national socialist workers party or calling the daily stormer fascists or calling the KKK racists.

Ok, maybe not quite like that. Voat does have a few libertarians, some of which worship augusto pinochet, and it has a bunch of communists as well.

You guys act like this was a family friendly place before you guys came here.

What's next, you gonna complain that there is a lot of trap-porn and gore on 4chan /b/ ? Or that there is a lot of lolicon and other perverse stuff on 8chan?

13991043? ago

Tbh, no one gives a shit about voat.

We care about Q and Trump.

Fuck your butt hurt feelings.

13992392? ago

We don't care what you care about. This is war and the future of America and the world is at stake. We've been in this fight since before Q and Trump were even phenomenons.

14002129? ago

With what results?

14003408? ago

With great results! More people are waking up than ever before (especially kids). It's amazing.

13991357? ago

There are plenty of other reddit clones. Many of them more family friendly by far.

13990572? ago

They are reddit trolls. They want racism and Nazism to be front and center, so that the entire Q movement can be easily dismissed as racist.

13992611? ago

Nigger never read voat before.

Click a random verse, nigger. You'll see "jews did 9/11" by the third click.

Because they did.

13993418? ago


13992581? ago

TBH I'm not sure what the 'Q movement' could possibly mean besides sit around and basically watch twitter, then sit around and have a cult meeting about what the tweets were.

What are you doing exactly?

13990978? ago

Oh yeah, it's totally reddit behind this.

It's not like /v/niggers has more subscribers than /v/QRV and has been one of the most popular subs on voat before you guys came here.

It was a really family friendly place and as you guys came here some shills/redditors/deepstate/shariablue came here and destroyed all that family friendly politeness.

I bet the mass media will now all call you white supremacists, which they totally didn't beforehand and wouldn't had done either way. 8chan is also a really great family friendly place one would love to be associated with if one cares about their reputation.

13991094? ago

v/niggers has 12 ppl browsing

V/QRV has 3,100 this moment

Get lost

13991197? ago

You think these 3.100 are all QAnons? I bet 2.000 of them are from /v/niggers alone.

13991185? ago


And I was talking about subscribers.

13990508? ago

Many of us are just nationalists or identitarians, not Nazi LARPers.


13990428? ago

Glad I'm not the only one. Personally I think the neo NAZIs are either coolaid drinking ex cons or cabal clowns intentionally sowing division. They like to infiltrate extremes on both sides and maneuver them into conflict. As a plus the media gets to call us radical NAZIs.

13993270? ago

I hear you, but the National Socialist Workers Party were actually the heros of WWII.

13991010? ago

Yes, it's evil clowns.

It's not like /v/niggers has more subscribers than /v/QRV and has been one of the most popular subs on voat before you guys came here.

It was a really family friendly place and as you guys came here some shills/redditors/deepstate/shariablue came here and destroyed all that family friendly politeness.

I bet the mass media will now all call you white supremacists, which they totally didn't beforehand and wouldn't had done either way. 8chan is also a really great family friendly place one would love to be associated with if one cares about their reputation.

13990609? ago

Basically this, flood racist content... hey look at this reddit, Q is racist!

DV and report.

14005708? ago

Exactly my thoughts. The thing is this isn't the first time they have done things like this. I'm suprissed they think this garbage is still going to work. Blaming Jews for everything is lazy. The truth is far darker. Satanic projection.

13992575? ago

Hahahah REPORT!! We can post anything that isn't illegal. Who will you report it to? Is god taking emails now?

13990390? ago

Nigger faggot kike lover.

Eat another dick. Then swallow some red pill truth.

Who gives a fuck about Hitler? He failed.

Can DJT and Q defeat the Jewish NWO here and now?

Get your head out of the sand. JEWS control your mind.

13991001? ago

Can you just kill yourself already skinhead? Thanks.

14012996? ago

Nah. I prefer to kill communists.

13991994? ago

We will reduce shitskins to ash and memories.

13990419? ago

"Who gives a fuck about Hitler?" THAT'S MY POINT. Stop pushing this topic.

13996458? ago

Why do you think we're in this situation now? Do some fucking research low IQ nigger.

13990554? ago

It's about the problems here and now not 70 years ago.

Just because we perfectly resemble the Weimar Republic doesn't mean anything. I mean Q isn't really about coincidences or anything. Right?

13990337? ago

This is normal here. Unbunch your panties.

13990972? ago

Bullshit. Unbunch yours.

13993231? ago

Yeah it's pretty normal here, you just havent been exposed to enough truth yet

13991064? ago

No, it really is normal here. Get used to it or leave.

13990836? ago

NO! We Qanons are special! It's all about us!!! These views can't be real. They don't exist, they're just shills to make us look bad!! D:

13990918? ago

"These views can't be real. They don't exist, they're just shills to make us look bad!! D:" Can You actually read with understanding? " Maybe it's true, maybe not but it's not supposed to be the number one topic for no reason."

13994974? ago

No reason

Where did I put my redpills?

13996387? ago

This one needs a suppository.

13991277? ago

There is a reason though.