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kristingirl2 ago

Thank you for this, I was wondering what was going on here

Mcmurdo32 ago

I agree. The Nazis were a special kind of evil and would have fit right in with this Cabal and it's goals of world domination.

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redtoe_skipper ago

I upvoted your comment because I agree with your sentiment, and the fact you point out that National socialism, still is socialism.

I do not agree with.several other premises. I do feel that it is important to bring facts to the forefront, whatever our sensibilities are.

For instance: you claim Nazi is a German designation. It is and it is not. It is a Jewish communist designation. It simply goes to show how well embedded you are in the Jew religion.

You.see, they consider themselves gods people. Has it ever occurred to you God is still busy with them. OT is a story of God interacting with the Jewish people. They simply consider their history part of what we would call OT.

And so, we all are forced into this shoah stuff. It has taken on the signs of a religion. And if we are not reverent enough, we get imprisoned and branded a denyer. Woii is a tragedy resulting in millions of dead Mf-ers.

The question you have to confront is: who and how financed it?

Everybody repeats the line: American financial interest supported Hitler. Indeed. But what is not considered is how a couple.of million dollars, made the economic revival possible, which is not. Those.millions only served to enforce the rise of the nsdap.

It simply.means, there is always more to the story.

Your post is exhibiting morally dualistic ideas. Typical propaganda.

FatPanda ago

Trump Tweet - Study the late Joseph McCarthy, because we are now in period with Mueller and his gang that make Joseph McCarthy look like a baby! Rigged Witch Hunt!

Who was McCarthy going after? Communists! How many of the Communists who were found guilty of treason Nazis? Zero. How many were Jews? Almost all of them.

  • Source - Michael Collins Piper "Judas Goats"

nullifyNWO ago

Good you mention Q 1940. Here my answers / take:

Was 'Nazism' ever truly destroyed? --- No.

Was it merely a sub-division within a larger organization? --- Yes.

One finger attached to a hand? --- Yes. Just one of (5) socialist fingers used by the NWO

Did ANTIFA organically form? --- No. Soros et al.

Flag design coincidence? --- No. Capitalizes on being 'enemy of Nazi', Nazi having been built up as the accepted boogie man.

Socialist push in US/WW coincidence? --- No. Reactivation of socialist propaganda, new forms, (5) fingers again. Multiculturalism, LGBT, no borders, 'we are all humans' BS, Mass propaganda, free minimum income, UN, Climate change, ban religions (='all the same'), ...

Global power struggle. --- NWO (using new socialisms) against patriots, in all countries the same struggle.

There is a price we will not pay. --- price = freedom, independence, country ...

There is a point beyond which they must not advance. --- (watch Reagan speech for hints)

FatPanda ago

The key is the the National Socialists in Germany (NSDAP) Never called themselves NAZIs, that was a term given to them by communist Jews.

“The term “Nazi” (along with “Nazism”) is a political epithet invented by Konrad Heiden (7 August 1901 – 18 June 1966) during the 1920s as a means of denigrating the NSDAP and National Socialism. Heiden was a journalist and member of the Social Democratic Party. The term is a variant of the nickname that was used in reference to members of the SDP at the time “Sozi” (short for Sozialisten). “Nazi” was a political pun, based upon the Austro-Bavarian slang word for “simpleton” or “country bumpkin”, and derived from the fairly common name Ignatz. It would be like saying “nutsy”. So, if for no other reason, one should easily understand why the term was regarded as derogatory by the National Socialists and why they would never use it to describe themselves. One should also see why it would be used and popularized by Marxist-Bolshevik agitators and understand how it was seized upon by various other political opponents and subversive types, both within Germany and abroad, including the international media and political leaders of the western powers.” (Metapedia)

It should immediately become apparent that, if there is no such thing as a “Nazi”, except in the propaganda which was invented and spewed by this man, then it follows logically, that there is also NO such thing as a “Neo-Nazi” either. Those who would describe themselves as such are as ignorant as those who say they hate “Nazis” and they are equally decieved. Indeed, I highly suspect that some of those who promote “Neo-Nazism” are really agents whose job it is to keep the spectre of evil “Nazis” alive, and to effect the demonization of all those who would dare question the whole history about Hitler, the NS and WWII that we have all been sold.

What we must also know about Mr. Heiden, however, is that he was not just any other political opponent in the days of the Weimar Republic. He, himself was a “Jew”, and his father was a trade unionist, and that the trade unions were teaming with subversive, violent, Marxist-Bolsheviks. And NO, that is not “racist” statement, nor is intended to promote hatred. Merely to sate the facts. If you want to make such childish accusations then please start with attacking Wikipedia.

nullifyNWO ago

Thank you for this reply. Our 'disaggreement' is probabl none but merely deduces itself from the defitnition of the term 'Nazi'. Like with all 'socialisms', my key is described by the word 'utopia'. All socialisms dereive their magic attraction from an utopia: (Old) socialisms like Marxism (philosopher's socialism), Communism (Punk's socialism), Socialism (bureaucrat's socialism), Multicurluralism (international socialism 2.0), globalism, ... and 'National socialism'.

'National socialism' stands out, but why? It combined two things opposite to each other: Nationalism (patriotism) and socialism. That is as odd as to merge Chistianity and Islam. The 'Nazis' had a very good element which was patriotism. The 'Nazis' at the same time were bad socialists. Who were 'the Nazis'? - Goebbels and the like were the real bad ones. They infiltrated and muddied the good part with same old socialism (which is same old feudalism, a s o).

Hitler, after 20+ years of the country being destroyed and abused by globalist handlers (Treaty of Versailles, ..) spoke the truth and was seen as a great chance. It was (socialist) infiltrators and global NWO actors who turned the thing into a brutal socialism. The pushed the sane euphoria of patriotism to becoming an insane ideology of utopism.

Thus, the term 'Nazism' cannot really be defined. It is a discriminatory term from the beginning, it has been built up by international NWO propaganda as the all time discriminatory term. This all to bury the righteous fight of a nation for int's land, it's pride, it's culture, it's race.

When Q uses 'Nazism' in post 1940, i take this in the definition of the - undeniable - bad SOCIALIST (=NWO) part of the thing. I personally like that choice. I appreciate the patriotic part of the Hitler attempt to free Germany. I do not excuse the failure. The failure allowed the NWO to take over the mics and demonize every sane country as 'Nazis'.

FatPanda ago

Jews have never done anything wrong, but yet have found themselves expelled from their country over 1000 times throughout history. If this had been a child, and been expelled from school, a parent could dismiss this as this problem to not be the fault of the child, but after the 10th, 50th, or 100th time, at what point does the parent realize, and accept, that there just might be something wrong with the child?

PolishPatriot ago

OP here. Let me explain something. During the Babylonian Captivity period Jews have been infiltrated by Babylonian Mystery School - Secret Society. Then there was a split and fake jews took over. They created Talmud which consists of instructions how you should interpret the Torah - the first five books of the Old Testament. Talmud is a satanic text full of perversions which basically states - We are jews and you are goyim. We rule over you and you can't do anything about it. We can kill you and you can't kill us. We are the Pure Master Race and you are slaves - that's Talmud. Those fake jews are exactly the same that Jesus was fighting with - the pharisees. They only want power, money and fame and praise Lucifer/Shiva/Cernunos/Satan/Saturn/Osiris etc. They are the wealthy owners of Hollyweird and all the banks and corporations of the planet. This is movement called Rotschildian Zionism. Read about Balfour Treaty - Creation of Israel by British Empire. IS RA EL - ISIS, RA and EL (god). Real Jews are only victims and have nothing to do with Zionism and fake jews.Proof So to sum up, there never has been or is anything wrong with Jews. It's all about satanic 'jewish' babylonian elites who create disruption and destroy all nations everywhere they can.

FatPanda ago

I don't care if they are real Jew, fake jews, Zionist Jews, Globalist Jews, makes nnot difference. If they identify themselves as Jews, and do shit like in this video, they will find themselves not wanted.

And since were on the topic, why do you think Jews found themselves not wanted in Germany? Was it because they were only Jewish, or was it something else?

PolishPatriot ago

Actual real Jews were comfortable in Germany until Hitler (put to power by wealthy families AKA fake jews and the jesuits) rose to power. When his administration started rumors about annihilating Jews, they thought it is just a joke which will never materialize. They truly believed that until germans brainwashed by Hitler and Nazi Party started to throw bricks into the windows of Jewish shops and they had to leave. The only reason Hitler started calling for extermination of Jews is because he followed orders from above. And these orders were - create reason for war plus divide population. These pseudo jews are nothing but globalist scum who want to reduce population to 500 thousand. Georgia Guidestones Divided we fall, United we stand.

FatPanda ago

I expected distorted response and you didn't disappoint. Your understanding of history is pretty bad. Typical jewish distortions.

Let me help you, since you haven't a clue why Jews had worn out their welcome in Germany. The Jews were traitors to Germany during the first world war, a war that Germany didn't start, but was on the verge of winning. Germany, despite winning the war, offered Britain a peace offering, to call off the war, and go back to everything like it was before the war began. Britain was about to accept that, as they were weeks away from loosing the war.

The Zionist Jews approached Britain and told them not to accept peace terms with Germany, that they would help Britain win the war, and what they wanted in return, was for Britain to promise them Palestine (then under British mandate) after the war. They agreed, and the jews went to work.

Jews in Germany who were union bosses at factories started strikes en masse, leading to many shortages of materials for the war. Jews started fires at night, helping the allies bomb their targets. Jewish owned media began pumping out Pacifist propaganda, blaming Germany for the war.

The Zionist Jews in US who owned (blackmailed) Woodrow Wilson plotted with him to bring the US into the war against Germany. They published fake news about Germans killing babies, anything to turn the public against Germany.

After Germany lost the war, and suffered greatly with the Treaty of Versailles, they realized who had stabbed them in the back.

Reference : Benjamin Freedman 1961 speech.

If Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews, he certainly could of accomplished his. Despite all the anti-Hitler propaganda, you makers of distortion have never been able to produce that document showing any kind of mass plan to exterminate Jews. What did happen, was an agreement with Zionist Jewry to relocate Jews to Palestine. This is known as the "Transfer agreement"

The incident you are referring to, regarding bricks being thrown into the windows of Jewish owned shops, was known as "Kristallnacht" Crystal Night. And Hitler and the his party had nothing to do with it, but they did put a stop to it.

Since there is so much propaganda around this event, I will suggest "Ingrid Weckert - The Bizarre Story Of Kristallnacht" who cuts though the propaganda and separates the fiction from reality.

Go ahead and and parrot out some more BS about WW2 and Hitler, I would love to use that opportunity to show the Anon's more of the lies and distortions.

PolishPatriot ago

I know who created Israel, that's why I wrote "Read about Balfour Treaty - Creation of Israel by British Empire." Hitler signed treaty with Mussolini in 1936. We had two people fighting hand in hand and if they had won, we would have European continent ruled by Nazi Party leader and Fascist Party leader. You do not get democracy out of this. You do not get monarchy out of this. You do not get freedom out of this. You get totalitarianism - pure socialistic NWO HELL like communism which happened anyway because THEY control both sides. Always. Defending Hitler and pretending he was the good guy? What is the definition of bad then? Who in the world would want to became Nazi leader. Only those who are part of the bigger agenda. Every socialist movement is part of the NWO. Every. Single. One.

FatPanda ago

I do not look at WW history though the Jewish lens of distortion. Hitler did not want war, and the proof of that was many attempts at a peace offers which were rejected. Poland is as much to blame for starting the war. They allowed German nationals to be massacred, they were living in the territory that was taken from Germany by Versailles.

Polands Marshal Rydz-Smigly was a tyrannical, imperialist, warmongering weasel that should have made his name infamous.

The circumstances surrounding the outbreak of this unnecessary war haunted Hitler until his dying day. Hours before his suicide, Hitler dictated his final political testament; in which he stated:

"It is untrue that I or anyone else in Germany wanted the war in 1939. It was desired and instigated exclusively by those international statesmen who were either of Jewish descent or worked for Jewish interests.

Three days before the outbreak of the German-Polish war I again proposed to the British ambassador in Berlin a solution to the German-Polish problem—similar to that in the case of the Saar district, under international control. This offer also cannot be denied. It was only rejected because the leading circles in English politics wanted the war, partly on account of the business hoped for and partly under influence of propaganda organized by international Jewry."

How Polands Smigly started WW2.

PolishPatriot ago

Great article, thank You. I have one 'but' though. Hitler was compared to Putin at the end. From what I know Tsar family - the Romanovs - were executed brutally by the bolshevik 'jews'. That's when they took control of Russia for years to come, by the use of Lenin trained and payed by the US jews. I believe Jacob Shiff - the man behind Rockefeller's money was his sponsor.There's a great swedish documentary about bolshevik's true identity - In the Shadow of Hermes. Putin is their child delivered by KGB - another head of the Satanic Hydra, just like the CIA, MOSSAD, ASIO the letters don't matter it's all one big swamp. The play between US and Russia allowed to cause 'disturbances' in the Ukraine couple years ago. There never was 'good' russia and 'bad' west. Again - both sides controlled by the powers that be. In exactly the same manner Hitler in my opinion was only their puppet who played his role. It's hard to believe that country where many great masonic lodges were created, including The Grand Lodge established in 1770 and famous Bavarian Illuminati order in 1776, would have a leader that is not the Jesuit's puppet. Adam Waishaupt was trained in Jesuit school. They stood behind the French revolution. They've been controlling the flow of history from the ancient times. I would have no accepting that maybe even Rydz Smigly was also one of them. Poland after all had their own Jesuit Superior General - Tadeusz Brzozowski - one of the most powerful people and by some incorrectly thought to be the most powerful person on the entire globe. It's that thing with 'stupid and irresponsible heads of states' who often have one thing in common - they are not stupid, they are intelligent vipers cooperating with the hydra. All in all, I don't buy the idea that those demons were able to make a mistake and let good Hitler ascend to the throne, while having their own Pope and other heads of states plus all the lodges, governments, churches of all denominations, intelligence agencies and stuff on the positions. I read somewhere that US Secret Service is the SS which is the same SS that Hitler was leading and the same that goes back to Sedes Sacrorum - the holy see and God knows how far back it would reach. And with that I will conclude my comments and would like to thank You Sir for this dialog and exchange of ideas. There are traces that may lead us to believe that Hitler was on our side but there are also those which testify against him. Everyone will need to look at them by themselves and adjust their perceptions accordingly. Revelation 17:5 “And upon her forehead was a name written, mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth.”

FatPanda ago

If you want to understand the globalists, the entity that Trump / Q is fighting, I suggest reading Mike King's Planet Rothschild. You can find it on Amazon.

Dysprosium ago

The term your looking for is Edomite Jews. The sons of Esau, who sold their birth rite for temporary gain. These are the same Jews that call for the release of Barabbas in exchange for Jesus. When you know their real name it becomes much clearer.

Neinlife ago

Reads like a jewish history book.

bulrush ago

We also need to remember that every contraption of this movement stems from Ancient Babylon so it has to be steeped in occult symbolism. Nazism is full of it.

The Nazi swastika is actually the "arms" pointing the opposite way of the original symbol. The original symbol means peace, if you switch the arms around to make the Nazi swastika, it means war, conflict, hate.

Speed_Bernicia ago

top quality stuff there patriot

RightWingLiftSquad ago

Yes goyim, the Jews have a right to a homeland but whites do not.

Dougal_McHaggis ago

I'd rather have 100% white jew-free socialism than jewed up nigger filled capitalism. DNA is what matters guy.

PolishPatriot ago

Remember that it's the socialist babylonian jews who brought africans and asians to Europe. Not capitalism.

Dougal_McHaggis ago

A jew is a jew, the labels are irrelevent. It's in the jew DNA to do what they do, from 1000s of years evolving as parasite gypsies.

PolishPatriot ago

There are real Jews and Babylonian Zion'ist pseudo jews.

GranimalSnake ago

Excellent post... this is the kind of stuff I want to learn about. The pursuit of truth is neverending.

Maladaptivenomore ago

I would recommend by starting with Op's following suggestion:

Do Your own research and stop letting others tell You what to believe.

Op surely means well, however, everything that was offered here is pretty vanilla, although the 10-15 years earlier version of me would have wanted to be best buddies with him/her. To restate, the information provided above is not only not ground-breaking, but well-known by many following the mainstream 'truth' movement. Much of it isn't wholly substantiated, and the facts of the matter involve a complexity that may require a greater comprehension of the history, above and beyond a mainstream conspiracy theory history of it.

The Truth of the matter is this, the gatekeepers of the information world understand that capital T Truth is uncomfortable. It shatters the indoctrinated world view of even most that think that they are 'awake'. People that are raised within the 'truth movement' are raised to be perpetuators of the institutionalized gate-keeping and don't even know it. The real Truths out there are closer to the ones that have never been en vogue. You will know of them by the fact that you can't speak of them in public, and especially within the mainstream 'truth' movement. Remember that 'Q' is still considered a 'larp' within the broader supposed 'truth' movement, for example.

So, again, be mindful of those attempting to tell you to do your own research but then front-loading you with what you should discount, because "it's a government psyop designed to hurt the truth movement', as some would claim. That claim in itself should be discounted and you should consider adopting the adage 'stop letting others tell You what to believe' right then and there.

PolishPatriot ago

OP here. Thanks for Your input. "...the gatekeepers of the information world understand that capital T Truth is uncomfortable." Indeed

Maladaptivenomore ago

You're welcome, cheers. Best of luck to you out there.

GranimalSnake ago

Excellent advice. It's important to pursue truth and not cease once you find something that satisfies your personal preferences.

Truth is all that matters. Thank you for commenting. It's an important perspective.

Maladaptivenomore ago

You're very welcome, I'm glad that it was well received. Cheers.