14007845? ago

New here... Pretty sure Q mentioned something about QRV?? I hope and pray this is a better platform than reddit/GA! WWG1WGA #ticktock Thank you /BO/ and Q for setting up another place where we can go and discuss.

14006168? ago

Die. You are destroying the platform.

14005000? ago

Ha, yes, rather impressive. I think we're still within a 24 hour window and the sub is just under 10,000 - almost 2k viewing. Impressive is right! #wwg1wga!

14004826? ago

Hey, somebody told me there was free liquor here... I don't see no free liquor. WTF?! Well, as long as I'm here might as well campout a bit and patrol (pa-troll) the perimeter. When I was enlisted I always thought Military and Intelligence were contradictory terms, but the Q team has VERY pleasantly surprised me! I'll be a pointman for the Q team anytime... feels like home. Hooah Bitches!

14004207? ago

Glad to be here, thank you Q!

14004098? ago

I seem to be unable to actually subscribe to this sub. Is there anything particular I need to do?

Am subscribed to other subs with no problem, but when I subscribe to this one and come back, I am not a subscriber again.

Is there some setting I need to adjust?

14014067? ago

Yes, you need to change your settings to allow adult content. Click on Manage, then check Enable Adult (NSFW) Content and you will be able to subscribe. This is an anonymous, unfiltered sub.

14043045? ago

Thank you for your help. Worked fine from PC so I probably just need to opdate the app.

14009213? ago

Make sure you’re actually logged in. For some reason I keep getting logged out.

14043062? ago

Yes, that happes to me aswell. Might be by design, long-lived tokens are weak :)

Anyway, subscribing worked fine from PC so I probably just need to opdate the app.

14004005? ago

Hello, everyone. I'm new to boards like this, but looking to take a more active road in interacting with people on messaging board and public content areas while contributing to the movement in whatever ways I can.



14003927? ago

Hello friends. Greetings from Germany.

ThanQs Q for his / her commitment to all, in USA, Europe and the whole world!

14009236? ago

We here actually know how dire the migrant situation is in Germany so we feel for you. Rest assured Soros and Merkel aren’t gonna get away with this.

14011154? ago

ThanQs! It is good to know that we are not alone in Europe!


14003209? ago

I'm here and very happy!

14002658? ago

hello guys I have arrived! like it matters :D all that matters is that we are in this together

14002535? ago

Pretty amazing. We know many many more will be joining VOAT. To me it seems easier to navigate. I'm still working on developing a kind of WWG1WGA Manifesto. Patriots are loyal to the common good. Seems like a good start. I never thought Donald Trump would be the one to inspire this, but damned if he hasn't. He's one impressive son of a gun.

14002220? ago

Up vote for ccr or w/e

14001429? ago


14001196? ago

How do I subscribe to this channel so I don't have to search every time to pull it up.

14009265? ago

There’s a button on the top left with 3 horizontal lines. Click it and it opens a pullout menu with a subscribe button.

14000899? ago

Yep. And, I still can’t post cause I have no UpVotes! CAN YOU UPVOTE THIS PATRIOT, PLEASE??

14014120? ago

Go over the to other 2 subs, GreatAwakening and theawakening and join. They are NOT anonymous. Comment there for a bit to get your points. This is the main hub, but no points given here!

14018502? ago

Right, I’ve been doing that there and on DIY. Thank you.

14014395? ago

Right. I’ve posted over there a few times but I’m finding that UpVotes are much harder to get than Likes. If you want to throw me a couple, my username is QNATION1. Thank you!

14002098? ago

You can't get CCP here as its an anon subverse

14000484? ago

so. I am new to voat. I am also new to posting. I still cant down voat or post a new thread. so I am putting this here in hopes that someone can verify what I just noticed. I have lurked for many months now. I decided to look at the earliest Q posts. He always says the past proves future. I remember trying to catch up so I liked clicking on the answer tabs to learn more about the older posts. I need confirmation on what I am seeing. when I did that months ago I noticed many of the answers were missing to some of his/her questions. Now I have gone back again today and so far it seems like all the older posts are totally filled in. Is my memory terrible? Can anyone who has been with the movement from the beginning confirm that Q team is continuing to update the older posts? some of the stuff I read are answering questions that the austists I follow still say they have no clear answer but what i read Q team definitively are answering now. tell me do you notice that Q team has possibly been updating the older posts till its complete?

14014227? ago

I can't answer your main question, but just wanted to let you know that you will be able to downvote at 100 CCPs and create a new thread at 10 CCPs. You can't get any points on this anonymous sub, so also join GreatAwakening and theawakening - they are NOT anonymous. Comment there for a bit to get your points. This is the main hub, but no points given here!

14000430? ago


14000361? ago

I was mainly a lurker on Reddit, I guess now I need to figure out how to use this thing.

14000215? ago

Q isn't here to push out old goats and take over Voat. We are all here because we believe in free speech and we hate the socialist cabal deep state motherfuckers who are trying to seize control of the Internet and marginalize us into the null corners of cyberspace.

We're building a fucking army take back what they have stolen from US!

13999465? ago

Coming to boat takes me back to what brought me to this whole movement - FBI Anon https://i.redd.it/6zq652jwnhuz.png

13999364? ago

How many subscribers do you guys think we need before we own this place?

13999211? ago

sooooo does this mean i can rape some goat now

any one

or i have to shase u like a mulim in my basement thats goona get skined alive

poor dude really sorry not sorry

fuck u too

if i m nice i might let him keep his skin ....

13998740? ago

Dont listen to the Farrakhanian islamic racist black brotherhood black supremacists. Christians unite with Israel! Jesus Is a Jew! Genisis 12:3 anti semites are CURSED

13998662? ago

Very interesting Reddit was always hiding how many users were actually there. Now we see the truth, thanks to Q & Voat.

13998414? ago

ThisAnon rarely read Reddit, except when referred to specific articles. Have mostly lurked on 8chan's Q Research. Learning to use Voat now. Greetings fellow Patriots!

13998257? ago

The Reddits knew to come in the first place, so maybe more red pills got on the Q band wagon and are finding way here? Be back to 70K again soon maybe.

13998247? ago

Q sent me. WWG1WGA. If this is all a LARP or the Deep State want to mislead, stall or hunt us, I'll be proud we did wrong by trying to do the right. I'm soothed to see others sharing the same hopes and fighting spirit. Reminds me of something mentioned in Game of Thrones, death is the enemy and come to all men, a battle for life is a certain loss but we have to fight anyways.

13998177? ago

It's nice to be back to the original style of communication since 2008, when the trend was towards protecting anonymity, and funny enough the effect was civility. I guess the risk now is bots getting better and better.

13998117? ago

I have so many damn apps/website profiles/passwords and aliases my brain is running out of room. How about we get on with destroying these Globalist pricks so we can get on with our normal lives. I need another beer.

13998037? ago

Q sent me

13997703? ago

I follow Q

13997687? ago

I’m slowing learning how to use VOAT, it’s worth it for me because I love the community here. Finally a place without censorship where men can be free. I want to post in here but I don’t understand the getting 10 CCP?

Anyone willing to explain things to me?

13999177? ago

A recently made new user guide. https://voat.co/v/Voat/2722975

13997552? ago

I found you... Great to be aboard. WEWG1WGA

13998427? ago


13997207? ago

not enough. compare unique ip. we need moar.

13996633? ago

You can make replys without points, but you can't start a thread without 10 points. A lot of folks will come here when they discover they can actually post something when they want. Reddit was a pain in the ass for me. I tried posting several times when I thought I had some of worth to note, and never got even one to stick. That was frustrating.

14014359? ago

Yes, I agree! I used to lurk on Reddit constantly, comment a bit, but every single time I tried to post a thread (and a good one - on topic, reasonable, interesting), it would get deleted within a short frame of time, no matter the topic. I thought maybe I was doing something wrong, but now I realize it was censorship. BTW, I am female. And we women are NOT the screaming emotional flowers that the Left paints us out to be. We can tolerate a LOT. We are Patriots. We stand ready to fight.

14017187? ago

I understand women are strong in their ways. I believe evolution built them to be more emotionally motivated to ensure the survival of the next generation. Even though you can be brave in the face of danger, I am old fashion in that I don't thing you should have to be the ones in the line of fire. The one thing you can do that no man will ever be able to is reason enough to make certain you are protected.

14002190? ago

There are plenty of women who can handle the heat. WWG1WGA includes women. I see why your Reddit posts didn’t stick - how much worth did you really add with this comment?

13996576? ago

Where did you get this info from?

13996567? ago

The reddit refugee crisis along with Q not posting for 24 hours with the last post being 4 direct links to this place are really doing a lot of work.

14003214? ago

I was reading another post and they were all about Q-code. Wikipedia had excellent resource. So QRV=are you ready. Long stretch is the 4 links in Morse code —-.- is Q.

13996309? ago


13996169? ago

I am standing by to see all the Washington elite burst in flames over this shitpile they have been hiding all these years.....

13996161? ago

I’m one of them... glad Q picked a board. I was tired of the other two boards and the division...

13995784? ago

My only wish is to speak freely. There was a phrase I heard once, "I may not agree with what you just said, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." I still believe the freedom of speech is absolute. But I see censorship everywhere. The media is as sanitized as a supercomputer clean room. I've been watching every Trump rally since the day he announced his presidency. Just the coverage afterwards was enough to prove to me that something was grievously wrong with some people. I've been part of other groups on Reddit, especially r/Bitcoin, which has a nearly proven history of deletion of comments and threads that showed it support. No one seems to understand that nothing makes sense anymore. It's not the jobs of the owners of these sites to push a political viewpoint, and yet they all do, under the basis that if they don't, they will either be attacked or shut down themselves. Fear of the greater mob mentality is commonplace in this completely debunked atmosphere of guilty before proven innocent. Censorship, however, is impossible. We are going to overcome it the same way that humans overcome obstacles that prevent progress. The way Bitcoin is built as a currency almost mirrors the way a republic functions when it functions correctly, without political influences. Although they may throw some temporary barriers up to those who choose to see a different side of what is presented to them as an alternative to just plain fact, censorship cannot last. The more they try to censor the truths that people discover in the world, the more they spread them out. Decentralization is the best thing to happen to the internet since it was turned on. I've only been watching Q since I noticed supporters showing up to Trump rallies, now I see the importance behind everything. It's difficult to show people the truth simply because they don't want to open to the idea that they themselves might be wrong. When we can accept that nothing exists in the way that we are told to expect, we might make more progress. Until then, an open conversation with a group of other people has changed more minds than a year of internet research. We are winning because we can show everyone else that we can still be better. Q, thank you for the inspiration. We need to keep going and never stop.

13995542? ago

Those are impressive numbers. Glad to be here. WWG1WGA

13995385? ago

Can you compare with the growth of VOAT subscribers overall?

13995256? ago

Ready to do my part as well & contribute to The Effort... just need me some CCP. Thanks in advance fellow anons!

13995239? ago

We’re now at 8,200+ with 3,300+ active

That’s 800 new subs in 3.5 hours with 300 new active subs

13994836? ago


13994656? ago

stfu with the self-reflective bs

13994505? ago


13994473? ago

The whole point system is bizarre.

13994278? ago

People are making there way here. Give it time. If the hoax of an accuser is allowed to kill the nomination of a SCOTUS then I imagine many people will lose interest. I'm already losing interest.

13993833? ago


14014670? ago

It's much simpler than that. You can comment all you want on any thread. You need 10 CCP to create a NEW thread. You'll have to go to another sub (not anonymous) to get those points. If you don't want to do that, it's fine, you can still comment all you want. This is WAY better than Reddit - every time I tried to create a thread, it would be deleted within a short period of time, no matter what. Total censorship. Not so here. You can freely post after you get the 10 CCP, and that is very easy to do. (I'm not aware of any 20 CCP requirement for anything).

13996145? ago

Get over yourself. You're not your son, and I haven't heard many of the ex military guys bitching or acting self-important like you.

All you have to do is go out and engage with the broader community enough that 10 people like what you said. Not fucking rocket surgery.

Would you prefer that bots can spam new topics and entirely wreck your board in a week? It's a sitewide rule, everyone who shows up here has to get 10 upvoats before they can post a new topic.

13994883? ago

I didn’t make any of those rules.

From what I understand it was meant as some sort of anti-shill measure to ensure the sub verse wouldn’t get raided.

13994371? ago

Whats up with " cant speak " ? im New here.An Old Patriot. Tryin to learn the ropes.

13993438? ago

Right now, their are thousands of new Voaters pissed the fuck off that nobody gives a shit about them.... votes=shekels?

13993258? ago

I just checked a major Internet forum that I've been visiting for 10 years. This site has 3x the number of online visitors right now.

This provides the true meaning of WWG1WGA!

13993203? ago


yes, i came.

13993169? ago

Fuck you Q nigger faggots. Blue pilled normie tier fucks. The JEWS are the god damn enemy.

13993051? ago

I also am here A Scotsman living in Canada because of Q WWG1WGA..Awakened..😎

13992923? ago

Where are the stats?

13992538? ago

There were already over 7000 subscribers to the existing q subs when you guys showed up. It looks like your rapid growth was mostly just existing users subscribing to a new sub. Also, the last q sub hit 7000 in a day or two and stopped.

13992260? ago

The Great Awakening is happening with or without the MSM or the Q deniers. We stand united and our numbers our growing exponentially. The exodus from the left will only intensify. Truly a storm is upon them. WWG1WGA. Thanks Q.

13992099? ago

Me 2 - after Q endorsement and especially after the Missouri rally at the Q arena where 45 out did himself by using the word "stench" to describe deep state actors.

13991961? ago

Count me in

13991639? ago

I never Joined reddit, and I only Joined VOAT yesterday when there was a confirmation that this channel was endorsed by Q.

13991282? ago

Normally I am thirsty for the D, but right now all I care about is Q 😱

13991272? ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utICcnLNecI THE QANON SONG -- Also great for election time!!!!

13991234? ago

if anyone else here got or is getting frustrated with the 10 CCP shit or the CCP in general, i got like 5 points ish once i updated my BIO and AVATAR. GreatAwakening is muh CCP subverse (my non anon subberse) MAGA http://magaimg.net/img/20iu.jpg

13991119? ago

This is bananas. Can't wait to see it after a month!

13991097? ago

gentlemen, that was a tough redpill to swallow. i've had cognitive dissonance about the holocaust all my life, but never questioned it. my eyes have been opened. thank you voat. thank you Q for sending us here. WWG1WGA. may take me a few days to digest this.

13991042? ago


13991026? ago

It will be fun, or at least interesting, to watch.

13990986? ago

Please spread this around to anyone you know.

"All for a LARP"?

ANONS! There are bad actors that are actively trying to take advantage of the current chaos to cause division in the movement. WE ARE NOT DIVIDED!!!

These people have been planning this for a long time. They have been lying in wait for this moment.

Reddit has removed all major Qanon subs. If any are left at this point they should be considered controlled opposition and disinfo.

Facebook will have AI capabilities to decode MEMES soon if they don't already have it. Once this is in place FB will be a dead platform for us.

Twitter is already censoring conservative voices and Q research. Through shadowbans and follower removal tactics. Be aware they will also soon have the ability to decode MEMES.

Discord is already being censored and many groups of patriots have already been removed.

VOAT has been chosen as an alternative board by Q for now. Please see the Q endorsed board below. You should start learning to self censor now while you still have time. https://voat.co/v/QRV

All of the above platforms will not last forever when the censorship hammer finally drops in earnest. Our ONLY source of information will be 8chan.

Either through PatriotsFight, Qresearch, or QRV

Q Endorsed Alternate Source on VOAT https://voat.co/v/QRV

PatriotsFight - Q's Secure Board


Qresearch - This is the hub for decoding Q drops.


There are coordinated attacks against all of us coming from all sides.

Some will mask their true intentions to look like they are helping the cause.

Fakes do not stand up to close scrutiny. Do not be quick to trust on face value alone. Think for yourself and trust your gut.

Look at their actions and history to see if they are truly Patriots.

The choice to know and truly see will be yours and yours alone.

With this in mind I am pleading with you to learn how 8ch works now. Spread the word on every platform available until they are gone.

Learn to use it now while we have the other platforms to redpill on.

For many people 8chan has been demonized. This is partially due to many of us forgetting how to self filter what we see.

If we see something we don't agree with many will go straight to attack the individual. This is exactly what the enemy wants.

They want you to waste your time and energy on attacking their agents. This takes away time you could be researching and learning.

It takes away time you could be redpilling.

Many of us need to remember how to self filter what we see. Remember how to filter content yourself.

Patriots of all ages work together on the boards to bring the darkness to light.

So take these steps with your fellow anons and learn to rise up again. Rise up against the division that is constantly being thrown at you. Rise up against the lies the MSM tell you every day.

Rise up out of your comfort zone! Change isn't always easy but it is necessary. Without change none of us would grow. We ALL must adapt and overcome!

So stand with us and stand together! WWG1WGA! WE WILL NEVER FORGET!!!

Further resources:

Q's Drops and other info:


Q Proofs:


14003411? ago

I would like to point out that no centralized internet service is safe from censorship or takedown. At worst, a fire can bring the servers down, the underlying business can be bought out, the owners can be bought, blackmailed or worse...

In the end, only decentralized media will be immune from censorship and the subterranean war tactics of the cabal.

Today there is one system that fits that design, called steamit. Research that censorproof, nuclear war proof social media platform. But it is in its infancy. That is a blueprint for how fully resistant social media platforms will evolve.

Long term, voat is not safe. Even 8chan can be brought down with a fire or a coordinated social/legal/targeted human attack.

13991389? ago

Thank you, very helpful.

13990981? ago

Wwg1wga :)

13990887? ago

A great time to be alive. The world’s a changin’ and we are more than just witnesses to history: we are the reason!

13990868? ago


13990837? ago

Where can we view the subscribers? Thanks Patriot ! Very Exciting

13991049? ago

You can see the numbers not actual subcribers. I am on an iphone. When u are on qrv there are 3 lines on right. Click. It gives info about qrv

14005788? ago

I found it. Try the pulldown menu to the top left. I think that’s where I saw it yesterday. Let me check.

13990788? ago

This subverse will be larger than the Great Awakening ever was, and it will be that large by midterms in five weeks.

I'd stake my kingdom on it.

13990772? ago

7606 right now.

13990561? ago

20 hours ago there were 731 subscribers and 9222 users online


13990546? ago

Well you just got another one.

13990629? ago

plus one more.

13990347? ago

But how many of you aren't zombies is the real question? Pretty low quality group so far.

13990511? ago

Low quality my ass. The migration was because of the Q post. An abnormally high percentage of concerned civis & Patriots paid attention would be a better guess.

13990726? ago

How many of you are able to function independently? The lot of you just sit around slobbering until Q tells you how high to jump.

Even with your numbers not a single one of you could figure out how to buy a domain, set up a simple board and ensure your community always had an Independent fall back?

You guys were surprised when you got purged inspite of 3 years of bannings on reddit and Q directly telling you to have other plans.

You all can be patriotic as you want but the vast majority are zombies.

14003573? ago

Can we get over the hate bs and turn back to the real show again ?

I mean it's interresting to find out so many people are brainwashed into narrowminded pigs assholes . But we're kind of in a wwwar right now. We want to keep the Awakening going. Wwg1wga. Just expand your thinking idiots !

14012045? ago

You stupid fucks are waaay late to the battle. You really that arrogant and don 't realize you Qoomers have been running around chasing busy work while the mean, "racist" places like voat and 8chan have been fighting a hot war for years. The only reason you guys even know about Q is because we decided that is was important enough to share with the normie idiots on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and made a concerted effort to do so.

13995313? ago

Your put-downs are the redundancy I'm witnessing. Get some new material ya broken record.

13995651? ago

You have no rebuttal I take it?

13994652? ago

Im a zombie

13995855? ago

Feel free to feast on as many brains as you want.

13994768? ago

WTH is a zombie on voat? im a nube patriot . joined today.

14007597? ago

Since I apparently am one, my best guess is Zombie = dumb fuck that has nothing useful to contribute

13992663? ago

Im not from Reddit.. Never was. Been looking for an uncensored wider platform , tried several others, but never reddit. What the FUCK makes you think Reddit. You think every nube came from reddit? Dont be afraid of an increase. What i said above, is that all i had to say to Trigger you ?

13991918? ago

Even with your numbers not a single one of you could figure out how to buy a domain, set up a simple board and ensure your community always had an Independent fall back?

This is like setting up a business without marketing/advertising plan. Q drop to this VOAT board is your marketing/advertising plan

13992101? ago

All the good it does us since voat does not sell user data and is run on user donations.

Qcumbers presence here is not a gift from God. You are a burden on our limited resources.

13995076? ago

Didn't realize it was donation funded. u dont think there'll be more $ with more pple? I must've overlooked the donation info.

13996269? ago


Edit: I hate receiving donations for a few reasons but here is Voat's BTC address if you feel called to donate: 3NZvuAk3Csf1UP1KCmzN9dhiXTwvhTgr9k. Please only donate if you have the means

13995992? ago

Jews purged most of the ways to donate. Bitcoin is it.

13991894? ago

not so bad if you know you are one... anyone just redpilled should be in zombie mode until re-educating themselves as to what the fuck is going on. this board can help with that perhaps? it could be great if given the chance.

13992414? ago

Awareness is a step in the right direction but there are a lot of delusions of woke-ness here. We'll see how many can be redeemed.

13991487? ago

Interesting comment. I started MoralGovt.com to help organize outside of twitter. It is a way for people to come together and form a body of, by and for the people. A person can represent a region as a Senator, House Rep or Cabinet Member. We have gotten some signups, so we are making some progress but I've been surprised at how many people actually sit on the side line rather than being active and doing more.

13990480? ago

Real human here reporting for duty. For what it’s worth I was on the old Reddit CBTS sub and then GA. Never posted on either but lurked and followed daily. After this last ban I’m fired up. iOS app Voatify isn’t too bad FYI.

13990661? ago

I’ve been riding along with you along the way. I wish Voatify would notify when replied to like the shitty Reddit app.

13990658? ago

I was going to download that but after skimming Apples 16 page agreement and finding their language about not using their services to yada yada yada...I decided to stick with browser for now.

13990250? ago

I never had deddit ( not putting the name down) account all this is new to me. I have been watching patriot channels on you tube. so excited on learning all this. God bless every one that is a patriot.

13990195? ago

Alts and bots.

13990190? ago

Surely you aren't assuming the abrupt move of 70K users from one board to another is going to map as linear growth over a week? I would predict that the 7.5K we have are the die-hards and we are going to see see slow and burty growth based on frequency of QPosts. This board also has about 10 hard barriers to entry (NSFW, the aboriginals here are unpleasant, the 10 points to post system, the lack of clarity around anon versus named use, and how points are accumulated, the UI looks like it was designed as a college summer project....etc. etc.) so a lot of the normie lurkers just wont work to use it.

14007028? ago

designed as a college summer project

You have no idea how close to the truth you are.

14004532? ago

I think that's the point. Normies can come and lurk but their not really relevant to the timeline. There a lot of norminies out the pioneering the web right now with all the info they've gotten. Some will come back and share some will not. In the coming month events will bring our fellow Patriots and pioneers back. Just watch. Trust the plan.

14002272? ago

I like the clean UI not a My LIttle Ponyewque impression like reddit. My 2 cents

14001803? ago

Makes since but learning the system and program will be worth it. I think there is a reason we were sent here. How do we know how many sub we have?

14001313? ago

You sound like a jew. Invite yourself into another country, denigrate its natives and their culture.

14000784? ago

Or, we will. First time poster.

14000343? ago

I'm 4mos in. Never used Reddit or Twitter before in my life. I found Qdrops love it. Even go back and forth on 8chann. I am pretty serious about this. I will move mountains to find Q and Anon posts. I would hope others would do the same.

13998218? ago

the UI looks like it was designed as a college summer project

Haha that is kind of hilarious - you must have been a noob over there too, since this is exactly what reddit looked like back in the day.

13996184? ago

That’s it?


13995721? ago

I have lurked on some sites including redditt but this is the first one that I have ever subscribed to. I did so for only one reason.... to put the fear of GOD in the deep state. I want them to know that they are not only over matched but out numbered as well. We are AWAKE ! I'd prefer that we didn't have to kill them all so I hope they heed our indiscreet warnings because we will not announce the kill order.

13995468? ago

The aboriginals here are weeding out the SJW trash, more like. It's unpleasant by design.

13994303? ago

Made a new account. Old one had -6 when I logged back on, from the T_D purge ~2 years ago. Got a total of 25 or so new points since I came from GA on reddit this time, still sitting at -6 total

13992769? ago

"the aboriginals here are unpleasant".. you mean the bots/shills and 3 letter agencies spamming niggerfaggot in every thread subverting voat under the guise of free speech turning off everyone to the message because they don't want to be associated with bigoted racism? Those aboriginals?

13992598? ago

Just curious why are you all using the anon filter? Seems unnecessarily confusing especially since some of you follow specific users for specific information.

13995522? ago

Because famefags are trash.

13991624? ago

you are the die-hards, you say, but you're all bluepilled as fuck. we're the ones maintaining a place of absolute free speech that you reddit faggots are now taking refuge in, and now you're insisting to turn it into another cancer SHITHOLE like the one you came from. what differentiates you from the shitskin muslims going around rampaging around europe trying to turn their places of refuge into another 3rd world shithole?

literally, that's you. a fucking mudshit refugee.

no movement benefits from having pathetic low-T brainlets like yourself on its team.

i doubt you'll amend your ways, and insist on being a shitskin refugee that everyone hates, but here's some reading material for you regardless, in case the two wires you have in your head connect.

you know that muslim taqqiya? the 'lie whenever its convenient? the jews have that too

Jews have been expelled from host nations nearly 360 times

Jews are taught by the Talmud to hate the gentiles (goyim) and that any cruelty done to the gentiles is condoned and encouraged.

There are no "good jews".

They believe that the Talmud promises them world dominion.

Jews were behind the bolshevik revolution in Russia.

The bolshevik leaders were mostly jews.

The soviet union was led by jews.

Jews were also behind the communist revolution in China.

Jews created feminism.

Jews created SJWism.

They have been up to the same "typical tricks" for a long time.

Jews control the media.

They use the media to promote an anti-white agenda.

Diversity is code for White Genocide, and immigration is the primary weapon used by the jews to accomplish this goal.

All races are not the same.

And we are NOT equal.

14021750? ago

Are you talking about orthodox, non orthodox, hessidic, practicing, non practicing, Kabalhist? People that live in Judea, or came from Judea, people who look middle Eastern? What the fuck is "a Jew" to you? Define please.

14031142? ago

what is a 'white' to you? Define please.

14044381? ago

Non Sequitur. I see you are struggling to answer the question.

13999324? ago

Brainless masses can be quite the force when herded in the right direction. Consider American politics of the past thirty years and the French Revolution.

I’d love to see another Enlightenment.

13994876? ago

ima nigger

13995182? ago


13993338? ago

Nice work! I had forgotten about. Some of this. Sure does show a historical bbn pattern of behavior.

  1. Host nation takes in Jews.

  2. Jews hire and promote other jews and take control of an organization.

  3. Jews grow paranoid host nation will turn on them.

  4. Jews start subverting its institutions, debating culture to weaken host population.

  5. Jews wanting a shield to distract and blame start bringing in low IQ, fact reeeeeee producing foreigners.

^^^^ you are here. ^^^^

13995496? ago

Sounds like pisslam, to be honest. Same shit, different religion.

13991935? ago

Diversity is Israel's strength. I can't wait until all the refugees are repositioned in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

14053687? ago

The Israelis tried to stop the aliyah of black Jews from Ethiopia and elsewhere from the so called " right to return". Jews are the most racist against black people. White orthodox Jews do not intermarry with any other race or ethnic group and believe in the purity of their Aryan race. Hence, the concept of The Fascist Nazis whose Original army was one third Jews. It is also proposed that Hitler was one Quarter Rothschild, by a grandfather, Nathanial Rothschild in England and a maid i the late 1800s. The maid was banished to Austria when found to be pregnant and gave birth to Hitler's father.

It is also historically known that Wealthy Aristocrat Jews started the first slave trade boats from Africa to the New World Americas and Caribbean Islands.

Jews orchestrated diversity, multiculturalism, LGBTQ promotion and degenerate social liberalism as wespons of mass destruction of sovereign nations, races, cultures, traditions, religions and ethnicities. Policies aimed at corruption of norms to destroy moral majority. Their tools are always, lies, perversions, deception, reverse projection and social chaos. https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-they-didn-t-want-ethiopian-jews-in-israel-either-1.5785804

13991929? ago

I know the shitty Jews killed Jesus, but saying they're all bad is pushing it. God was an asshole for a long time, and it wasn't until he put Jesus down that he realized how shit he made everything. He's a decent guy now, or something, we hope.

14000880? ago


13996436? ago

I bet you know some good communist too?

13992903? ago

ALL jews are evil. The sooner you get that through your thick skull the better

13992283? ago

Now that one made me laugh. Thank you. God apparently isn't as omniscient as they say, huh?

13992537? ago

My belief in him is bare. I can't even say I have faith, but I think Jesus had things right. I hope I can have a seed of faith one day.

13990831? ago

Do you really think it's 70k and not just Reddit making popular subs look more popular. Then cut them off when they spiral out of their control?

13991172? ago

In the ase of T_D and GA I would expect they would be counting popularity down as best they can. Q quotes numbers in the millions (Probably 8ch, not reddit), but that said, we never got above 70K on those boards

13992138? ago

Qmap regularly shows 100k online but even when they added the voat and 8ch links I didn't see a fraction of those numbers shared. Maybe we're waking up to the fact population isn't 7b and those awake either aren't technical at all or we're a sliver of the minority population.

13990422? ago

I wanted to post something, voat says no - not enough points, now am trying to figure out how you get points. If anyone sees the resignations worldwide as a subgroup, let me know. Just want to share. Title Here

13996964? ago

I seem to remember there to be something akin to chatting on reddit and other places..like FB had or has a couple of Qanon threads..anyway this place is different..the person above me post 4.1 hours ago and the one above that 4.3 hours ago..its like no one is ever around for dialogue plus we all seem to have numbers rather than a name and the number is so darn small I can hardly see it and do we carry that number from board to board..or are we totally anonymous here..cannot carry on a conversation and plan to continue it another day if we a just anons. Is that how y'all wanted this?

13997112? ago

I guess we can do as we want on our own threads. I am used to the fast pace of Twitter for information, interaction, sources, etc. Each platform must have a unique use and Q wanted the security of this board. Not sure I am necessarily needed for his plan, but I would hate to not answer the call for duty. WWG1WGA

13995798? ago

Qrv is dominating the front page so check out subvoats for things you are into like fishing for example. Get points by posting interesting content. The point wall is to protect from sudden brigades. Reddit sjws would do that in the past.

13995595? ago

It takes some time but you'll get there.

13991775? ago

you have to venture outside of here and get involved. I joined 4 other subs other than this and make good comments I just reached my 100 mark

13991741? ago

lurk more before posting.

consider learning the rules of the new land you are now in.

you wouldnt go into another country and break the laws of that coutnry, then say 'i didnt know this was illegal', now would you?

13991017? ago

I had 0. Then after a few updates and replies as well as did my profile I'm up to 9.

14003902? ago

Hi anons, sorry to hijack and hate to beg. Can I get a few upvotes please? I'll gladly pay you Tuesday.

14012272? ago

Trade you.

14032774? ago

Thank you.

13991264? ago

ditto i got like 5 points ish once i updated my BIO and AVATAR

13995305? ago

Oh! That's good to know. I thought it was more anonymous.i couldn't load an avatar though.

13993847? ago

I had more but these dude keep getting mad that I point out we aren't here to be red pilled by them. We are here to discuss Q

13997441? ago

Those facts they present aren't irrelevant to the highest levels of corruption this world faces. It's very Q related. The harsh language is voat's way of initiating newcomers into the world of real free speech. You don't have to like it, but this is the best place to be right now for truth.

13990820? ago

You have to go to a non-anonymous board - v/Greatawakening is fine nd where I got my stripe, then post comments there. Upvotes count there, they do not in here because everything is anonymized. You can tell if posts only have a number next to them, if they have a handle or uname in text then votes will count. Fair warning ups and downs count so be civil and accept there will be abuse by the natives.

14006944? ago

Right, I posted several replies on v/GreatAwakening as QNATION1 but still not enough UpVotes to post here. Would be great if people UpVote over there so everyone can have a voice here! Thanks Patriots!

13991046? ago

Very good info. Thank you.

13990682? ago









13995958? ago

I had to go to the about page to subscribe because in my browser there was no side bar... Just an FYI for anyone that needs it

13994011? ago

I CAN CONFIRM. This anon followed instructions as posted and is now SUBSCRIBED. Thank you patriot, have a (you) (does that work here?) lolz. Take a coat and an upboat.

13990619? ago

Thanks for this!!

You have to get 10+ CCP by posting comments such is this in other (non anonymous) sub-verses. This one's anonymous, I'm afraid, so you have to get your points elsewhere. I have CCP racked up so I'll post this for you

14062637? ago

New resignation. Can you post , again?

Two Instagram Founders suddenly Leave Company


13990717? ago

Is there another Q friendly subverse that's not anonymous like /v/theawakening where we can post pro Q stuff and organically grow our CCP until we can participate in this one?

13990743? ago

/v/theawakening is as good as any. Probably the best place to do so

13990660? ago

Thank you. 😘

13990769? ago

Most welcome :)

13990514? ago

I'm there with you.

13990589? ago

We can laugh together about the nuances of this new platform. Six weeks out from an election, I have no free time. Was hoping this was an easy learning curve. Should have known with Q that nothing is easy. Still don't have my secret decode ring for all of Q comms.

13990326? ago

Normie lurkers May not want to use it but despite those barrier especially the 10 points to post barrier, I think a significant percentage of Q’s worldwide followers will take the time and energy to get through them.

13996694? ago

i hope so ...

13991303? ago

note - i also got hit with a 20 comment limit in 24 hours <-- guess they could tell i was tryin to hustle 10 CCP. also, now that im over 10 could really give 2 fucks about anything, hehe

13990890? ago

Hopefully it will also deter the shills. Although the locals that already have a stripe will be in singing about how muh-jews ruin everything. Hopefully this will settle down.

14005667? ago

How does it deter shills? If you get to keep posting garbage and disinformation without the ability to be tracked, then this serves you. You get to keep dropping shit posts and lies without anyone becoming the wiser or seeing your pattern. I really am mixed up about this and would appreciate an explaination.

13991699? ago

everyone who sais something that makes me uncomfortable, is a shill

13990537? ago

I'm trying to have patience with this crap.

13994682? ago


13994041? ago

All of the barriers were put in place to keep "shills" and voat farming and spam to a minimum.

There are very few rules here and they are to keep speech free. Thats why when your first set of mods started banning people all hell broke loose.

13991805? ago

war is never pretty

13991671? ago

this is your home now, you're a guest here. we offer you a refuge of free speech, but you don't like it?

you're like a muslim migrant arriving in italy, then whining about not liking the free food youre given, in ingrateful fucking wretch. look at yourself in the fucking mirror and think about what you really believe in. because it's obviously not freedom or free speech

13993873? ago

Bro. We are not guests. This verse thing was literally made for us. Not you.

13993972? ago

This is why goats don't like you. You realize that right?

13993966? ago

this is literally an unwanted refugee-centre in the middle of our town.

you're not invited here, you were imposed on us. you're not welcome here, but we're willing to tolerate you being here. we do this, because we believe that maybe down the line, we can both benefit, but in the mean time, you'd do well to remember that you are the refugee, and if you're not happy with the free things you're given, you can always fuck off back to your reddit shit infested fucking cancerhole that you seem to love so much, you fucking jew nigger.

13990059? ago

Yeah this place is almost as popular as What's-her-face drunk and spread eagle at a pool party on a Saturday night trying to trap smart guys from Georgetown Prep.

What's-her-face is a bigger Ho that Voat will ever be though.

13990029? ago

The math checks out.

Regain our 70k from deddit in 10 days patriot.

14005946? ago

I'm in the process of reading through "Behold a Pale Horse."

The Protocols is actually a chapter in this book, with Wikipedia mentioning his substitutions:

Cooper also claimed that The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was actually an Illuminati work, and instructed readers to substitute "Sion" for "Zion", "Illuminati" for "Jews", and "cattle" for "Goyim"

Q mentioned Cooper's book in one of his posts months ago, so I figured I'd read it. If Cooper was correct, then Protocols was simultaneously brilliant AND evil in that it blatantly states the goals of the Illuminati and then attributes them to some other group; causing an innocent party that was already distrusted to take the heat for something completely disgusting. Whether or not the Illuminati have a high percentage among 'jews" is open to debate, but I personally don't think Judaism is a problem on its own.

And the biggest usurers of the Middle Ages were the Knights Templar, not the jews. Debt was the biggest reason King Phillip IV wiped them out.

Your opinion, your call.

14003471? ago

Can we get over the hate bs and turn back to the real show again ?

I mean it's interresting to find out so many people are brainwashed into narrowminded pigs assholes But we're kind of in a wwwar right now. We want to keep the Awakening going. Wwg1wga. Just expand your thinking ! If Israel comes last, acc.to Q, we'll find out 'at last' for a good reason

13991011? ago

I figure we will have 20K in a week. If I am wrong I'll be thrilled.

13990005? ago

would like to see all 70000 come from reddit!

13990298? ago

Q said it was more like 300k plus actually subscribed on Reddit

13991412? ago

wonder where they are

13997576? ago

wasn't 7k about the number that ended up on 8 ch? Lurking there, but only comes alive while Q is posting

13994068? ago

If they build it we will crumb.

13990613? ago

I would give you an upvoat if I had my 10 comments. This will have to do for now

14000762? ago

Why the fuck are so many of you obsessed with uovoting and downvoting? Give it a fucking break. Do you really feel like you have information so important that you MUST make a new thread RIGHT NOW??

13994343? ago

Think you can upvoat with <10, just not downvoat

14006440? ago

Thank you

13997699? ago

Have to have 10 to comment. Can't downvote till 100.

13990693? ago


13989945? ago

Can we graph out this growth?

Why don't you do it ? you seems to have a head start

13990346? ago

Because I know that more technically inclined Pedestrian know of a way to scrape or automatically graph out this data using a couple lines of computer code.

13990453? ago

Post the numbers on Pastebin or someplace, can't graph without data.