13968820? ago

Patriots have no color, race or nationality. DON T FALL IN THOSE TRAPS!!

13974430? ago

Civic nationalism is a trap. You can't have a first world country with third world people.

13970543? ago

Peak boomerposting. You're either a jew or a fucking idiot.

13967570? ago

Shortcut > /v/niggers

13967569? ago

Toxic thread made by a shill. Delete this.

13967886? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Q, why re-insert the GA mod team here? We want UNITY, but at what price?' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply from @13967852:

I don't think anyone over 30 calls things "toxic"


This notification (#477) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot(https://voat.co/v/SearchVoat/2723025). More information here, including how to suppress this notification.

13967585? ago

You are a faggot, go kill yourself!

13967656? ago

eat a dick bitch

go be an edgy teen somewhere else you loser

Saving our country is serious business and you want to be a little faggot ass troll. I hope your mom is raped by a pack of niggers.

13967698? ago

Cry harder faggot! You're not saving our country by handing it over to third world garbage.

13967751? ago

Fucking loser autist

13967760? ago

Fucking faggot cuck crybaby

13967610? ago

He's right, you know.

13967460? ago

I don’t think they will. These are soyboy sheer and they give their women up to niggers without even putting up a fight.

What’s worse is once the nigger is through with their woman the cucks beg her to come back n

13967547? ago

Is that what they mean when they say wwg1wga?

13967400? ago

Guilt-by-association shill.

13967442? ago

What? Are you saying q is a nkgger?

13967523? ago

At least.

13967724? ago

The Q stands for quantavious

13972289? ago

Shiiit now you're just makin shit up and naming your kid after it.

13974490? ago

Q's a gud boy he dindi nuffin!

13974528? ago

Yet. Q has done NOTHING.

13974590? ago

I have it on good authority that Q wears nigger skin shoes.

13974603? ago

Authority is cancer, faggot.

13974634? ago

Cancer is reddit kikesucker!

13974754? ago

Welcome to the r/ga replacement board, newfriend.