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13966139? ago

there already was a sub for qfags here /v/greatawakening

you are the ones dumb enough to fall for the fake knockoff

14000817? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'there already was a sub for qfags here /v/greatawakening you are the ones dumb enough to fall for the fake knockoff' was posted in v/FactCheckQanons by @2737819 and refers to this comment.

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13967481? ago

that sub has a nazi implant

13967593? ago

Welcome to freedom of speech

13967086? ago

How is it fake if this is the subverse Q promoted? Shillfag.

13967215? ago

The other one has been here for months and doesn't censor. This one appeared an hour ago and you're already demanding mods

13967343? ago

Do you even read, bruh? OP is saying he doesn't want the same mods at all.

I certainly don't GAF which mods we have a long as this place is censorship free.

All I know is Q said this is the official Q endorsed sub, so here I am scoping it out.

13967538? ago

About half the people who came with you started asked for censorship the first time someone pointed them to /v/niggers

Those clever shills were clearly pretending to be racist years before Q existed just to discredit this howling pack of retards

13967796? ago

The ones asking for censorship must be scared boomer fags from plebbit. Hopefully they go away.

13967852? ago

I don't think anyone over 30 calls things "toxic"

13968026? ago

You know how I know you're a boomer fag?