13978988? ago

Good, because I can't even navigate baby chan. I gave up there and ended up back here.

13978351? ago

12 steps ahead!

13976884? ago

The key difference with voat.co is the way that post are sorted and viewed. I find VOAT easier to navigate and read, especial on a mobile device.

13976463? ago

Trusting the Plan. ThankQ!

13968868? ago

Since you can post already, the Old Goats are planning to attack already. See post on front page. Folks need to.learn how to block them when incountered.

13968960? ago

I think most people from 8ch have seen that shit before, to be honest. It's nothing new.

Just another day in the life of breads being shitted up by faggery.

13968743? ago

Please edit your post to include this link. How to info: v/Voat

13967491? ago

Thank god for this new board

13966104? ago

And so it begins! WWG1WGA

13966043? ago


13965821? ago

thank god, fuck I must be getting old. couldn't for the life of me figure out 8ch.

13973153? ago

Me too - I can read it, I could never figure out how to post anything

13971873? ago

Thank God (and Q) because I couldn't stand 8ch. This is much more readable, and I don't need eye bleach!

13968781? ago

Go here for helpful how to info : v/Voat

13967512? ago

It was too complicated on mobile especially

13966253? ago

you double posted apparently you cant figure out voat either bwahaha

13968480? ago

Hahahahahaha yeah I thought the same thing!

13966363? ago

lol, i'm totally high right now and just clicking shit to figure it out

13970108? ago

We are not alone!



13968796? ago

How to: v/Voat

13967518? ago

Lol same

13964810? ago

Great to have this, but I also feel it's important to become conversant with all Q information channels, like the regular channels, but also this one, 8chan, et al.

13968462? ago

Yeah of course. This is an alternate place if shit ever goes south.

13970270? ago

Shit went south.
The Q Ship has landed. Boarding new Q requested com central for research and discussion.
General Audience?

8chan - clearing for sec ops. Primary drop zone perimeter push?

Enjoy the show!

13964736? ago

The chans have been trash for a long fucking time so dont bring that shit here

13968451? ago

Concernfaggery noted, now fuck off.

13978432? ago

Id stay now just knowing it bothers you, noob.

13964659? ago

I agree. I think boat did a good job of pulling good elements from both boards.

Not to mention an incredible user base to get the engine running. Excited to get this rolling :)

13963808? ago

Agree! So hard to follow on 8chan

13963683? ago

Well said. Just be aware that the shill comment invited them to downvoat, which they undoubtedly did.

13963865? ago

A downvoat is not a fucking argument, and it just serves to prove I am 100% correct.

Keep at it shills, your spergery makes me laugh.

13966196? ago

spergery isn't a word. just checked in the dictionary. you don't know what you're talking about.

13968515? ago

implying that it was intended to be a dictionary definition in the first instance, despite others knowing exactly what it meant.

Concernfaggery noted, now fuck off.

13963544? ago


13963442? ago

It's time! We have a new platform for the world to continue watching. There will be a lot of proof to be adding to the stack already mounting.

13963587? ago

Damn straight.

13963292? ago

Please don't fuck up the hardwood floors, we just had them redone. Leave your niggers outside.

13963549? ago

Sounds about right!