akornblatt ago

You don't think that people who keep a death grip on white supremacist leanings or ultra right political beliefs are funny? Damn, you have the sense of humor of a vulcan.

HomerSimpson ago

I know. Everyone does.

Disappointed ago

I wont mention the spam reports. I have your back.

HomerSimpson ago

Elaborate? As in spam reports by me? Or from other people? If it is from other people on my comments I really want to see what is being reported.

Disappointed ago

I bet you do. No one has reported any posts of yours though.

I was talking about yours.

HomerSimpson ago

Yeah but I report things for two reasons in PV.

Reason #1. It is completely wrong.

Reason #2. I found it funny and thought the mods would enjoy it.

HomerSimpson ago

I don't care. Why do you notify me for every small thing that tries to justify your point? Why can't you notify me for fun stuff like I do for you...

Crensch ago

Can't even use your own words to spout your inanity. Typical.

Disgruntled ago

Does anyone actually go to that shitty sub?

Disappointed ago

The people who spread that shit don't really care because they think they are fighting a war for hearts and minds. They'll throw any shit they think might stick. Integrity is a foreign concept to them.

HomerSimpson ago

I mean my question that I provided all the mods has yet to be answered. So yed. You guys do brigadr. It has been proven time and time again.

Crensch ago

For anyone wondering, yes, I did answer it. Homer's entire argument is nothing more than a petulant, entitled ass trying to force people to use his personal definition of words, answer a leading question in the only way he deems acceptable, and he thinks that, for some reason, proves he's correct.

So I took a page out of his book and proved that he was a pedophile using his same argumentative tactics.


For those only interested in my using Homer's logic to prove he's a pedophile, check the last few posts.

My apologies to @Kerchak for wasting his time.

Kerchak ago



Crensch ago

Wow. Yes, the assertion was far down there, but my answer to him that I also alluded to was much earlier.

Besides, my claim only makes sense in the context of his shitty logic, so seeing all that would have been useful.

Kerchak ago


Crensch ago

I'm very thorough.

Kerchak ago

I'm not going to disagree and say that his logic isn't fucked, but I feel like my time was somewhat wasted reading that shit for an hour. :/

Crensch ago

Sorry bud.

Maybe I can make it up to you. I have the same username on the other website. Check the Inciteful Comment flair.

HomerSimpson ago

I mean. Your users don't see it as shitty logic considering my comments here are in the positives more so than yours.

Crensch ago

It's been a long time since I had to look to others for validation, Homer. Right is right, no matter who believes it.

HomerSimpson ago

You are right. That is why I am right and you are wrong. Simple. And your users reinforce this.

HomerSimpson ago

"answer" yeah...no. Your answer was jibberish.

So I took a page out of his book and proved that he was a pedophile using his same argumentative tactics.


HomerSimpson ago

Curious on the vote numbers here. What's the deal? I'm never in the positive like this...

Disappointed ago

There have been many times your comments have been in the positive, usually when it involves discussion of people or subs that dislike ProtectVoat.

HomerSimpson ago

Except when I left that comment was deeply in the negative. Plus I didn't even read the OP post. Only commented since @kevdude notified me. So don't really know on why that shitty sub hates PV.

Disappointed ago

Look at the top comments here from Crencsh and MgtJ. They explain it pretty well. Rest assured these same people who hate PV will be petitioning the admins to remove Niggers and FPH as well. There's already a few posts a day on v/whatever about how FPH and Niggers are ruining Voat.

Lol, quick look and found one already. https://voat.co/v/whatever/comments/716000

HomerSimpson ago

Oh goodie. I always love me some hatemail. I should browse /v/whatever more often.

HomerSimpson ago

You all can deny it as much as you want. It doesn't change facts.

Disappointed ago

Had a look over the sub. It's not funny. It bitterness disguised as humor and after the usual opportunists jump on to try to shit on "the racists and bigots" and the people who stop mods from censoring then it will die off.

Mickgoestojail ago

Those people are nothing to worry about at all. Few people with some voting alts angry about how Voat turned out. They lost their bitching space on Reddit to SRS so they have to come back here to moan about Voat now.

JJEvil ago

Fine, but he's got a boner for shutting me up. You may want to keep an eye on that.

JJEvil ago

I just made an up voted PV thread? My heart be still! Thanks for pinging me on this one. @dismalinterest does not seem to understand the love/hate relationship we have. He can be forgiven for that because complex things seem to fly straight over his head. As @Crensch points out, I defend mods, in their own non-system subs. And I don't like a lot of the tactics that PV has previously used to get their way. But you and I have all come a long way and mended several fences. PV doesn't go after non-system subs anymore, and I think that's just swell. It also no longer advocates brigading, which is cool beans.

This dick here is just shitposting wherever he can to try and shut me up. I stared a sub for making fun of the absurdity of voat in meta, and for some reason, it struck a never so bad in this dick that he posted about it in my sub, then in anontalk and now here. Surprised he didn't hit /v/whatever yet, or if he did, I missed it.

Regardless, he's shitposting wherever he can and trying to discredit me for no other reason than he doesn't like what I am saying. Which is a retarded and impotent form of censorship, but censorship none-the-less. I honestly like the attention, but I still keep getting pinged and have to follow him around and set the record straight, which is becoming burdensome. He's taking the internet way too seriously and he seems to have a hardon for attacking my place on it.

@kevdude, is this a shitpost or what?

Crensch ago

Both posted by @jjevil. He's a cancermod defender, so naturally he hates the people that hold cancermods accountable for their actions.