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Crensch ago

I highly recommend anyone taking this guy even remotely seriously talk to a lawyer, because he is giving the kind of advice that is going to get you royally screwed.

Notice his tone and what he is asking you to do here. He's asking you to do it because he knows he can't and that it's not safe for him to do so. Why isn't it safe for him to do so? Because of what he himself has done.

Not one of you has any legal leg to stand on, but he what have a lot of problems if I were to respond in kind.

thewebofslime ago

We have you on recording admitting all of this. I again request you stop stalking me and leave me alone.

Now, you are threatening legal action against me, based on false accusations, which you admitted were false. This is continued criminal harassment.

I will continue to screenshot and report your threats to the authorities. This is not a joke.

If you would like report numbers, so that you can give your side of the story to the authorities, I can provide that.

Crensch ago

More of your pathological lying. What you have on recording is not what you are claiming here.

And you admitted to assisting a violent convict in identifying his victims and their whereabouts.

Gothamgirl ago

Actually no, that was @KatHarzo that gave all Srayzies info to everyone.

Crensch ago

You really are a special kind of stupid.

Gothamgirl ago

Do you want me to show the emails he forwarded to me from FatFartso? Cause I have those too..