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kneo24 ago

@Crensch admitted to doxxing @gothamgirl and @TexasVet

Uhh, too bad Sean Sweat, aka @TexasVet did that to himself. You could ask @antiliberalsoceity about all of that.

You've been caught being a massive faggot before claiming people on Voat were trying to attack your website with proof that amounted to nothing. Now you're using someones instance of a claim to say, "see they did this", which calls into question your other claims.

Did you read your link for claims of an alt? I did. Nothing seems to substantiate what you're describing. I chose this one randomly, thinking there was something spicy in it.

You very well could have legitimate claims, but I took 5 minutes to easily debunk three of yours. The claims of CP solicitation against @theoldones is easily debunked when you look at context of the conversation. You're taking the side of those who support pedophiles because someone went into an overzealous campaign against them here. You consistently poison your own well.

I'm not even a fan of @Crensch anymore. I'm not even a fan of @theoldones. You just suck at this.

followthemoney ago

Who are you?

Also, people post themselves on Facebook. That is not doxxing with intent to harass. I'm sorry, but you're definition falls short and you fail to address the systematic doxxing of @gothamgirl which seems like you are pro lying an agenda.

Who are you?

kneo24 ago

That is not doxxing with intent to harass. . I'm sorry, but you're definition falls short

Way to shift the goal posts. My point is TexasVet doxxed himself. Crensch did none of that. TexasVet did it to himself. Claiming that Crensch doxxed someone who already self doxxed is is beyond dumb.

and you fail to address the systematic doxxing of @gothamgirl which seems like you are pronoting a double standard an agenda.

Why do I need to address every bit of that shit show? I purposely stayed out of it even though I kept getting invited by all parties involved. I don't see you addressing the pedo loving nature of users like Maggotbait88, yet you and your kind love using their twisted explanations to defame @theoldones. It's not hard to make fun of that guy, but for whatever reason you use the worst possible piece you could gather to do so.

I'm calling you a hypocrite per your selective choice of examples.

Cool, name calling. Earlier in this thread you chastized someone for calling someone names. It's a shame registration is closed on Voat right now. I'd try to convince you to change your name to (((followthemoney))) since you're so fond of using (((their))) tactics.

Who are you?

I'm me. While you sit there trying to figure out who some nobody is, I'll just remind you and everyone else that we're all @kevdude according to @9-11.

Gothamgirl ago

"I kept getting invited by all parties involved."

That's a lie and now everything you just wrote is questionable. I have no idea who you are, and never not once seen your screen name until tonight.

heygeorge ago

It’s a bit of hyperbole, if you put your reading comprehension hat on, love

kneo24 ago


I messed up your username above.

antiliberalsociety ago

Thanks, I'm glad someone called that out.

Here's a snippet from the megapost:

Even though he doxxed himself and then cries about being doxxed. in a failed attempt to get me banned.

See a post from a year ago 4/3/18 that he deleted 3/30/19 trying to hide the fact he did it himself

heygeorge ago

Dude, this is a perfect collection of links. Slimey would do well to learn from you here.

By the by I have no control over that crackhead fella. Although I do with you’d taken my bait about being ‘successful’. That shit was funny.

Crensch ago

I know it's meaningless, but kudos for actually looking into this unlike the rest of the sheep around here.

kneo24 ago

Hey, I might not see eye to eye with you on your new found campaign here after the whole srayzie drama, but that won't stop me from at least being fair when I do take the time to look at these claims.

He could be right, you could be a giant massive faggot, but it's hard to take them seriously when they don't support 90% of the claims they're making. It's baffle them with bullshit style.

followthemoney ago

@Vindicator exact quote. Interesting.

kneo24 ago

What do you even mean here?

Vindicator ago

When shills post long, complicated "research" to v/pizzagate with a million links to waste moderator and researcher time (a fancy form of forum sliding), I call it "Baffle with Bullshit".

antiliberalsociety ago

That saying has been around for decades.

"If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit"

heygeorge ago

I also use the common expression ‘baffle with bullshit’, I guess we’re all the same person now. @kneo24

Also, are you picking up in this thread that @followthemoney is pretending to be a distinct individual from slimey? Peculiar.

Vindicator ago

He has numerous alts for his shenanigans.