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thewebofslime ago

That was an unfortunate set of cicrumstances and it is indicative of an wider pattern of corruption and harassment on the part of that particular group of shills because they are desperate to keep Pizzagate information contained to a certain slant... "crazy conspiracy theories" which is bizarre since @crensch never believed in Pizzagate or Q but managed to do a 180 when it came time to take control of the communities.

SearchVoatBot ago

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fuspezza ago

Yes this is 100% correct I just didnt want to mention it because shills are parasites that suck the life out of you and at the time I dont have any energy to give but here is a post from when I did

Crensch ago

You stupid glow niggers never proved a goddamn thing.

All you did was make claims and declarations as if you already had proved it.

fuspezza ago

Exactly what I was trying to avoid lol

Crensch ago

Maybe you wouldn't have to avoid it if you would come up with some kind of evidence that she is dead.