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Srayz ago

What are you talking about?

heygeorge ago

Whoops, upvotes not downvotes. Begging for upvotes gets downvotes.

grace8 ago

Do u enjoy beating on someone who is powerless? She isnt able to post and you like that? You are very unlikeable.

heygeorge ago

I didn’t say that I like any of it. I admire @srayz’s tenacity. And while I do admit to occasionally having a fun round of kick* the retard, that is not what’s going on here. You must elevate your perception to witness what is really happening.

*Virtual kicking, of course. I have to say this because some on Voat are like children who do not understand metaphor.

grace8 ago

Yes, George I am one of the supposed retards you decided to torture. I know what you do and how you take pleasure in it. I am all for anyone who is against your little fascist cabal.

heygeorge ago

What did I do to you? Maybe I asked you some questions

grace8 ago

Not much, its true. I apologized and told you I would never do it again and you backed off. I recognized you were one of many and could take away my freedom to post and so I had to do as you and your group wanted and not use my vote to counter attacks on the sub. So your little cabal had bigger fish to fry.

Why do you do it George? What is your motivation to suppress free speech? Are you an ardent Democrat? Did the views presented at the debates represent you? How do yu justify your actions. Why do you like it? What makes you tick?

heygeorge ago

Lol, nah, you are being dramatic.

Not much, its true.

So you are saying that ‘not much’ is actually torture? Lol. You see, I don’t even have to look back, or even remember what you said (because I don’t, and I don’t recall what I said) to know how it went.

Why do you do it George? What is your motivation to suppress free speech? Are you an ardent Democrat? Did the views presented at the debates represent you? How do yu justify your actions. Why do you like it? What makes you tick?

So now you replace the previous manufactured drama with a new bit. I am a bit of a prolific upvoter. Did I oppress you? No. You probably just said something stupid and so did I, then asked you questions.

grace8 ago

I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about you and your posse. No one tortured me. But your torturing Strayzie and any mod who stands u for their sub. I'm talking about you co-ordinating with others to control what happens on Voat. I'm talking SBBH and Protectvoat crap. Why do you feel your entitled to partner with others to control others?

heygeorge ago


I am one of the supposed retards you decided to torture.

Also you, when asked what did I do outside of asking you a couple questions:

Not much, its true.

And when pressed again (3 times! Damn!) you finally tell the truth:

No one tortured me.

You are correct in at least this regard. Here is a PV post @think- made about your open brigading call: and here is a sbbh post I made highlighting where you said something about ‘1990 times’:

No evidence in the SBBH thread of any silencing. In fact, I see a blue +1 by your comment. I fail to see to how this demonstrates anything other than I’m a decent person with, at times, a charming sense of humor.

Need I remind you that the original PV post was made because you called for ganging up on users to brigade and silence them? Can someone really be so unable to see themselves projecting, or is this some bizarre setup?

Although I may be incorrect in my independent conclusion: If you knew the reason why I made this post, and why I thought it might be useful, your head would explode.

@truthdefender @expertshitposter @shewhomustbeobeyed @srayz @crensch

Srayz ago

@Grace8 said 24 days ago...

Please keep in mind context of my comments. Zyklon B posted to recruit a troll Army with the stated purpose to destroy Q subs.

@HeyGeorge I think Grace just thought it looked shitty that you couldn't see the big picture and cut me and @Shizie some slack knowing that we are long time Goats. We didn't provide email addresses so couldn't get our previous usernames back. I'm not even expecting special favors from Putt because people attack him.

I saw things that you said after I deleted my account. I know you fell for some of the lies being spread. So, I'll just take that as the reason you're being this way.

For the record, I did not try controlling you or sending you pics. We talked about sharing pics of our kids together. We both asked for each other's first names. I said I would tell you only if you told me. Our conversations were always innocent and nothing more. That should tell you something. I think you let Kevdude's lies get to you for a while by reading your comments.

Can we please just try to calm down? I tried talking to @Kevdude last night and reasoning with him. Us slandering each other isn't going to do anything since this is The Wild West. He wants to continue the drama. I would like to use my energy on GA. I wrote you a PM like you asked. Did you get it?

I am not sure why you are pinging ExpertShitposter who hates me and lies about me. How is he going to be of any help in this conversation?