P33psh04h ago


Caveman_in_a_suit ago

"weaponized porn" makes me think of those chicks with guns calendars G Gordon Liddy used to hawk during his radio show days in the 90s. Stacked & Packed.

Good times! I remember when he got pissed about the small water tank on his toilet, and threw the whole thing in the Potomac River.

heygeorge ago

got pissed about the small water tank on his toilet, and threw the whole thing in the Potomac River.

They’ve thankfully improved low-flow toilet tech

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Arguably proving that his protest worked!

Redcobra ago

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

I'm not a follower. Whatever I did in QRV I did without direction or inspiration from anyone. And I started doing the horrible things I did way before anyone was posting porn and gore. The only images I posted were cute cat pics. The boomers upvoated them in droves.

Ontological manipulation wins out over shock value any day.

grace8 ago

heygeorge ago

0_--_0 ago

I say let @zyklon_b make the call

heygeorge ago

I didn’t get her number yet. @grace8, dear, please PM your number so zyklon can give you a call.

0_--_0 ago
