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Gothamgirl ago

No I honestly didn't , I was joking around. Srayzie really gave me copies.

Crensch ago

Srayzie really didn't give you anything. I still contact her about some GA posts that might need removed.

She never liked either of you enough to share anything like that.

@vindicator @molochhunter @IMCHAD

Gothamgirl ago

More lies super cuck.

Crensch ago

Kek. Your team is the one that lies.

Keep trying, super fat.

Gothamgirl ago

I am fine with my body, Sancho. Your morals are disgusting. You didnt do your friend any favors by intruding upon here marriage super cuck.

Crensch ago

Morals? You pay your pedophile husband to stay with you. His ART belongs in Podesta's gallery.

Gothamgirl ago

Dude I don't pay anyone to be with me, nor am I homewrecker like yourself, super cuck.

@zyklon is not a pedo. Wasn't this you:

For the record, I, like @srayzie, like zyklon_b... or did. But he has the motive, the same words, and the shitposting plausible deniability badge for being a shitposter. If you were framed, Zyklon, my apologies.

No one gives a fuck about you think of his art, whimpy, it was used to defeat the WHORE OF BABYLON, its just a picture that used on Voat before.

Crensch ago

Kek. You're fat. You married a pedo that has ART that belongs in Podesta's home.

You DO pay men to be with you. What other woman would spend 36,000 on a man she isn't married to?

That's all you have; of course it is! You're at least 70lbs overweight, and you're stupid, to boot. Who would ever willingly be around you without some kind of financial payoff?

Gothamgirl ago

Don't nobody on Voat respect you. You same group people have issues with everyone 😏

Crensch ago

Plenty on Voat respect me. The best users on here respect me.

You don't even know what respect looks like, because you've never once tried to earn anything in your life.

Gothamgirl ago

"Never once tried to earn anything in your life."

The reason I don't have to work now is because I earned all my life... I literally started working at 7 years old, and was out on my own by 17. Retired by 32. Built my mom a house and brought her a Mercedes by 36, bought my dad a house as well.

My last job was one of the top rated engineering companies in the world -Arcadis where I was 1 of the top paid females in the entire international company.

I made so much money in my life, and I invested pretty fucking good, and retired at 32. Go eat a bag of dicks.

You sound like a traveling salesman at best.

Crensch ago

Not a single person here believes any of that, and I still get to look in the mirror and see something worth looking at outside of a freak Show.

Crensch ago

2 fagbook links and a generic page with the name of someone you claim to know.

You reek of desperation.

Gothamgirl ago

Its fb account where your whore stole my photos from. It's not like I haven't told you Chist is in my first name and cyrus is in my 2nd either. (Before I got married)

Here I made it easy for you.

Crensch ago

You want me to believe somehow you weren't a pathological liar 6 years ago like you are today?

Your own claims about what you were, or what you are, are laughable given your penchant for being dishonest.

Gothamgirl ago

No I don't . I really could not care a bit about your opinion you're a homewrecking loser who pretends not to be a kike. Who fabricates and lies endlessly.

Crensch ago

You're so ugly you couldn't pay a man to be your husband that wasn't a pedophile.

I bet you have an art gallery in your house of dead children just for him to jack off to.

Gothamgirl ago

You are sick.

Hey that whore ran the biggest larp Voat has ever seen, why aren't you doing a big expose on it?

Oh that's right you were part of it.

Crensch ago

I'm not the one whose art includes dead kids.

A woman sending out tit pics is not even remotely on the same level as what your husband has in his art gallery.

Honestly, people should be more offended by you sharing your face with the world than Srayzie sharing her tits.

Gothamgirl ago

Lol you back someone who is a rape victim turned child predator and stalker. You have no credibility sicko.

Crensch ago

Your current husband put CP on your phone and you accused some random person on the internet of doing it instead of the only logical explanation.

As usual, your fat is getting in the way of your ability to think.

Gothamgirl ago

Yet the person I accused is the one still stalking and talking about my kids today.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Maybe because you guys started it and haven’t stopped

Gothamgirl ago

No you dumb fuck I stayed out of it, until a post by Crensch made about zyklon, where in the comments lapdog started in on my kids again, calling my kids niggers.

I tried to prevent it in the beginning moron.

So you think it's ok to dox somebodies kids?

Fuck You and them

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Srayzie can’t control what Shizy does.

Where has anyone doxxed your kids besides your own husband? Your kids have been called niggers. What else? That’s not doxxing kids. I don’t wish harm on anyone’s kids. Not even yours bitch.

Gothamgirl ago

She is Shizy you dumb cunt and @scrubbinouttheoldblue don't act dumb.

HollaKost ago

Well since you're a habitual liar, and have been proven so many times, no one can believe anything you say!

Tell us all again how you we're "in on" this big joke with zyklon saying such terrible things about you and your kids?