349023095sdfl ago

why not just through and downvoat everything in my comment history you fucking kike

@puttitout your "builder"

349023095sdfl ago

so mature



@kevdude is a power mod who deletes comments & submissions, claims its something he has never done under the wrong.

@kevdude uses /v/protectvoat to downvoat users and brigade subverses. he continuously lies about me because he is paid to do it.

and fucking lies 95% of the time, you can see he as in almost bot like attack c&p the same message to me over and over

He even ask for quote in his words "my services" to brigade a verse. he works along side of @crensch who is also a paid shill.








and generally happens within seconds of my postings.... will PIA protect me from that puttitout, fucking sellout

kevdud bots

and he never has a real argument, I guarantee is a paid shill, much like crensch at this point

and dial was never a main... more lies you spineless cunt botter

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

If you get downvoted you get restricted.

heygeorge ago

Many users are behaving similarly re: @zyklon_b, it’s pretty awesome. (Not necessarily awesome in the ‘excellent’ sense, because mainly shitshow.)

zyklon_b ago

ima very scary guy. I type cruel words into a computer

CerealBrain ago

very gay guy actually

zyklon_b ago


heygeorge ago

^^^^ TOO eerrrrryday


Go jack off to Srayzie’s pics again needle dick

HollaKost ago

Here's the important difference that with you miss, or you purposely pretend to ignore

Zyklon_b and his gayng attack without provocation. They do it for fun, or because someone else is telling them to.

GA, crensch, Srayzie, Shizy, et al have defended themselves against zyklon_b's unwarranted attacks.

When you try to pretend that what zyklon_b has done/continues to do, is on the same level as what crensch and the other side have done, you show that you can't be taken seriously as you have allowed your strong bias to factor into your judgement.

@crensch @vindicator @theoldones

349023095sdfl ago

you shit alt, stfu

HollaKost ago

No. You.

349023095sdfl ago

only niggers say holla, you fucking kike


shit alt


HollaKost ago

Don't care


theoldones ago

i don't remember GA ever trying to get someones kids killed and pedo-raped

zyklon_b ago

its coming stay calm

kestrel9 ago

PV Policy Concerning Subverses

We eliminated joke/shitposting/satire subs like v/soapboxbanhammer, v/nojewsallowed, etc. Where people shitpost or the purpose of the sub is satire and deletions/bans are part of the joke. These are very similar to circlejerk subs except that they are more chaotic and random, but, in the final analysis, moderators are expected to abuse their powers as part of the culture of the sub.

So unless you believe GA has the same purpose as zyklon_b's shitposting subs, then you are comparing it a shitposting sub, one which by your own policy doesn't fall under PV pervue to judge their bans and deletions. It's little wonder then zyklon_b and his sub BTA stand by you.

Your words regarding BTA:

I will ping all the users on the beatlestrollarmy sub which was directly set up by those accounts involved in the harassment as part of this drama. I will edit this sticky with the reasons given because I really want to see how this behavior is remotely justified in this instance.

Again, it's little wonder then zyklon_b and his sub BTA stand by you

theoldones ago


if you want to have a horse in this race, don't you fucking dare do it at the mod powerlevel

HollaKost ago

Perhaps go hang out on the sub where the mod team just deletes your stuff and bans you if they don't like you.

You mean zyklon_b's subs?

HollaKost ago

Those posts are certainly serving zyklon with a dose of his own medicine, but he largely kept it out of PV.

Maybe the reason it's now being brought to PV is because that dirtbag zyklon_b bans people, but then pings them there. They can see his shitposts but are prevented from responding. What a funny guy that zyfag is!

Maybe police man @kevdude should address the censorship that reddit mod zyklon_b is doing.


Yes, @Kevdude’s favorite pass time, besides policing Voat, is tossing salad. He knows all there is to know about taints. Sweaty ball flavored is his fav and that’s the trufe.

@theoldones @Hollakost @Cerealbrain

theoldones ago


@Dismember @sguevar @cynoclast @Rainy-Day-Dream please be aware kevdude just lost the ability to be impartial, and may now be a liability to your mod team

respond to this message if you'll talk to him, just to assure the rest of us this is being dealt with

Dismember ago

Well you are talking to him here in an open letter that everyone can read. The sub has always been open to anyone making a thread about the rules here. As far as the flairs go, I wouldn't take it personally especially with a flair like that. There's a lot of accusations fly when things get heated and its just a tag to let people know the information may or may not be true. There's no actual proof of it.

I'm not a fan of the possible misinfo flair though, because we have one already for that which is the unverified flair. Unverified is a lot more impartial and makes more sense to me. But let's see what everyone else thinks.

theoldones ago

"reddit mod troll" may be slightly too petty and partisan for acceptable use.

is it reasonable to suggest removing said tag off @Crensch's post, deleting said tag from the sub options entirely, and having a good long talk with @kevdude about the fine line between shitposting and his actual role as a moderator, and that he should think carefully before pushing buttons randomly like that?

Dismember ago

Well, there's a pretty obvious effort to troll back and forward between the Crensch mob and the Zyklon mob and a few others now, so that part of it at least is true. I'd personally be happy to flair most of it as drama but in the past we've had many, many people come here to troll and there is a distinction to be made. This is, at it's core, an archive sub so some flairing is necessary to sort the posts since we only delete duplicates and illegal stuff mainly.

I'm not sure about the origin of that flair but I believe it was made for someone who supports the reddit style of modding and is also here to stir shit up. I think it was used on Dial a bit. As far as deleting it, we'll see what everyone says.

heygeorge ago

“reddit mod” asshat mod deleting/banning for feelings

“troll” post designed to bait

Ok, so what is the problem here?

theoldones ago

go away. you're leaving remember?


I’m leaving Voat

that was 17 minutes ago, 7 minutes later you commented this. just leave the fucking website if that's your intention

heygeorge ago

Is the indication on your prescription medication ‘daily’, or is it ‘as needed’?

theoldones ago

do you wish to explain to voat yet what plan you organized with zyklon?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I mean I'm paying attention for the record. But this still sounds mostly like interpersonal drama, insofar as he or anyone else acts as a mod modlogs are still public, insofar as how he acts otherwise it's fine if you and crensh dislike or disagree with him and say so but idk why I should get involved. I said this to crensh last time when he brought it up to me but most of the stuff you're quoting is just back and forth between you yourself and kevdude, so it comes off as interpersonal drama.

theoldones ago

i didnt start the conversation chain in that PM

that was kevdude who barged in

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

"he started it!"

oof yeah ok, daddy is busy with work kids, so play nice.

Crensch ago

The flairs barely used until 20 days ago?

Kek. Somebody knew you'd have narrative issues and need to resort to leftist tactics in order to preserve your little ball of lies.

theoldones ago

on this day, @kevdude officially killed (or at least seriously hurt) PV by asking people to leave. this is now a thing we have on record

Crensch ago

I mean, defending sguueuueuewhatever for his actions... act of desperation. He's been losing mods left and right.

PV's legitimacy is just getting shot to hell.

heygeorge ago

PV's legitimacy is just getting shot

Maybe it just looks different from the outside. I don’t notice a particular difference.

theoldones ago

Perhaps go hang out on the sub where the mod team just deletes your stuff and bans you if they don't like you.

oh because labeling posts lies is any better? are you seriously asking us to leave your subverse for another mod sub?

theoldones ago

"Shutting it down" would be deleting it for "dox" (even though it is no different than what we have seen many times on the site) and then banning the user.

ah, instead of you know labelling them as some sort of disinfo like beg tech is doing right now


stop labeling posts to taint the information contained in them. your job is to be goddamn impartial

bamex ago

he said taint, heh heh