PuttitoutIsGone ago

Did you know that if you delete your account, then recover it, you get a special badge? It's like "back from the grave" or some stupid shit.

WhiteRonin ago

Do you get your data back too?

KatHarzso ago

You can choose what to do with the data. Have it anonymous, completely deleted, or kept the same with your name still plastered on it (submissions or comments).

PuttitoutIsGone ago

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I guess. Look at u/PeaceSeeker.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

Builder badges are a real thing? I thought Putt was kidding...

C_Corax ago

If that is a builder I'd like my 'destroyer' badge ASAP so no one accidentally mistake me for that kinda shit!

I think Putt meant it well and just wanted to inspire, but yeah..

WhiteRonin ago

Please check out her comments and discussions. Notice that many previous items are missing.

Virge was given a “builder” badge for their wonderful 1 time post that aggregated topics into a post.

Virge is also a fighter of justice via transparency. I asked Virge how can transparency be had if they deleted their unwanted post and comment history. Obviously, she can’t hold a conversation because I don’t want to discuss anything with them. My translation of that is simple: she doesn’t want to answer a simple question that would show her breaking transparency and would have to admit they aren’t transparent.

Why is she hiding her rants, brigade pings and all out copy paste attacks?