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Dortex ago

u/theoldones begged for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown for over a day when he got called out for it. Also u/TruthDefender is his alt.

Are you willing to denounce this child porn solicitor and his flaming felonious faggotry?

CerealBrain ago

@ExpertShitposter What the hell is your buddy talking about here?

Dortex ago

You'd know if you read the threads. You'd clearly see him begging for child porn.

thelma ago

Uh, I read the threads link.

I don't see any as evidence of asking for child porn.

Dortex ago

go ahead, post that naked kid pic, we can wait.

post it if you think its legal.

i dare you to post a photo of a naked, unclothed child then.

I'm sure if you read the link itself, you won't see anything. I'm suggesting cereal actually click them to see the thread itself. I'm guessing you should too.

JackHoff ago

That sounds like he's taunting and provoking a pedophile, not whatnyour claim is.

Why does his comment bother you so much? Are you the actual pedophile?

Dortex ago

Why does his comment bother you so much?

Because soliciting child pornography is a class B felony in the US and a felony in his home country of Canada. Now I don't know about you, but I don't think child porn soliciting felons get to chide others for posting legal content on subs he can easily block.

theoldones ago

mate, you just got informed by a legal professional you're full of shite

thelma ago

I can read.

I did read.

I understood.

You did not.

What more can I tell you ?

Recommend you delete before you get served a court summons.

Dortex ago

I understood.

What was your take on the situation?

Recommend you delete before you get served a court summons.


Dortex ago

Truth is an absolute defense against defamation. Also those suits cost over $100,000 to carry out. Also defamation requires actual damages. Theoldones is a NEET mooching off his parents in Canada, and the statements are true. Safe to say, nothing is happening.

thelma ago

You did not read the link I provided, did you ?


Post this garbo at your own risk.

Dortex ago

I did not. I've been too busy following an actual defamation suit as it unfolds. :(

thelma ago

You might be following another one much closer.

Dortex ago

You're talking at me so far. We trying to have a conversation, or did you just want to vent pointlessly?