CerealBrain ago

I will stop pursuing @Gothamgirl if you guys unban me.

CerealBrain ago

Maggotbait88 ago


CerealBrain ago

What happened, you unbanned me and then I got banned again.

Nosferatjew ago


thelma ago

You violated my rule.

Why you do that ?

CerealBrain ago

@thelma What rule? (I thought you were a good guy?)

thelma ago

OK, I'll resign as moderator to atone.

CerealBrain ago

Just unban me.

thelma ago

Fuck. I can't now.

Go figure.

I did not ban you....but made the eek eek rule.

CerealBrain ago

Hypocrites. You guys do what that Jew zyklon tells you.

andrew_jackson ago

I can't remember if my side is at war with your side, Sorry. Are we even friends these days? Awkward.

Dortex ago

u/theoldones begged for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown for over a day when he got called out for it. Also u/TruthDefender is his alt.

Are you willing to denounce this child porn solicitor and his flaming felonious faggotry?

CerealBrain ago

@ExpertShitposter What the hell is your buddy talking about here?

ExpertShitposter ago

i don't know this person tbh.

Crensch ago

Dortex spams users that call out pedophiles. If you follow his links, his summary of them is complete horseshit.

CerealBrain ago


Dortex ago

You'd know if you read the threads. You'd clearly see him begging for child porn.

thelma ago

Uh, I read the threads link.

I don't see any as evidence of asking for child porn.

Dortex ago

go ahead, post that naked kid pic, we can wait.

post it if you think its legal.

i dare you to post a photo of a naked, unclothed child then.

I'm sure if you read the link itself, you won't see anything. I'm suggesting cereal actually click them to see the thread itself. I'm guessing you should too.

JackHoff ago

That sounds like he's taunting and provoking a pedophile, not whatnyour claim is.

Why does his comment bother you so much? Are you the actual pedophile?

Dortex ago

Why does his comment bother you so much?

Because soliciting child pornography is a class B felony in the US and a felony in his home country of Canada. Now I don't know about you, but I don't think child porn soliciting felons get to chide others for posting legal content on subs he can easily block.

theoldones ago

mate, you just got informed by a legal professional you're full of shite

thelma ago

I can read.

I did read.

I understood.

You did not.

What more can I tell you ?

Recommend you delete before you get served a court summons.

Dortex ago

I understood.

What was your take on the situation?

Recommend you delete before you get served a court summons.


Dortex ago

Truth is an absolute defense against defamation. Also those suits cost over $100,000 to carry out. Also defamation requires actual damages. Theoldones is a NEET mooching off his parents in Canada, and the statements are true. Safe to say, nothing is happening.

thelma ago

You did not read the link I provided, did you ?


Post this garbo at your own risk.

Dortex ago

I did not. I've been too busy following an actual defamation suit as it unfolds. :(

thelma ago

You might be following another one much closer.

Dortex ago

You're talking at me so far. We trying to have a conversation, or did you just want to vent pointlessly?

CerealBrain ago

How does that concern me, I have no idea who the hell that is?

Dortex ago

Well you won't denounce a CP solicitor. And I doubt your nudes could beat Maggotbait88's. So why are you complaining about the ban? :(

CerealBrain ago


Okay when you're finished clowning take the ban off.

Dortex ago

No. Now you refused to denounce a CP solicitor and/or provide me nudes. :(

CerealBrain ago

I will quit messing with @Gothamgirl, that's what you really want.

Dortex ago

Don't presume to know me or what I want. It's rude and you look stupid doing it.

CerealBrain ago

Well I know that right after @Gothamgirl blocked me after I was flirting with her then Zyklon banned me, via Andrew Jackson.

CerealBrain ago

Well you won't denounce a CP solicitor.

Logical fallacy, false dichotomy faggot.

Dortex ago

You either denounce a CP solicitor or you don't. Unless you're going to play the middle-ground and say soliciting CP is only kind of bad- which would be interesting.

CerealBrain ago

I hereby denounce child predators and child porn solicitors.

Dortex ago

But I asked you to denounce u/theoldones specifically, since he broke rules of basic common decency and committed several felonies, then doubled down when it was pointed out. :(

CerealBrain ago

Yeah, if he did indeed do that, of course I would denounce him.

Dortex ago

Well he did. But here we are, with only general denouncement. It's like saying you're again political violence, then not denouncing antifa.

CerealBrain ago

Let me know when the cops show up so I can indeed denounce it and him. Of course then he gets the benefit of trial before peers.

Don't ya think you should unban me before then?

Dortex ago

Or we could read what he's posted of his own free will, note that it does fall under the definition of "Solicitation" and "Counceling Criminal Offenses", and we denounce that. You're no stranger to flinging accusations at people with little to no basis. Surely with a burden of proof being met so thoroughly, you'd be comfortable with a quick denunciation of u/theoldones soliciting child porn?

CerealBrain ago

Lol a blind Philadelphia lawyer would eat your lunch and you know it. Unban me.

Dortex ago

Ooh. Wrong answer. And I still don't have your nudes. Good night.

CerealBrain ago

Stay in your own neighborhood nigger.

Crensch ago

theoldones, from what I can tell, is a good goat. Defended srayzie when nobody else was.

This faggot spams everyone his horseshit hoping nobody will look too close.

Maggotbait88 ago

he's not he lies

Crensch ago

Dortex is the pedo defender who lies constantly.

theoldones I've not seen be deceitful.

Maggotbait88 ago

he said i posted a virus and i didnt

Crensch ago

I don't know anything about that, nor could I test the hypothesis if I did.

All I know is the guy is solid in his positions as far as I can tell.

Maggotbait88 ago

No he isn't he said i posted malware

Crensch ago

as far as I can tell.

Sorry, but other than you figuring out what's going on here, I don't know you from zyklon.

Maggotbait88 ago

"I don't know you from zyklon."

What does this mean?

Crensch ago

I don't know anything about you.

Maggotbait88 ago

Ok well he said I posted malware and I didn't and he still is saying I posted malware

Crensch ago

Again, I have no way to verify or debunk his claims.

imo, ignore it and be a good goat and it'll all blow over eventually.

theoldones came to the same conclusion about the earthshattering Voat stuff you did. That's all I know.

CerealBrain ago

Why did your buddies double cross you and defy your autonomy?

Maggotbait88 ago

what does that mean

CerealBrain ago

It means, being your own man, and not kowtowing to others when you know what the right thing to do is, which is unban me or call your friends out.

I do like you but not the others, you seem okay.

Maggotbait88 ago

I can't unban you again I got yelled at :c

CerealBrain ago

No problem man, you're still a good guy. Have a good evening.

CerealBrain ago

Contextually, from what I saw, theoldones was attacking pedophiles.

Yeah, he defended Srayzie, I saw it.

Bunch of idiots here.

Of course I really don't give a damn what they do.

CerealBrain ago

CerealBrain ago