ExpertShitposter ago

What a massive faggot. And did it with an alt like a pussy.

Crensch ago

Post aged well, I see.

CantDentTheBrent ago

This may sound gay but I'm proud of you faggots.

These Qoomers and armchair detectives TALK

You faggots DO

Crensch ago


Top kek. The person you're responding to literally does exactly what this group attacked srayzie and shizy over. Keep at it, White Knights of Triggly!

Nosferatjew ago

Keep at it, White Knights of Triggly!

Oh the projection! lol

Crensch ago

Oh, does a 230ccp sockpuppet have a coward behind the keyboard? YES THEY DO!


Nosferatjew ago

Says the coward who deletes content and bans users he disagrees with.

Crensch ago

Notice how nobody can defend their hypocrisy?

Sockpuppet fails as hard as main username. Kek.

Nosferatjew ago

So you admit you're a hypocrite? Neat.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Your admins were sending nudes and subverting your board and you DETECTIVES had no idea.

Get back to reality little man, the Q shit has gone too far

Crensch ago

Your admins were sending nudes and subverting your board and you DETECTIVES had no idea.

What does this have to do with anything? None of this came out till after she was gone, and most of it seems to be pure fabrication to those that might know somethign about it.

Get back to reality little man, the Q shit has gone too far

The Q people have thicker skins than you. They also defend their position with sources and evidence. All your side ever does is mock those that believe Q, or whine about how you'd become POTUS and act like a dictator and have all the bad guys heads removed... or something similarly stupid.

CantDentTheBrent ago

You literally linked me proof you are wrong.

And you refuse to read anything that breaks your reality.

Our countries is being invaded by Brown hordes, our whites are being taxed into the ground, and rights are trampled on.

What exactly has Q done?

Crensch ago

I literally linked you proof that you anti-Q fucks don't have a leg to stand on.

But keep smiling like a retard in your bubble.

CantDentTheBrent ago

The irony of censorship and power admins living in a safe space (not designated by Q), dripping red pills, keeping a huge movement from spiking.

Instead you fags let it all be broken into prices.

You failed. Q was a LARP gone too far.

The only "plan" is to get re-elected in 2020.

And then maybe erase Iran for Israel.

Crensch ago

Yeah? Make your case then. Tired of hearing you anti-Q fucks jawjacking.

None of you seem able to argue for your position.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Atleast we have record low nigger unemployement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CantDentTheBrent ago

There's 100k Brown people still coming into our border.

Conservatives are censored more than ever.

Israel and John Bolton are getting what they want.

Where is Hillary? Where is our wall?

We are in a time of war, the President could do what he wants (like Obama did) but instead he's kissing Jew ass

sguevar ago

Because a woman couldn't ignore it? I will point out that most of the "harassment" took place OUTSIDE of the GA sub.

No, no. Don't get me wrong. This is addressing when it happens within the sub's boundaries outside the sub they have an obligation to ignore or block. Within the sub's boundaries they have to have the ability to act on it.

I got tired of my inbox being spammed with his shit, so I block his accounts and then I don't see it. Problem solved.

Same here. I tend to do the same thing. But the harassment started within the sub's boundaries.

Also let's not forget that what ZB did was also incite to brigading effort. We need to act on those things man. You may say is outside the sub but him for example already showed proof that he is willing to create alts to engage in such behavior. So while his main may be banned from the sub his alts are not.

JackHoff ago

It's hard to block when pings are coming from anon. Dickheads who have been blocked can use alts and ping users. There needs to be a way to block being pinged from anon.

sguevar ago

Well to be honest with you I have been constantly pinged from anon myself. To me it really depends on how one deals with it. I either ignore it or attack it but the attacks are mostly not because I am offended but because I find it funny to feed them sometimes.

So it really depends on our own capability to deal with this annoying messages.

JackHoff ago

Much appreciated.

Rotteuxx ago

I'll pm you, don't want this post to be about that other one.

Dismember ago

Marking this as resolved because it's been deleted.

Rotteuxx ago

In order to give me an idea of the possible magnitude of this shit show, are you able to verify the authenticity of anything posted in that /v/confession post ?

Rotteuxx ago

Sry about that pussy pass shit, I'm sure you realize I like to employ provocation to get people to reveal their cards when I'm not sure what's going on.

sguevar ago

To me this is just a diversion of what we need to do @Rotteuxx.

We can't let this to change the course of what we are trying to achieve. So right now I staying out of this and focusing on what I have been trying to work so hard on for the past few days.

I strongly encourage that you guys don't engage to let us finish what we have started.

Rotteuxx ago

Hence why I refer to it as gaslighting, some want to build on the drama instead of just letting it be what it is, an old goat flip flopping and getting flak for it.

sguevar ago

I understand the disatisfaction of many with the choice Crensch took to deal with the issue. But right now we can't focus on it because it is just the symptome of a bigger problem.

Rotteuxx ago

Bring me up to speed on your concept of the bigger problem ?

sguevar ago

The fact that Crensch resulted in the ban hammer was just the way he saw fit to deal with our inability to deal with the harasment that took place in the past two weeks.

The fact that the subs haven't been able to deal with the continuous low effot shitppsting on their subs in order to flood their subs.

The inability of Mods to deal with them in an orderly fashion without them being presured to remove bans that are justified. Just an example.

We need to open a channel on which we can bring the accusations and the evidence of such situations to deal with them in an objective way and also to close the voids we currently have allowing the misinterpretation of what PV is here for. Hence we need to define better certain terms in which it allow a more concretr definition and closes de ability of the intent of someone to change it at convenience. For example "is all satire".

For maybe we can't prove that he didnt mean it but we can't prove that he meant what he said. Boundaries need to be set. Even if some don't like them.

Rotteuxx ago

It's always been a well known fact that no fuss will be made about subs enforcing their own well defined rule set. Problems arise when rules are catch-alls, selectively enforced or changed/added without consulting the subs community, @kevdude can correct me here but this is pretty much the philosophy I remember.

I'm just not a fan of opening up the wider debate of what free speech is and what limits does it have as a result of drama which could have been at the very least mitigated if existing tools and "accepted procedures" would've been employed.

Let's not gloss over the (imo) fact that drama was manufactured and then amplified in order to get to this point. Trolls, alt accounts, tit pic PMs, the works. It's an eerily similar m.o. than previous big Voat debates surrounding free speech except this time it's like they had a bigger budget and more competent actors.

Paranoiaattack ago

member when /v/greatawakening first started? Mass censorship and faggotry.

Shut down the fucking sub so I don't have to read about all this bullshit crybaby drama anymore. Ya'll are being a bunch of drama queen faggots.

RockmanRaiden ago

They don't care that you're tired of it. They don't care that they won already. Like leftists, they move on to the next thing. They want to destroy Voat.

I notice earlier in this thread, Rott was taking pride in being associated with pedophiliac lowlives. That's a good look for him.

Rotteuxx ago

Rott was taking pride in being associated with pedophiliac lowlives.

Citation needed, faggot.

RockmanRaiden ago

It's your fucking thread dipshit.

Rotteuxx ago

2 edits in 10 seconds, demanding comment huh !

RockmanRaiden ago

What can I say? I'm illiterate. I wanted to make sure it's clear I fucked up.

Rotteuxx ago

You know what ? Now that the jewess thot has been almost fully exposed we can wear our /v/shitsrayziesays modships as a Gassing badge, we can't unmod ourselves, kek :)


Who cares. 99% of qfags only visit q subs and pizzagate subs.

NiggerVirus ago

God you all are so gay

CantDentTheBrent ago

This is what they think will turn the tides of war.

Fucking internet armchair detective research

The answer is obvious you fucking morons...



NiggerVirus ago

I love my dog

CheeseboogerHimself ago

This is sad. How the mighty have fallen. @Crensch is obviously being (((blackmailed)))

Rotteuxx ago

Question is, how many times has he been behind the orchestration of brigades to sow division by using alts ?

@freshmeat @dialwhateverfuckingaltyouronrightnow

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I watched in awe as they did it to me a couple years ago. They worked like a well-oiled machine or group. I said back then that they were part of some group. It was obvious.

Rotteuxx ago

Group... sgis was referred to as a group by the admins.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Very interesting.