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zyklon_b ago

@pangaea @aged @maggotbait88 want to get some kids?

Dortex ago

Hey, you forgot to ping me. :(

theoldones ago

you spamming lying pedophile spic

hang yourself.

Dortex ago

I'm a visual learner. Can you teach me how? :(

theoldones ago

i can shit in your eye to explain your personality, if you'd like a demonstration

Dortex ago

I'm disappointed with this response. Your usual "KILL URSELF" would have been better.

zyklon_b ago

start makin dozens of posts about @shizy aka @srayzie lil boys. their address is on gab

theoldones ago

start makin dozens of posts about @shizy aka @srayzie lil boys. their address is on gab

@puttitout @Atko user doxxing

zyklon_b ago

@dortex check the pm links and post those biys pics all over nambla site

Dortex ago

They fucking loved them. How the fuck did you even get those? I mean, I thought it'd be a couple from the beach, but the bathroom? Fuc.k

zyklon_b ago

Dude neonrevolt sent em to me.

repost to that nambla link

Dortex ago

I did! Keep them coming, man. They're eating it up.

zyklon_b ago

@shizy how funny is all this satire now

Shizy ago

It's hilarious! There's not a single pic of my kids to be found online. but you try to come at me. I'll be waiting...