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zyklon_b ago

@pangaea @aged @maggotbait88 want to get some kids?

Dortex ago

Hey, you forgot to ping me. :(

theoldones ago

you spamming lying pedophile spic

hang yourself.

Dortex ago

I'm a visual learner. Can you teach me how? :(

theoldones ago

i can shit in your eye to explain your personality, if you'd like a demonstration

Dortex ago

I'm disappointed with this response. Your usual "KILL URSELF" would have been better.

zyklon_b ago

start makin dozens of posts about @shizy aka @srayzie lil boys. their address is on gab

zyklon_b ago

Proof i doxxed?

theoldones ago

@dortex check the pm links and post those biys pics all over nambla site

start makin dozens of posts about @shizy aka @srayzie lil boys. their address is on gab

Shizy ago

@puttitout why isn't he banned?!!!

zyklon_b ago

@dortex spread the man boy love to Californoa

european ago

You are a nutty one aren't you :) Are you trying to push the limits of freespeech, is that the point?

zyklon_b ago

not to push the limits to show all yall that we can say as we want as long as we are playing around or bein satirical.

european ago

Who was the other famous vote pedo? I forget the name, but it's on the tip of my tongue

zyklon_b ago

hecho ago


european ago

That's it . Thanks

zyklon_b ago

wanna join the troll army?

european ago

Who is in the army and who are the enemy?

CerealBrain ago

Zyklon is a kike it's rather puzzling why long time Voaters are having such difficulty seeing that.

european ago

Do you think he's joshua goldberg?

CerealBrain ago

I dunno, maybe Emma Goldberg.

european ago

Which one? I was referring to european88 joshua goldberg

CerealBrain ago

Oh I see. Emma was 19th century radical.

european ago

He certainly acts crazy enough

CerealBrain ago

If you've ever argued with a jew or a Pakistani, this is exactly the way they act.

zyklon_b ago


theoldones ago

start makin dozens of posts about @shizy aka @srayzie lil boys. their address is on gab

@puttitout @Atko user doxxing

BaldMiscreant ago

This is voat, we don't ban people for what they do on other sites.

Shizy ago

He pings the pedo on voat and told him to go to the site for the address. You're defending that shit?!

Maggotbait88 ago

I have done nothing wrong quit being rude

theoldones ago

member that time you tried to send my subverse malware?

Maggotbait88 ago

You're a liar. You don't get the book.

Remember the time you had a perfectly good reason to ask everyone for naked child pictures?

theoldones ago

You're a liar. You don't get the book.

thus refusing to prove your innocence thus forcing me to suspect your guilt.

Nosferatjew ago

Guilty until proven innocent, no evidence required. Zenith level faggot right here.

Maggotbait88 ago

"Prove your innocence"

Fuck off cunt thats not how this works. You have no proof.

theoldones ago

we unfortunately do have proof. that's a technical analysis proving that the best case scenario is, you gave us a faulty book, and worst case you sent us a virus

Maggotbait88 ago

More lies from the liar. Fuck off cunt. You have no proof.

theoldones ago

said the guy who sent us malware then refused to offer evidence it wasnt a virus, k.

Maggotbait88 ago

Prove i sent you malware and not a book, cunt.

theoldones ago

@Fambida discovered:

I ran it through virustotal and got zero positives, but Calibre couldn't open it, despite the content appearing to have been made with Calibre.

For safety's sake, best to delete the post.

Maggotbait88 ago

I didn't make it with calibre retard. I explained that. I had a whole post about that. You're trying to spread misinformation and lies. Fuck you.

theoldones ago

if you didnt make it in calibre, why the fuck did it say otherwise?

the chances of the computer lying on your words are literally impossible.

you assembled that file, it says calibre, explain that.

Maggotbait88 ago

You didn't read the post I made, did you, you dumb idiot.

theoldones ago

i read it but you still glow like a glownigger.

give us the damn file to analyze it if you've done nothing wrong.

Maggotbait88 ago

no book for you cunt. you wont trick me into giving you the file.

theoldones ago

okay fuck you you're guilty then.

glad we could get that sorted out.

Maggotbait88 ago

Yeah ur a cunt

theoldones ago

@dortex check the pm links and post those biys pics all over nambla site

fucking NAMBLA. this isnt okay

zyklon_b ago

@dortex check the pm links and post those biys pics all over nambla site

Dortex ago

They fucking loved them. How the fuck did you even get those? I mean, I thought it'd be a couple from the beach, but the bathroom? Fuc.k

zyklon_b ago

Dude neonrevolt sent em to me.

repost to that nambla link

Dortex ago

I did! Keep them coming, man. They're eating it up.

zyklon_b ago

@shizy how funny is all this satire now

Shizy ago

It's hilarious! There's not a single pic of my kids to be found online. but you try to come at me. I'll be waiting...