andrew_jackson ago

You are a faggot!

virge ago

I'm not really sure what you're getting at. I find it hilarious that so many people are offended by adding a crypto address to the end of content when it was more than one user who asked me if they could send crypto, so to make it easy I just added the addresses.

What's your complaint, exactly? It's not making sense to me, and I'm not going to curate my content for your safespace preferences if you just don't understand crypto, are offended by it, or have an irrational fear of it. I'm saving myself precious moments of life by not answering PM's or responding to submission comments asking for a crypto address.

I quite genuinely don't give a shit what you feel about that and it isn't hurting anyone so neither should you.

P.S. Someone sent me 500 Ripple within half an hour of last nights post, so they obviously thought my time was worth something to them. That's how crypto works.

HaroldTheGhoul ago

Yeah, honestly I ought to have reached out to you first to find out what was going on. It does indeed seem that you are the OP of these posts, so my bad. I had seen the v/bestof posts first, and had not come across yours until recently. It just seemed really odd that your account had only the 3 posts attached to it and no other site activity, so that sent my alarm bells going. Would you prefer that I take down the posts here, or do you agree with the legitimacy of the questions that it poses?

virge ago

It's your life. You don't need my blessing for anything. I think the answer to your confusion would be gained by hovering your mouse over my username and reading the bio text, however.

If you do that and then still have legitimate questions remaining, please let me know because I think we've cleared them all up.

HaroldTheGhoul ago

Very cool. In that case, I've deleted the v/whatever post as I don't mean to send unnecessary flack against you, though I will keep this post open on v/protectvoat as I think it does have some good questions in regards to scam proofing Voat. Though, to be fair, if you have crypto you probably have the wherewithal to avoid a Nigerian Scammer. Thanks for conversation and I look forward to your WYMOV episodes in the future!

CatsControlTheEU ago

I think he is referring to the posting of donation links and addresses in general, not this specific case anymore.

CatsControlTheEU ago

@andrew_jackson crossposted Virge's post to v/bestofvoat - neither was copy pasting eachother. @virge is the original creator, @andrew_jackson's post is a direct link to @virge's post. He was just saving the post to v/bestofvoat. There is no scam happening here.

Here is the link which president jackson crossposted:

It goes direct to Virge. It's merely a cross-post.

As for whether or not people should be able to post donation codes. It doesn't seem to violate the guidelines, as long as people aren't spamming them all over the place. IIRC people suggested that @Virge should create a donation link because he did a lot of work to make those posts. So he did. That's my 2 cents on the donation codes.

andrew_jackson ago

Nice catch, Patriot!

NosebergShekelman ago

wha? 6%!?? That's a great deal!! oy vey