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freshmeat ago

You are trying way too hard buddy. Keep wasting time with this drama please. I'd say like 95% of the Q users on the site already know you, SBBH, and srayzie are shills and will move on quickly without looking back when they migrate again. Saw a post yesterday with 30+ upvotes on a comment completely dismantling srayzie and SBBH. It was anon but it read like Sar.

We have a great thing with limited moderation but, like welfare niggers, there always have to be some that shit it up for everyone.

The way you shit on irony and take the comedy out of it is comparable to a bull in a china shop.

ExpertShitposter ago

Agreed. I took the time to name and shame those SBBH fucks yesterday:

freshmeat ago

I know you wont appreciate at this analogy but watching you and kev and triggly and the rest of the tards still actively putting effort into shilling here reminds me of a pig rolling in its own shit while the other pigs move to a different pen.

ExpertShitposter ago

Of course you would have an analogy about farm animals rolling in shit. Wouldn't expect any less from you.

And of course you are wrong again, as i have all the insider info, and know you are striking ghosts that aren't even there.

Don't you have an important political stream with 6 000 000 viewers to attend to? The world won't fix it self you know, you have to be the political spearhead freshie.

freshmeat ago


And of course you are wrong again, as i have all the insider info, and know you are striking ghosts that aren't even there.

You dont know anything that I dont. If you think you can switch teams in the coming shit storm you are sadly mistaken.

ExpertShitposter ago

I have direct contact with all parties involved. So yeah, you are wrong and dumb in all your analysis as you have always been.

coming shit storm

Lmao nigger, go back to drinking. @heygeorge @Trigglypuff

freshmeat ago

I have direct contact with all parties involved. So yeah, you are wrong and dumb in all your analysis as you have always been.

There is no one in opsec who is taking you seriously and that didn't even take effort on people like myself to point it out. Even the window lickers can tell you are a shill.

Serious business TM Lmao nigger, drink moar, you are smarter when wasted.

Putt is under investigation by federal law enforcement, which is why Atko made a return (if that even is Atko, i suspect its Fuzzy logged into his account), and my state just passed a bill that made what you do illegal online. It's literally only a matter of time and when Voat is gone believe me there is already replacements you arent involved in. Trump is rolling out laws as well for abusive algorithms.

So yeah there is a shit storm coming your way, and the rest of the kike journos who's obama package dried up last year. Every single one of you SRS faggots are behaving in a way that shows submission and defeat. You are trying to switch sides because the heat turned up. Beatle, Kev, you, all of you niggers are trying so hard to disassociate yourself from past behavior.

ExpertShitposter ago

LMAO NIGGER?! Delaware lawyers to the max!

AHAHAHA, i'm capping this shit and posting for lafs. Id ask you where you get the pills you are on, but frankly, i'd be scared to even try them.

freshmeat ago

damn it didnt take much effort to get you to devolve back into a retard

ExpertShitposter ago

i thought i was retarded always and forever to begin with?

freshmeat ago

yeah but you have been putting on a nice act.

ExpertShitposter ago

not really, i just stooped caring about petty drama

freshmeat ago

Yeah sure. Dont let me get in the way of you not caring about petty drama.

ExpertShitposter ago

no i mean my lower profile in the last year