Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Can the mods not support brigading users, that would be great.

Can the mods not support literal spam attacking a user, that would be great.

This is some reddit tier bullshit

auto_turret ago

Where there's smoke there's fire. That bears repeating: Where there's smoke there's fire! The man undoubtedly has a stash of actual CP. Also, a strong potential that he has engaged in illegal contact with minors.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Without a doubt. I worked in law enforcement for many years and there is NO doubt in my mind you are correct.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Most cops are corrupt shitbags. There is a reason fuck all people trust you

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Found the paedo sympathiser

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Going on the attack i see, you definitely where a fine cop who served the people

Decidueye ago

Sorry for taking a long time to reply back with links. Main post in gaming, secondary post in gaming, and another post in whatever. There might be others that have sprung up today I'm not aware of.

Dortex ago

I like how in all of this, you're the only guy to figure it out on his own.

NotHereForPizza ago

Well, you did just tell me...

think- ago


think- ago

Thanks. Does nobody want to become a mod there?

RustyEquipment ago

why is that not a viable option? to ban the user? lol its like shunning./shaming in real life./..

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Because he didn't break the rules.

RustyEquipment ago

Yeah but if you make your own sub you can ban him. Who cares. He doesn’t have a right to go to your shit if you don’t want too.

You all act like Cali liberals. Heyyyy. We don’t like this guy. We need policies to help us not deal with it

Sure I will allow more taxes. Sure more low income workers

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Yeah but if you make your own sub you can ban him.

They did make their own sub with aged banned, everyone stayed at the old sub no now they're throwing a bitchfit spamming dozens of threads to /v/gaming, PV and whatever because they're buttmad bitches.

RustyEquipment ago

Yeah sounds like they are whining bitches. There’s a fucking easy solution and they nigger it up by going to the headmaster asking for protections.

think- ago

It's not just about 'not liking this guy'. It's about him spamming the sub with shit content that doesn't belong there. The sub needs additional rules to deal with this.

RustyEquipment ago

I mean if he isn’t breaking rules it just seems he is out jewing y’all. Jew harder and you can defeat him

think- ago

It's obvious that the v/gaming community doesn't want the loli content. Each sub community can decide what they want, and want they don't want. That's what the rules are for; the problem here is that the current rules are not strict enough to allow a ban. This is why the guys need a rules discussion and/or a poll.

Apart from that, it's obvious that he does it intentionally to paint Voat in a bad light.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

I don't want him banned

RustyEquipment ago

Cool. Then you can sub to two submerses. One with a cp paedos opinion and one without! Sounds like a fucking easy as solution you tardos can’t come up with

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

The fuck are you going on about? I'm not complaining about his posts

RustyEquipment ago

You are responding in my thread and don’t know what I’m talking about? Shut up and move along

RustyEquipment ago

make your own subverse and ban him whats the issue?

kneo24 ago

@PuttItOut should test the polling feature. Set in-sub SCP and in-sub CCP thresholds and let the actual users of the sub agree on submission criteria. Then appoint mods from the community to enforce the submission criteria.

This will fix the issue. These ideas were suggested in thread Putt had about it, and there are creative ways to do this as to not completely neuter ones ability to participate in the subverse if they're not banned.

think- ago

@PuttItOut should test the polling feature. Set in-sub SCP and in-sub CCP thresholds and let the actual users of the sub agree on submission criteria. Then appoint mods from the community to enforce the submission criteria.

This might be a good occasion to test the polling feature, if Putt feels he want to do that now.

Otherwise, they could have a rules discussion via a stickied post, like we had on v/pizzagate frequently.

These are my rules in v/pizzagateart, to prevent people from posting hentai and loli content:

Rule 1:

ILLEGAL Content: Posting child porn and other incriminating material is NOT ALLOWED; these posts will be removed, the user in question will be BANNED, and will be reported to the Voat admins, who in turn will send a report to US authorities.

Rule 3:

NSFW: content must be labelled as such.

Rule 4:

HENTAI and LOLI content: Not allowed.

v/gaming could introduce a rule like rule 4 above, that would be a clear guideline for submitters, and the loli shit could be deleted.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Hentai = genitalia. Most his posts to gaming don't have genitalia.

Decidueye ago

People hate megathreads because they are where discussion goes to die. Please edit and link to the relevant recent posts in /v/gaming calling for the ban as well, so people can judge the jewry for themselves.

NotHereForPizza ago

An awful quick confirmation this time.

I'm glad our precision is keeping pace. Thanks for playing!

Bottled_Tears ago

I casually browse and noticed the guy lists loli. Get him the fuck out of here. Fuck pedophiles.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

No. Fuck you and your request for censorship. Go to reddit

Bottled_Tears ago

Jesus, so you're a pedophile too? Sick fuck.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Call everyone who disagrees with you a bigot pedo. Like i said, reddit is what you want

NotHereForPizza ago

They tell me you like The Dead, Kev.

Is it true?

Diggernicks ago

Private messages on an anonymous website are gay.

No one should want to personally know any of the other faggots on this board.

Including me.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/BloodOfEurope submission by @theoldones.

Posted automatically (#32685) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

ratsmack ago

I thought the polling function that was recently made live was to solve this exact scenario... a poll should have already been held.

Civil_Warrior ago

We should have a poll to see if we should have a poll about having a poll to determine whether or not we should have a poll. It's the obvious path forward in a brexit kind of way.

ratsmack ago

Reminds me of the corporate world I lived in for too long... having meetings to see what meetings we need to have.

Fambida ago

"megathread"? Really? This is the most Reddity shit I've ever seen on Voat.

Also, just for theoldones, nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger niggerfaggot.

GassyMcGasface ago

you misspelled @aged

Fambida ago

No, I didn't. I'm 95% sure that aged knows exactly what a piece of shit he is, and does what he does in order to try to smear voat with accusations of pedophilia. He needs no summoning, because his behaviour is deliberate and calculated.

The thing is though, I will defend his right to shit lolis across voat because free speech is for everyone, even when it makes me want to vomit.

GassyMcGasface ago

Notice I did not say ban it. I said make it's account useless. I support free speech but not child porn.

Fambida ago

Fuck you for making me go over this again. Loli shit is not child porn. Child pornography is pictures of actual people, underaged, abused, and sexualized. The key words there are "actual people". That is what makes child porn awful to the point of needing censorship. ACTUAL PEOPLE.

Loli shit, while gross, is fictional. There are no actual people being abused.

If aged has ever, or does ever, post ACTUAL PEOPLE, throw his ass in jail and pay fat bubbas to rape him. Or just feed him some lead and save us some taxes, that's fine too.

Now, this brings us to the jailbait type subs. Those are a judgement call area, because many pics of teens can be innocent when taken, yet sexualized by the viewers/collectors. I will nonetheless side on letting aged post that shit, because of the slippery slope. Sometimes that shit is a fallacy, but not always. And in the case of censorship we have countless fucking examples of it being the real deal. When you allow censorship of teens in suggestive settings, that leads directly and inexorably to censorship of other subjects, every fucking time. That means jailbait shit is a necessary evil.

GassyMcGasface ago

your right, your just Muslim or Jewish. Child rape is just a part of your culture.

@aged is a rapist pedophile

Fambida ago

My right what? My just muslim or jewish what? At least I can properly speak the Queen's English you retarded twat.

@aged is a rapist pedophile

Provide proof he's a rapist or neck yourself. Pedo is a given, but rapist is a large step further.

theoldones ago

one tends to follow the other.

Fambida ago

You know, you're right about that, but "tends to" is not an acceptable standard for silencing people.

GassyMcGasface ago

@aged is Jewish

GassyMcGasface ago

@aged is a pedophile rapist

Fambida ago

Provide proof of rape or shut up, you censorious assclown.

If you want to slander @aged at least be fucking accurate. It's not like it's hard.

theoldones ago

he still goes to the block regardless you do realize

they're always rapists.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Goalposts moving at the speed of light.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

What has any of that got to do with who or what posts on voat?

YoHomie ago

Who'd he rape?

GassyMcGasface ago

Why am I not pinned on this. I say we spam @aged so make it's pedophile rapist's inbox useless.

ratsmack ago

Breaking Voats rules by brigading isn't really a solution... the polling function that was recently implemented is the correct way.

theoldones ago

am i reading this incorrectly or did dortex, in the middle of asking for me to be banned for calling out Aged, claim that saying nigger is morally equivalent to child porn?

-They've stretched the meaning of racist to the point that it has no value anymore,

Replace. The fucking. Words. The only difference between the two is you're dead set on rationalizing the pedophile angle. Post drawings? >Pedo. Post pubescent girls? Pedo. That's not how this works. That's not what that word means.

RustyEquipment ago

"gg" right there

Dortex ago

I'd like to point out /u/theoldones regularly begs for child porn.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

He's also had his submissions removed by Putt for violating site-wide rules on DOXXING.

It's clear he thinks he's on a righteous moral crusade and that's why he feels justified soliciting CP from people.

theoldones ago

i explained that shit and you are deliberately lying by omitting said explanation and continuing on with this fucking shit

would you like me to reiterate myself or is your memory not that short?

Dortex ago

I don't know how I'm omitting anything when I'm directly linking anyone who reads to you begging for child porn repeatedly.

ratsmack ago

You fail at understanding context.

Crensch ago

Dortex ago

I think it's up to the reader to determine context. That entire exchange was just him trying to bait people into breaking the law so he could do what I'm doing to them. Except he fell for his own trap by incessantly begging for child pornography. This is nothing he hasn't already done.

ratsmack ago

Like I said... your comprehension rates right down there with niggers.

theoldones ago

"it doesnt matter what the truth exactly is, just your interpretation of the truth"

this cunt has to be a liberal journalist.

ratsmack ago

Yes, weasel words... the hallmark of today's journalism

Dortex ago

I don't think you know what weasel words are.

ratsmack ago

Looks like they fit you perfectly...

wea·sel words
plural noun: weasel words; noun: weasel word

    words or statements that are intentionally ambiguous or misleading.

Dortex ago

Do they? I would imagine literally linking to the thread where he was begging for child porn would be the least ambiguous thing to do.

ratsmack ago

At the risk of repeating myself, you fail badly at understanding context.

Dortex ago

I think you're missing the context here, frankly. I would imagine what I'm doing is fairly obvious otherwise.

ratsmack ago

It's obvious that you're making yourself look like a fool.

Dortex ago

theoldones ago

your omitting shit by declining to mention the explanation i have REPEATEDLY told you, you dishonest fuck.

that was baiting the other guy into following the same path he was defending, and he declined to do so.

i wonder why. you couldn't see a shittest if you shat it yourself.

TLDR: the other seems happy to let the pedo run free but wont post that shit himself when pressed to.

it was a fucking test to see how entrenched, which was apparently not very

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

your omitting shit by declining to mention the explanation i have REPEATEDLY told you, you dishonest fuck

So the same shit you pulled?

Dortex ago

Any reader could see you begging for child porn for himself, notice you were told you weren't getting any, then seeing you beg for child porn again, and again. I think the reader should look at the posts and decide for himself if you were obsessively begging for child porn.

theoldones ago

i gave you the rebbutal on that, i think you should fucking stop repeating this spammy link everywhere. it's getting downvoted, people are getting tired of your shit.

Dortex ago

Why do you think downvotes would stoo me from informing everyone that you've been begging for child porn?

theoldones ago

its more people then me.

you're legit spamming it and people are getting annoyed.

i already a gave a rebuttal to it. stop it, get some help.

Diggernicks ago

You crying about someone else spamming...

Irony is truly lost on the mentally handicapped

theoldones ago

i'll let his downvotes batter him around a bit first perhaps, then

larryhuston ago

You know where I stand.

zyklon_b ago

i hereby challenge @aged to a fist and or knife fight. loser quits Voat forever.

Civil_Warrior ago

He wants a sword fight apparently.

ratsmack ago

Edgy, but doesn't solve anything.

zyklon_b ago

if he shows up i break hands and arms so not able to post or molest

ratsmack ago

I guess he couldn't spank his monkey with broken hands either.

zyklon_b ago

ima break many of his bones