PuttItOut ago

I am going to remove this post. This content isn't acceptable on Voat. Ever.

theoldones ago

fine then, i'll delete it myself.

this is war, you know that right? both you and i are on their short list. only a matter of time.

PuttItOut ago

I 100% understand your position and feelings on this matter.

theoldones ago

war is war, we are at war. the fuckers kicked in a door, vandalized the house, threatened some kind of explosives, and this fucker A-ok'ed that

he is an enemy combatant. he is fair game.

i would WELCOME a statement from putt here because i for one, am done doing nothing while the other side gets to beat, harass, doxx and terrorize US, but we apparently cannot do the same thing to THEM

a people who do not defend themselves DIE OUT. i refuse to let that happen.

if we dont start fighting back the same way they do to us, we DIE.

do you think you're safe? do you think putts safe? do you think any of us are safe? NO, we are not, look at what they did to tucker carlson.

take the fucking gloves off or let (((antifa))) slit your throat. they're coming for you anyways.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

I agree, fuck that faggot. But rules is rules, and its up to putt to decide how to handle this.

Memorexem ago

This is against Voat policies. Doxxing is not allowed, please remove this.

theoldones ago

24 hrs at most, i'll leave the doxxs as stickies

our enemies shall be hunted. they doxx us, they hurt us, they surround our homes, they kick in our doors and i am DONE standing by not fighting the war we have clearly been dragged into

screw "dont stoop to their level". things like this are WAR

Memorexem ago

Participation or not, we have rules and we should follow them or you're no better than they are. For your edification, I've highlighted the pertinent parts.

Rules These guidelines are intended to keep people safe, protect kids, keep Voat running, and to encourage personal responsibility for what you do on Voat. You must:

Keep Everyone Safe: You agree to not intentionally jeopardize the health and safety of others or yourself.

Keep Personal Information Off Voat:

You agree to not post anyone's sensitive personal information that relates to that person's real world or online identity.

Do Not Incite Harm:

You agree not to encourage harm against people.

Protect Kids: You agree not to post any child pornography or sexually suggestive content involving minors.

Take Personal Responsibility: As you use Voat, please remember that your speech may have consequences and could lead to criminal and civil liability.

Subverses may create their own rules and enforce them as they see fit, providing they do not violate the terms of this agreement. You agree that Voat is not responsible for the actions taken or not taken by moderators.

theoldones ago

might i ask what you did not understand regarding "we shall hold the sword".

what do you think a sword is for?

Memorexem ago

You're arguing semantics, and that has never held up. You know exactly what you're doing, and it's being an idiot who can't come up with new tactics so you're taking the lower road and playing ignorant, which I'm starting to think is not a farce, by posting addresses and saying "But don't do anything, right guys?' just like the trash you're fighting against.

What's next? You gonna go play dress up with a neat skull mask you bought off amazon, and a bike lock in your back pocket?

Quit being trash, bro. Be human, and stop the stupid shit.

theoldones ago

you're acting like our enemy has rules, and that if you give them the olive branch of those same rules, they wont hurt us. GO ASK TUCKER CARLSONS WIFE HIDING FRIGHTENED IN THE PANTRY WHAT RULES OUR ENEMY HAS.

get fighting, or lay down and die, coward! force is the only fucking thing these animals will recognize and you clearly cannot provide that.

Memorexem ago

I'm guessing it implies you being a fucking retard is going to solve... Anything.

Tucker should have gone out with a gun defend his wife, instead of being a pussy. Glad to see you're doing nothing.

theoldones ago

indeed a gun should have been present.

isnt it handy that's what this sub is all about then