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srayzie ago

I know people that already knew that you were @aQMapPubCurator.
Some old goats helped make other connections. You’re going dark? Don’t play victim and act like I ruined anything for They need to be aware of dishonest infiltrators of the Q movement. I’m not keeping quiet while you ruin a movement like this.

This is @Electrolumus aka @Nucleolumus aka @Heru aka @aQMapPubCurator aka @BuilderAnon

You’re just using some of your many alts to continue what you started.

Wow, is this another alt? You seem to like degrading women by calling them “little girls.” That was a dead give away. @thisistotallynotme and @BuilderAnon both call me the same. You and your alts deleting and editing comments constantly really make you look bad.

The thing is, I run v/GreatAwakening. I am under attack constantly. I’m lied about and accused of everything under the sun. You don’t see me running away and going dark. This “little girl” either has bigger balls than you do, or you’re just plain guilty. You’ve been caught. Suck it up or run away. Your choice.

I didn’t dox you. I didn’t give your name, address, personal information. Nothing about your real pathetic life. I showed how you’re playing the Q movement and you even attempted to use me to do it. If you aren’t @thisistotallynotme, then it will be forgotten. I’m accused of being my own fucking mod! How can I, “the girl” handle it but you can’t? You need to put on your big boy pants.

You have several other alts, plus your Reddit ones. I’m sure you’ll use one to try to fuck me over like others do. I guess I need to just accept that’s part of my world now because the Q movement is no game. You don’t have a right to use your manipulative tactics on this. This is too big to stop, and I guarantee you that Q has eyes on this board.

I bet you’ve been trying to keep track of me using your program that tracks other users movements here. I’ve saved all those screenshots as well. People are onto you. There is a lot that I am not sharing publicly and you know that’s true. Peace out you cocky douche.

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srayzie ago

MadWorld ago

Thank you for exposing those shills! I have picked up those names and archived their comment history. Feel free to ping me, I like picking up those names :-)

Archive of @BuilderAnon's comment history:

srayzie ago

That’s awesome! How do you do that??

MadWorld ago

I wrote a script to periodically save (and sometimes version) those comments, especially on those shills. I can also archive those submission comments too. But it is currently limited.

heygeorge ago

lel, gg. @crensch see context... srayzie just decimated another game-player.

Crensch ago

Looks like she just got her first kill shot, too.

Crensch ago


Got another one for the board

Le_Squish ago

Shills can't resist shitting themselves.

Octocopter ago

The more you let them post the more they expose.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I bet you had no idea how big this would get when you first started v/greatawakening

But no one else could do a better job.

srayzie ago

That’s like the nicest thing you could ever say. Thank you.

WhiteRonin ago

The ban hammer kids are the worst of voat! Lol

srayzie ago

Shizy ago

You got balls of Steele "girl"!!

srayzie ago

Bigger balls than that cunt! Xo

MolochHunter ago

i lick your balls in honor, Srayz, that was triumhant

srayzie ago


I’ve never had my balls licked before. So thank you!

@shizy lol

Shizy ago

Really? I think someone's playing innocent with us 😲


srayzie ago

Ok well I did once but i was half asleep 🙄