Fetalpig ago

Good,they can't sway us,at least we are stopping them from spamming our kids with jew porno. Taking one for the team.

Tb0n3 ago


Pop-up-king ago

That’s kind of funny.

drj2 ago

Well here is the rules for the sub:

White people are some of the most beautiful people in the world. This sub hopes to collect images of the most beautiful white women, the most handsome white men, and the sweetest and most innocent white children.

Fascist beauty standards reign supreme! This is a SFW sub, so please no nudes. No Jews, either.

Make sure your post doesn't include:

Jews Black people Asians People who are of mixed race Nudes

I see nothing in there saying no trannies. Let the users decide what content gets upvoted and downvoted. This doesn't belong in protect voat.

goatboy ago

So block them. Unless they are farming for points or manipulating system or large subs, then this probably does not rise to the level of protect voat.

Atomized_Individual ago

Just D voat them

kneo24 ago

The mods there are not active on Voat and haven't been active in a really long time. It would be nice if Putt got on those subverse transfer requests.

hangry ago

Trannies? Like when we were children and waved to the man in the caboose?

Bfwilley ago

If a clear violation of subs rules just warn and or ban them rinse and repeat as necessary. Of course you could collect the names then collectively shame them, then ban them...You know have fun with it.

kneo24 ago

I imagine that person has over 200 alts or more here on Voat.

kneo24 ago

Well, it makes sense now. They claim their mom transitioned. They also claim they're a manlet whose bloodline is good for MtF.

With them claiming to be a woman, we have a case of someone who is seriously mentally deranged. Their mom probably did unspeakable things to them.

wincest1 ago

Lets all celebrate the mental illness that is trannies ! yay!

raw_toast_ ago

I added some traditional European garb posts to help counteract that degeneracy.

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

Kalgon is an Israel degenerate. He probably actually finds them attractive

TheBuddha ago

Wait... Hold the fuck on...

Who doesn't love trannies?

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

I love the surprise of opening the pants of a new ladyboy for the first time. You never know what you're going to find. It's like christmas

TheBuddha ago

I kinda want a passport with nothing but entry stamps to Thailand all over the blank leafs.

That'd be my new prized treasure.