Big_Willy_Wallace ago

Since when do we care what the unwashed masses think about us here on Voat? The illusion that voat is a wretched hive of scum and villainy is perhaps our most valuable asset in defending against the NPCs.

Broc_Lia ago

Don't bother. Any edits you make will be reversed by the ruling cabal. They rule any sources in favour of their opinion as reliable, and any that aren't as unreliable.

o0shad0o ago

One thing you should take a look at is the talk page for the submission. You'll see there's been quite a bit of discussion about the post.

If you want to make changes or additions to the post that will stick, you're going to need good sources for that information - and preferably sources that are reasonably big, if perhaps biased the wrong way.

AR47 ago

Yeah I did till ATF came to my door saying it was reported that I was making and selling guns lol. Didn't see it as a worthwhile endevor after that.

In fairness I did kinda poke the bear when making that sub.

It is amazing how many people still think it is illegal to own a firearm without any identify marks like a serial lol. Event funnier to see how many are even afraid to trust their skills to make one.

Self confidence is important and not sure how to help others with that.

AR47 ago

That right there where you are honest is why I respect you. Doesn't matter what others say you haven't lied to me.

Thing I noticed was that all the subs I made and moderated died when I didn't submit content. Shows me that a majority of people are lazy and want someone to entertain them.

Really thought DIYguns would keep going.

Kzintrooper2016 ago

About all wiki is good for is looking up the name of state capitols, animal descriptions, and sometimes word definitions.

LostandFound ago

Actually this might be perfect timing, if google and fb are looking at antitrust due to bias wiki might let its guard down for a while.

Some might say muh legacy website use X, for most non political topics its an amazing resource with little competition so I dont think we should just turn the other cheek here that wiki article is slanderous. The owners and founders of voat provided a platform and fostered free speech the end. They dont deserve this if nothing else.

Goathole ago

Wikipedia doesn't matter. It's unimpressive and for the most part, a laughing stock to anyone with half a brain.

That said, you can create an account, submit it for change and then the next day another editor with more clout will revert it. There is a cluster of fucks that dedicate themselves to that site as if it were their holy bible.

Down at the bottom of the page you'll find V-T-E and if you click onto the "E" it will take you to the edit page.

SkittlesAndIcedTee ago

Womp Womp!!!

AR47 ago

You know I will give you the credit about how often you disregard the points I am trying to make.

Maybe you are just being optimistic, but I ask why the fuck do you need to do any of the wiki shit or history shit? There are subs that @searchvoat has with that and the search function.

Do you want it as easy as a click or do you enjoy the back and fourth to feel that small bit of justification you get in all those bits and bytes? I say if they want to know then look it up for themselves.

Far as alt direction of a specific site.......

Why can't we just be without a goddamn mentally digestive title? I made a submission when I came back that we are so busy being Republicans and Democrats when we should be AMERICANS.....

I would rather just be a goat on a site that I put lots of time and energy into for years and watch to see how new blood can make it grow or fall. It is why I don't make new subs now.

This site has too many chiefs now and not enough Indians so I like to see where just sitting on the sidelines leaves it......don't you?

BlockMe ago

Anyone can create an account on Wikipedia and try to correct pages. But very much like reddit, it's infested with dedicated "professional" editors who'll keep undoing your corrections.

There are also dozens of bots which rapidly make changes.

I've corrected many errors over the years only to find them switched back sometimes within minutes.

If you do try it, use a VPN, a throwaway email id, and be aware the Wikipedia leaks your IP if you edit as a "guest."

KekistanEmperor ago

Good luck getting anything positive about voat to stick at the intel run wikipedia.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'SoapBoxBongHammer shills went in Too Deep went Rogue and Native? Qcumbers vs TheAwakening vs GreatAwaken vs SBBH vs ProtectVoat vs SRS vs Q-ult vs Qool-aiders' was posted in v/AnonThoughts and includes this reply from @14017150:

Good luck getting anything positive about voat to stick at the intel run wikipedia.

This notification (#842) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

GIF-lLL-S0NG ago

Wikipedia, the official source for government propaganda, in over 60 langauges.

MadWorld ago



In May 2017, a site announcement was made releasing the text of an email purporting to be from a hacking group, giving the site 24 hours to pay a ransom in bitcoin or face a DDoS attack. The ransom was not paid, and no such DDoS occurred.[43]

That one-month long attack should also be included in the history section.

AR47 ago

SRS moderator admitted to the PayPal contact and getting the donate button taken, but they saved over the archive link on the Reddit page with the edit over 100 times.

I don't know how those work or I would dig up the original.

MadWorld ago

@PieceSeeker is quite a historian of Voat, he might have documented it somewhere in his subverse. We could also try to search on to see if anything turns up.

AR47 ago

Where did @peaceseeker go off to? I remember them taking on the role of @puttitout cock holster for a time. Don't see them defending anything now.

MadWorld ago

He has about 10k comments that may contain personally identifiable info in the entirety. As a precaution, he anonymized his comments and temporarily moved to PieceSeeker username. But the bug on Voat hasn't been fixed yet (I believe) for the account recovery.

Don't see them defending anything now.

It might have to do with specific law in his country.

AR47 ago

I think it had to do with admin not being receptive towards suggested help. Least that is what the submission history says.

GIF-lLL-S0NG ago

FOIA the NSA about it, Putt and Atko are foreign nationals, their entire presence in the internet that touches the US is tracked and recorded. Paypal must collect information on their financial activities and pass it on as required under the PATRIOT act.

AR47 ago

Na I know it was there cause I saw it.

I can do much more with my time in something that matters than to this place for vindication. This place matters to you or those reading this right a week it won't but your life and mine, even those reading this will continue.

Make that matter.

AR47 ago

Not about a justice boner.

Nigga plz I been around since the beginning and I know where your question posts go.

The big sites are about to get anti-trusted

And this one won't? Lol like I said people are here now or they made their minds up not to come here. Word of mouth is best for this place here on out.

We should go on the offensive.

"We" should do nothing more than stay white and die with friends and family. Besides we don't need to do a damn thing with future migrations. Voat community is strong and it is time us old guard step down and allow the new generation to take the reigns

Unless you are afraid to hand over the keys because you need that control? I gave up my subs 9 months ago.....can't you do the same?

I didn't realize doing a bit of research and submitting legitimate edits was "drama".

Wiki editors will fight you and you know that or they will never even allow your edit. Then you will bitch and moan about censorship and it will mushroom into your fucking sidebar with a new thing some random account will adopt and blah blah.

That is legitimate. @PuttItOut knows that we will help spread the word about any ideas. Maybe we should start a sub for that?

Why wait for him? Do it yourself since you want to "carefag" lol I love that term as it is so much more offensive than concern troll which you used on me during pizzagate migration lol.

So yeah you want to carefag about it then do it and don't wait for him. He obviously wants the community to take over this place like atko wanted as well. Step up

AR47 ago

If someone is going to use wiki as their place for information about a website then chances are we don't want or need them.

This isn't a place for readers of consumer reports for a fucking social media platform.

I see what you are trying to do and while I applaud it I don't see the need for it anymore. People know about this place and they have made up their minds on it. They will be a part of it, secretly be a part of it, or denounce it and virtue signal like a bitch that needs acceptance.

Last thing we need as a whole is a fucking information war to get your justice boner raging. Leave it be and stop with the need for drama for fucks sake. Deal with what we have issues with now on the site.

That seems to be pressing for sustainable development and hey work to find monatary donations. You want to be part of the solution right? Well there is a start is it not?

Wahaha ago

Still using legacy websites?

bbylon ago

Looking at the "holocoust denial" page made in obvious that this is biased. On Hitlers page they even cited the transcripts of "Adolf Hitler: Table talks" without mentioning the high probability of this being a forgery.

Metapedia is equally biased, but atleast it doesn't lie.

Wahaha ago

You could edit it.

skywalker7777 ago

We should start VoatWiki.

Kippering ago

i seen some great vids on voat ? The_Africa_pill ....Taylor Swift music

GoBackToReddit ago

WP has been known to conveniently omit information that runs counter to the "official narrative" before. I don't see that practice changing any time soon. Most people won;t bother to dig into edits and such however, at least the information would be available in some form I suppose.

GoBackToReddit ago

What about FPH? What about Pizzagate? What about Q? Basically everyone who does not agree with the far-left marxist narrative is "alt-right"?

The media has Voat labeled as such. Examples can be found here:

Bottom line is that in the interest of fairness, some edits do need to be made.

Good luck getting the edit approved and solidified.