Ben1010 ago

Did they give voat the money in the account or just take it, wither way there is a lawsuit coming soon. This behaviour just goes to show how self righteous the SJWs are.

eclecticentrepreneur ago

lol you're all a bunch of impotent manchildren

TwoFreakingLazy ago

I don't understand SRS' existence...Their behavior is reminiscent of a combination of trolling and bullying. my model for how humans behave in the world goes BSOD just by attempting in account who rationalized motivations by attempting to walk in their shoes. Why? Why do they do this? Why do they think this site supports CP?! I don't understand!

fry_hole ago

Please dear god don't reply to them. They wouldn't be bragging about it in a public area of they didn't want us to see it. They are hoping voat retaliates so we look like the bad guy.

codioBunny ago

Their lives are so meaningless that this is something worth boasting about to them.

chubnubbin ago

How pathetic must one's life be to get off on attempting to take down websites?

revfredsanford ago

Don't feed the trolls

facadearcade ago

That visual. Thanks.

Gigan ago

I can't believe that cunt hasn't been shadowbanned. FPH was banned because they were supposedly harassing people outside of the sub, and then we have shit like this that gets left up. The double-standards are strong on Reddit. What a joke.

KiTA ago

Are you kidding? That cunt probably talks to admins in a private IRC room all the time.

SimonWest ago

please dont link to their sub, link an archive

puffellen69 ago

Do you mean link to Reddit with archive OR link to Voat with archive, for example to /v/redditrevolt

SimonWest ago

ahhh, good point. completely glossed over the fact is was a cross post! sorry, and carry on :)

puffellen69 ago

Sorry but I still don't get it. Do you mean link to SRS only with Archive?

cha0s ago

SRS pls go

puffellen69 ago

SRS mod Dworkinator posts: [META] I sniped Voat's paypal too - haha those fucks thought that paypal would be chill with child porn? jesus christ their dopshits.

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ChronicMathDebater ago

"haha, those fucks thought they could keep me from posting child porn on their servers, then contacting paypal about it."

You could've called someone who could've actually busted a pedophile. Instead, you called paypal.

heyitsfred ago

SRS is so badly behaved it's not even funny, and its all brigading and harassment, too. Not even criticism or discussion, just straight up manipulation.