JustGail ago

Hi... I'm one of those new Q people. I've never been to Reddit - I came from Twitter. I love your theory. I think you're right. What better platform to honor and test people's commitment to the First Amendment?

I don't know the commotion you're referencing in your post - but I'm sorry your Mod was given a hard time. I don't know the atmosphere the others came from - 8chan etc. It has been many years since I visited a bbs....this reminds me of those good old days.

MolochHunter ago

maybe Q didnt disrespect Srayzie so much as being in a position of also having to shaft the 2 other awakening subs here aside from GA and TA.

Also - even though Q may well have enough history and interaction with Srayzie to be able to vouch for her integrity, he may not have the same confident with cunts like me

Crensch ago

Dear @srayzie:

You have been given a quest by Q:

Destroy the other subverses with superior quality content.

That is all.

MolochHunter ago

well mission already accomplished !

13971042? ago

For me Qs post feels like a father saying I'll end it. Reddit mods were dissolving group cohesion. By commanding BO to set up a subverse Q ended the argument.

Crensch ago

Aren't the new mods the same group, (and even some of the same exact usernames?)

kneo24 ago

At least with one of them the answer is yes.

srayzie ago

Thank you @Crensch. I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing

Crensch ago


I want to, but things need done even at ?20% of my usual cognitive efficiency.

Crensch ago

Does it dispel that myth if I didn't understand which point of Vindicators or what was referenced in TMoR?

Vindicator ago

I agree with you to some extent, kev. A goat on GQAT war would help no one.

At the same time, what I have observed about Voat is that the honor of goats -- their willingness to fight bullshitters to the death, and to some extent protect and train the vulnerable -- is a very potent elixir to make people thirsty for the truth and for the kind of thinking that can discern the truth from a pack of lies. I don't think it's an accident Q sent the Redditors to Voat. It's like God sending the Biblical Jews into the desert to cure their tendency to fall for fake idols. They're either going to curse him and run back to slavery in Eqypt, or set their teeth and head into the scouring light of the sun. The long term Q operation will fail if a significant number don't get over their political correctness and herd mentality. That's where we are in history. So to some extent, @Crensch, you are dead on.

Perhaps Q has sent the sheep to the goatfold to weed out the wolves. Goats have horns and will chew the bumper off a Jeep.

In any case, @PuttItOut has directly echoed Q, and said "Trust the plan."

ESOTERICshade ago

Goats have horns and will chew the bumper off a Jeep.

ROFLMAO...I busted out loud laughing on that one.

Crensch ago

Goats have horns and will chew the bumper off a Jeep.

Snorted and snot came out. You fucker. Thanks for that.

Vindicator ago

My pleasure. :-)

I think Neon is lurking my Comments. Hopefully he will see it and have bad dreams.

Crensch ago

Oh, I know he's on pins an needles over us. Dude got his shit wrecked and can't find a way to repair the damage.

Adminstrater ago

then is our job not to do exactly what we always do?

I never thought of it that way, but I like it. The great awakening followers need to be woken up to anti-PC free speech, and start being forced to listen to opinions that might make them physically ill. Red pills are hard to swallow and usually don't sit well.

Crensch ago

Maybe we're just another step in waking up the masses. Would kinda be awesome.

HST ago

Fuck yeah. How is q's army gonna wake anyone up if they themselves are asleep? The proposition is ridiculous.

Crensch ago

I didn’t see it as stupid, I just think that anon sub will eat itself.

I'm being self-deprecating while in this state of extreme exhaustion, and I'll thank you to pile on and validate my abnormal mental state.

Also, I agree with you.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Wtf is going on?' was posted in v/whatever and includes this reply from @NoTrueScotsman:

Yeah, the numbers are concerning. If they're not completely retarded, they'll eventually figure out they can go to other subverses.

However, this post brings up some good points. Anon subs can't ban users.

I bet if we hassle @BUTTHOLE__,EMPRESS and @clamhurt_legbeard enough, they'll mod us.

This notification (#482) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot(https://voat.co/v/SearchVoat/2723025). More information here, including how to suppress this notification.

Crensch ago

Good point.

I concede whatever stupid shit I posted in the OP that this attempts to refute or disprove or whatever. (fuck, I'm exhausted)

Crensch ago

Eh, maybe so. It's already happening some.

Iron_from_Ice ago

How do you faggots know posts by "Q" are all made by the same person?

Crensch ago

That's not even what Q claims. It's a group of them, apparently.

How do we know it's them? At the very least we know it's a group linked directly to Trump. They predict his twitter drops, among other things, and Trump also makes a lot of Q references that are pretty much impossible in the rate at which they happen to be just coincidence.

At the very least, Q is NOT a LARP.

Durm ago

Do they all wear Guy Fawkes masks?

Crensch ago

Why would anyone wear those things?

I'm guessing the downvoat was from you. Read my edit and feel free to make good on your mockery.

Durm ago

Wasn't from me. Nice to see you are just a jackass. Better now than later to see you are such a condescending smug prick.

Crensch ago

Wasn't from me.

Apologies, then.

Nice to see you are just a jackass. Better now than later to see you are such a condescending smug prick.

You've been here 1.8 years and you don't know me, or at least know of me already? Color me suspicious.

Durm ago

Well now I think you are just making it just that much more obvious to everyone else.

Crensch ago

Well now I think you are just making it just that much more obvious to everyone else.

What's that? I'm genuinely curious. Go ahead and say what you mean.

Durm ago

I said what I meant. What did you say? Maybe go read it and tell me if you sound like a smug self-important self-aggrandizing prick or not.

I hope you don't act like this all day long. Ouch

Ina_Pickle ago

@crensch is a smug prick, but he's our smug prick. Who the hell are you?

Durm ago

Well if you guys can't handle being called a smug prick after being a smug prick, and have to start the 13 year old playbook. Who are you really?

Crensch ago

@kevdude @Trigglypuff

Am I looking at a bought account? Who talks like this that's been around 1.8 years, and also somehow doesn't know me?

I said what I meant.

Your communication could use some work. Ambiguous statements don't actually convey thoughts as well as you'd like them to.

Maybe go read it and tell me if you sound like a smug self-important self-aggrandizing prick or not.

I don't really care what I sound like to you. You sound like a limp-dick faggot that needs to set down his purse and sound off like he has a pair, but you won't.

I hope you don't act like this all day long. Ouch

Better than acting like a beta soyboy.

kneo24 ago

Am I looking at a bought account? Who talks like this that's been around 1.8 years, and also somehow doesn't know me?

It's always interesting how these people choose to blow their accounts on the stupidest things. This tells me that they really don't care about the bought and paid for accounts since they just have more to use. I read through the whole interaction here, and it boggles the mind how they don't know you or your ability for "not being nice". It's almost like they've never been on Voat before.

Crensch ago

Makes me wonder sometimes if there's a rock I haven't turned over that has a bunch of limp-dick faggots that I haven't terrorized yet.

Thank you very much for your response.

kneo24 ago

Their account is as old as mine, which is generally right about when Pizzagate was banned from Reddit and came over here. I wasn't too into Pizzagate (always thought it was on the right track, just a little over zealous with scrutinizing every single place that had some swirly symbol), but I saw the writing on the wall then came over here. I think I finally nuked my Reddit account 6 months ago.

I've seen you plenty of times over the 1.8 years gassing the kikes and putting people in their place. I didn't just stick to pizzagate and neither did that faggot if you look at their post history. It's inconceivable that they have no idea who you are, unless it's someone different using that account, and they're new to shilling on Voat.

And to think, I used to be a fence sitting lolbertarian when I came here. I still like libertarian ideals, but they aren't realistic until a homogeneous society is in place.

Crensch ago

And to think, I used to be a fence sitting lolbertarian when I came here. I still like libertarian ideals, but they aren't realistic until a homogeneous society is in place.

Good man.

Glad to have you around, bud. I really appreciate the perspective. I'm a forest>trees kind of guy, so input helps me a great deal.

Durm ago

Just keep making it worse. Such mental disease. So easily triggered by their own hand for such a tough internet veteran as yourself.

I made an innocent remark or joke and you decided it was time to lay onto someone with your passive aggressive act. Its terrible. Grow up.

Crensch ago

Just keep making it worse. Such mental disease. So easily triggered by their own hand for such a tough internet veteran as yourself.

You're projecting like a kike now.

I made an innocent remark or joke and you decided it was time to lay onto someone with your passive aggressive act. Its terrible. Grow up.

You could have helped me understand that it wasn't mockery and I'd have apologized, instead of playing some passive-aggressive game with someone that wasn't passive at all. It was a direct challenge.

Durm ago

Yes the Jew cries. You made a smug remark and I call you a smug prick. Should everyone need to touch your pee just right after you condescend to them. Do you need to make a sticky for yourself?

Crensch ago

Yes the Jew cries.

The Jew also projects and gets overemotional. Who was crying?

You made a smug remark and I call you a smug prick.

Good for you. I'm not known for being nice.

Should everyone need to touch your pee just right after you condescend to them.

How very Jewish of you.

Do you need to make a sticky for yourself?

What, over you? I think I just inadvertently outed a Jew at this point, so this must be Tuesday.

Gonna keep doubling down, Chaim, or will you admit that your comment looked like mockery and a response as such was justified?

Durm ago

Such a retard. I cant believe you have this little self-awareness. What you are writing sounds terrible, like not in your favor. Fantasize all the wierd things you want. I find it hard to believe that the other ProtectVoat mods have any actual real respect for you.

Crensch ago

Such a retard. I cant believe you have this little self-awareness.

Now you're not even talking about me. Nobody on this site would take you seriously.

What you are writing sounds terrible, like not in your favor.

Confirmed Jew. Hi JIDF.

Fantasize all the wierd things you want.

I'll leave that to the scat-loving, incest-performing Jews like you.

ProtectVoat mods have any actual real respect for you.

You're not really earning your shekels here.

Durm ago

You are such a dork. So many theories but the one I am telling you. So hard to fathom reality because your brain is so fucked up at this point, poisoned by the internet starting as an immature person. It's an affliction that hits so many of our young thirteen year old's on StarCraft these days.

I wish you the best of luck. I can only hope that you get the help you need. The look of disappointment in your mom's eyes who has already come to terms with her failure, must be gut-wrenching.

Crensch ago

This username is already burned. It's very obvious to everyone I linked to it that you are a bought account.

Durm ago

Wow really going off the rails now. I hope you have a complete meltdown. Would be much better than running around giving voat a bad name all the time.

Crensch ago

Maybe I'll start posting in the Q subverses and asking why the jidf exists.

Durm ago

Yes go be crazy over there, they need you. You should do it.

Crensch ago

I'll be sure to use your comments as an example, Jew. Over emotional, low IQ, you have all the Hallmarks of a Jewish internet Defense Force All Star

Durm ago

Yes please by all means show everyone. I think that would be fantastic.

NoTrueScotsman ago

This makes a lot of sense.

13971060? ago

Since* it annoys them ;)