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Vindicator ago

I agree with you to some extent, kev. A goat on GQAT war would help no one.

At the same time, what I have observed about Voat is that the honor of goats -- their willingness to fight bullshitters to the death, and to some extent protect and train the vulnerable -- is a very potent elixir to make people thirsty for the truth and for the kind of thinking that can discern the truth from a pack of lies. I don't think it's an accident Q sent the Redditors to Voat. It's like God sending the Biblical Jews into the desert to cure their tendency to fall for fake idols. They're either going to curse him and run back to slavery in Eqypt, or set their teeth and head into the scouring light of the sun. The long term Q operation will fail if a significant number don't get over their political correctness and herd mentality. That's where we are in history. So to some extent, @Crensch, you are dead on.

Perhaps Q has sent the sheep to the goatfold to weed out the wolves. Goats have horns and will chew the bumper off a Jeep.

In any case, @PuttItOut has directly echoed Q, and said "Trust the plan."

ESOTERICshade ago

Goats have horns and will chew the bumper off a Jeep.

ROFLMAO...I busted out loud laughing on that one.

Crensch ago

Goats have horns and will chew the bumper off a Jeep.

Snorted and snot came out. You fucker. Thanks for that.

Vindicator ago

My pleasure. :-)

I think Neon is lurking my Comments. Hopefully he will see it and have bad dreams.

Crensch ago

Oh, I know he's on pins an needles over us. Dude got his shit wrecked and can't find a way to repair the damage.