SV_Awakened ago

I'm a new Q LARP nigger faggot. Guilty as charged - not ashamed of it. Fact is, this is where the conversation moved - wasn't necessarily our choice. Matter of fact, it took someone NICELY sharing with me how to earn these CCP points....or whatever the fuck they are...not to ask for upvotes, etc...and contributing quality thoughts (that would enable me to share my own content at some point.)

Point is this - this is your board, I get it...many of us get it...and most of us wish to be respectful knowing that your space was just totally fucking invaded...but why not kindly share the rules and etiquette so the majority of us who don't wish to make waves...but DO wish to participate in great posts...can do so without shitting on the community?

I assure you guys that the majority of Q-followers that I know - are pretty WOKE MF'ers with well-thought-out beliefs & opinions...and have no desire to be perceived as cunts. Everyone may be better served to give the newbies (that I'm sure you recognize quickly) a nice little nudge with etiquette instructions rather than an "Eat cock you Q LARP cunt" message. Just sayin'.

thisistotallynotme ago

Nope. Our board now.

Butterbread ago

STFU. This isn't fucking rocket science. Is reddit such a fucking distortion of reality at this point that you can't figure out CCP, etc.? No, you're just a fucking idiot


get used to it we are Q and we are here to stay enjoy the show

L1mb5 ago

No your a nigger get the fuck out

USAFCAndylady ago

VOAT was a bad idea before and continues to be.

Mumbleberry ago

How's that upvoat farm working out? You cunt.

Cynabuns ago

Account deleted

Mumbleberry ago

Any word on the herd of anti viet spammers?

Cynabuns ago

This is still on the stove but moved to a side burner with the influx of new Kids - this is happening soon

Mumbleberry ago

Ok, haven't seen anything new from them. maybe they got the nessage this time

Cynabuns ago

There's been a few new posts and new commenters but I'm keeping tabs on them... thanks to someone pushing that spam button (thank you!)

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

These dumb Qtards need gassed and deported back to reddit.

fluxusp ago

Begging for upvotes is one of the most annoying habits, it prevents from reading further.

jobenzo2nd ago

The top 20 posts for me right now are all QRV. This is insane. At the top is the highest upvoted post I've ever seen on Voat.

hang_em_high ago

I like reading some of that stuff but I had to block QRV and ta. It is way too much spam.

JamesVinc ago

Just chill, the world is changing and you need to adapt. Everything we have ever known is in the process of being challenged and those who are only now being awakened need a place to come and learn. Q and what President Donald J Trump are doing is being operated like a surgeon removing a tumor that is entwined around nerves, cut the nerves the patient is crippled or dies. So my point is this give those who come here some grace and allow them time to understand, they don't want the dark side of this platform eg porn, racist or over vulgar language. If you don't want to be part of that stay a way from the QRV board and enjoy the normal places you go. In days to come literally millions of eyes will be on this QRV board so please do as you mom taught you treat people with kindness and show mercy.

Silverlining ago

Awesome comment

Helbrecht ago

See, this is why the salty dogs around here are resisting you people. You come in to a new place and tell them they "nees to adapt"? And you wonder why you're being equated to Somalian refugees?

Also, you're helping to "take down the deep state" but you can't handle people being mean on the internet? Don't participate in the porn or the racist/vulgar language, fine. But don't come here and expect people to change because it makes you uncomfortable.

JamesVinc ago

You stick to that thought process, to me it confirms that you are too lazy to put a well thought out argument up, nah lets act like 7-8 yr olds saying naughty words.

Helbrecht ago

Just change and adapt, bro

Silverlining ago

And you won't change because it makes you uncomfortable? James wins - 10 day member vs 8 day Brecht.

Incidentally welcome both, assuming you're friends not foes. But even as foes, welcome, otherwise we just end up playing with ourselves, and where's the fun in that.

the_sharpest_knife ago

I blocked it. Solved.

tango_whisky_blunt ago

Yeah you're right man we should get moderators and start banning people and deleting comments.

alalzia ago

In Voat you need ~300 CCP to be able to post as much as you like and make few controversial ones . This is not reddit , nobody will pay more than a blowjob worth from a street hooker for a "mature account" and no corporation will finance you to promote their products .

Comment/submission number and the blues makes you a true goat IMO for they show participation .

fuspezza ago

Actually folks you cant get CCP on anonymous

Spaceballs-1 ago

On that note, I'd like to see all the Q verses become anonymous.

Helbrecht ago

Quality posts? Actively participating? Nah, just beg for ups!

Gibs me dat!

LesserEntropyMachine ago

All these low quality posts from QRV within a short time frame of each other, hundreds or more upvotes, similar language to lots of replies, cleaaarly organic!

Helbrecht ago


kneo24 ago

You now what really bugs me about that? It's so sheep minded. These people just go wherever they're told to go. After all they've looked at, researched, and considered, they're still incapable of thinking for themselves.

Helbrecht ago

Indeed. No dissent. Very "if you aren't 100% with us, you're 100% against us" like having some measure of scepticism towards magic internet man is wrong, somehow.

I get the appeal. I've been following it since it first popped up on 4chan. But I've been lied to before, which is strange because nobody ever lies on the internet, right?

kneo24 ago

I've been following it since it first popped up on 4chan.

Same here!

But I've been lied to before, which is strange because nobody ever lies on the internet, right?

You can't put it on the Internet if it's not true! That's the rules!

Helbrecht ago

Who would do that?! Just go on the internet and lie?

In all seriousness, I want it to be legit because fuck the current power structure, but I find it difficult to trust anything at all

kneo24 ago

I too would be happy if this was all legit. I'm still not sold it's nothing more than just a power struggle being put on display for us all to see and roped into, and that things really won't change on the back end. Give it a couple years and we'll see.

Lifefriend ago

They'll be gone soon

Adminstrater ago

It's a little annoying that on the same day we got these Awesome New Username Hover Boxes, we also got an influx of refugees, but on the bright side, the majority of them appear to be decent newfags. Time will tell.

I suggest just reposting your old memes as though they are new memes - If you don't do it, some newfag will.

CognitiveDissident5 ago


Oveass ago

A whole lot of upvote begging Qcumbers.

It's kinda annoying. Reddit fags came here, ran to the hills for 8ch. Then turned tail and came back here. And now 8ch is coming here too??? Why?

I feel like one of those 14 powermods is Q and is also owner of QRV and some of the other 20 related subverses.

Or they are herding sheeple to new platforms just to further split up their group.


The fuck is qrb and the fuck is bo. sounds like some faggot that needs febreeze or some shit.


This is such a great point. Can I get some upvoats for this original content please? PKEASE!?!?!?

Upsy-daisy ago

I'm gonna give you one cause you made me laugh



HST ago

And yet...

Upsy-daisy ago

Meh, changed my mind

HST ago

Is your name a reference to a spaceballs or just the term?

Spaceballs-1 ago

I have no idea who that newfag you're talking to is.

Upsy-daisy ago

Actually the term cause I'm so uplifting😁

HST ago

I thought it was because you were a mistake

Upsy-daisy ago


HST ago

I'm sorry it was just too perfect not to. (That's what he said)

I get in a weird mood when I'm over-tired, can you tell?

Upsy-daisy ago

No problem. I can take it. Was just being cute(stepped into it)

HST ago

And I wasn't actually sorry, just wanted to frame the "that's what he said" joke. Cuz it was too perfect he couldn't pull out, hence the mistake that was you.


Hey asshole, 4 messages ago would have been a great time to shut up.

Upsy-daisy ago

Aha! That's fucking great

Upsy-daisy ago

Hahahaha that's awesome

Upsy-daisy ago

I'm just a lurker and only been here 2 hours but some of these dumb asses are idiots. " who is BO? Barrack Obama? Bruce Ohr?" Good grief!

TastyAsphalt ago

Its Body Odor, retard. Buy some deodorant.

ciaozuzu ago

Buckle up they have an entire lame language you have to decipher.

Be sure to drink your ovaltine.

Upsy-daisy ago

Np doubt

My-Name-is-Mud ago

In that context its board owner.

Upsy-daisy ago

I know I was quoting others

Gravspeed ago

I'm with you man. I just logged in tonight and this crap is /all.

Literally every thread i clicked on was a bunch of anonymous users upvoating each other... Despite all the top comments telling them it's worthless...

Fucking newfags... Neither niggers or faggots

IrbyTremors ago

I hate these idiots already, already whining ahout muh antisemitism. Q is probably some Mossad operative.

HST ago

I don't think there's an active way to donate

Gravspeed ago

Didn't there used to be a Bitcoin address we could send funds to?