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Canadian_Patriot ago

I actually like this set up better than Reddit - awesome!

asymptote_12 ago

I do too, although I am still under 100 blue points so I cannot down-vote a response or up-vote more than 100 times in 24 hours...

Gray_Champion ago

Good point. Me too. I'm new. We all are. But that will soon pass if we upvote eachother. Just don't up-vote anything too wierd. We need to get it going!

Crensch ago

Earn 100ccp. It's really not that difficult, and it'll prevent a LOT of issues moving forward. The limits are there for a reason, and the locals get restless when new usernames try to circumvent our only real spam-fighting tool.

Silverlining ago

And where is the 100CCP rule? In fact where and what are the rules?

Silverlining ago

What is the reason, please? What is Spam and why do you need to fight it?

I didn't voat for anyone to voat for it, so who did?

L1mb5 ago

@crensch This smells of kikery brother, all these faggots begging for upshekels without contributing shit. It's fucking pathetic