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Crensch ago

I pretty much 100% agree here. Even with the Court of Voat opinion, upvote brigades with alts renders any user-based decision toothless.

heygeorge ago

Hear me out for a moment if you will:

Remember how Putt has been working on a voting algorithm? Remember how he said we need it, yet users have been bitching that they've never asked for it?

The Voat-voting algorithm (and its 'anti-manipulation' code) is designed to fight Voat's alt problem without users having to publicly acknowledge it.

Crensch ago

Considered that. Not sure how it'd help with anything beyond determining who mods what subverse, but then again, I never figured out much about it on the preview site.

heygeorge ago

Beyond mods, the 'outcomes' could be all sorts of things; whatever Putt/the users envision. Such as: Ban/unban a domain (globally) ban/unban a user (globally)...

I wonder if there could be an 'anti-sockpuppets' setting for subverses to use to keep alts from stifling discussion.

Crensch ago

Maybe disallowing votes from low-effort accounts?

heygeorge ago

What do you mean by this? Care to clarify? There are different rule sets available on choosing who can vote based on their activity in a sub.

See the alt bastards who also replied (specifically to this comment and note how many upvotes are on the profiles.

Crensch ago

What do you mean by this? Care to clarify?

Some of what I saw required certain CCP/SCP in the subverse in question in order to vote - maybe a vote to stop low ccp/scp accounts from voting on stuff in that subverse would be possible?

heygeorge ago

stop low ccp/scp accounts from voting on stuff in that subverse would be possible?

Yes, that is possible. And the level can be set as well.

Kevdoge ago

His code breaks on tor and vpn alts. Its not detectable by the system and alts will just lay their 20 votes on any system sub vote because that's where they farmed their shit homie. It's like people avoid that obvious thing over and over. Why do you avoid that over and over?

heygeorge ago

Have you seen the code? How do you know this? You do not. If the code is that simplistic, why would it be taking so long to develop and test?

Crunsch ago

I don't need to know the code to see that when I used tor to manip the votes on preview in a small way he never noticed. All of my votes were marked valid. Unless he has some CIA level shit downloaded to our PC's he isn't stopping any alt manipulation by tor or vpn.

heygeorge ago

You mean to say Putts is not stopping your vote manipulation. Why would you purposefully tank the site?

Crunsch ago

Because he asked everyone to try to tank his preview site and voting system? That's what the site was for you ninny.

heygeorge ago

I am referring to the main site. But please, deflect while hiding behind alts! Works every time...

Both of the profiles you replied to me with have a remarkably large number of upvotes for the very short time they have been in existence.

Mickgoestojail ago


These are trolls, George. Look at the names. If what they say is true and they are saying it loud then perhaps they reported it on the preview site? ~~~

@Kevdoge @Crunsch? Did you report it?

Crunsch ago

I would like to state for the record that GayHeorge is a soggy biscuit type of guy.

Kevdoge ago

Of course we did. No one knows what HeyGeorge shits out because the voting system was never on the main site. He takes too many drugs.

heygeorge ago

No shit they are 'troll accounts' (though obviously a single troll). :D

I have not seen a report like the trolls are suggesting, although I may have missed it. All bug reports were supposed to go on the main site.

Mickgoestojail ago

It's all up in the air really.