Disappointed ago

@kevdude has had plenty of opportunities to apply for modship of system subs and only took one after he was begged to help out with spam along with me. I'm not sure who the alt is but I do know kevdude has no interest in controlling any system subs and back in the day turned down a position on v/askvoat.

Mumbleberry ago

Fake news.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

though you was my alt and putts alt?

11649832? ago

Hahaha, no, it's your and SBBH's manufactured censorship narrative and sub-coup that isnt gaining traction, but going down in flames.

So much talk of alts and you were using them the entire time.

Well, now you burned two accounts and made your way onto all the real Voater's radar.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@dr_no you will never win

11649887? ago

All they do is just keep digging their hole deeper, exposing their own pathetic bullshit...

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

member way back when i told you how bad (((they))) was...

11649961? ago

Bunch of weasels.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

notice how (((they))) accuse others of exactly what they are guilty of....

#me too

11649726? ago

Back from your break, just as KatHarzso got done deleting and excused himself.

Keep digging.