kareemulla ago

This Nigger @mumbleberry Gay uses the following alt accounts SaneGoatISwear, streetshitingape, autoturret, antitomato, coozpy, youdumbcuckface, muslimjizz, whore_whore, dalai_llama, I_Would_Gas_You and a number of others

Mumbleberry ago

Your desperation is showing, lol.

dennischandler ago

go and lick rohand ass

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Not wanting censorship = hates voat now

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

considering the retarded shit you normally push I'm not surprised that you actually think everyone who disagrees with you is @Kevdude.

11649495? ago

Haha, you are right, @KatHarzso is the faggot @kevdude, SBBH mod position and everything! The little SBBitcH been calling everyone else alts, too funny.

BUSTED! Busted, kevdude, you pathetic, instigating bitch.

Good work, 9-11.

@billyvvinz @Womb_Raider @Kal - Check it!

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

"everyone who doesn't suck up to reddit-moderators is a @Kevdude alt"

Lol you SRS faggots are so transparent, please fuck off back to Reddit, oh wait you've never left.

Womb_Raider ago

Oh shit. They deleted their comments. Got an archive? Also, do I know you, Dr_No?

11651561? ago

No archive, they were deleted fast after 9-11 figured out the connection.

...and probably not. I think we had a talk or two, or maybe I just seen your name around, maybe you just commented on my links. Pinged you and the two others because you were in the discussion, felt like sharing.

Womb_Raider ago

Ah. Thanks for the ping. I have long suspected kevdude used alts but I've never had a clue which

billyvvinz ago

It's some grade A faggotry, for sure. I don't begrudge the man his whining -- that's what up/down voats are for -- but it certainly isn't a good look.

11649511? ago

Honestly say what you will - I deleted all my comments, I am stepping out of this drama because it's gay as fuck and I regret even butting in.

11649546? ago

Busted, you BITCH!!!! You make me actually lol.

Keep deleting.

...and don't worry, you never stopped fitting in at reddit, so you got somewhere to go. Everything you post is welcome there.

Eat a dick, kev.

11649628? ago

No, no more deleting, I forget I shouldn't comment when I'm this high on edibles...I tend to mix shit up.

Let me make this very clear - I fucking deny who you say I am, but it is your right to say it. I am just someone who appreciates the free speech voat offers, and I disagree with what is happening with @expertshitposter over at v/gaming. Which is why I said "There is no attempt to "install their cancer mods on every active subverse" but instead to remove reddit-tier cancer mod from an established system subverse."

I also disagree with 9-11's assertion that "They (SBBH/PV) explicitly say they want the default sub ownership." It was a fucking suggestion, not some explicitly claimed detail of some elaborately schemed plan of a coup.

You guys are on the shit side of the argument. I stand by your right to voice it, even though I regret sticking my stupid ass nose into it in the first place cuz apparently I got nothing else better to do with my time... which means I'm going to go do something productive now. Maybe you all should do the same.

playitagainsam ago

I like /v/wildlife. Hope you have a good trip, mate.

11649810? ago

I like the sub, too :) thanks. I really shouldn't butt into the wacky side of voat, plus all it does is just tire me and make me question if I'm a masochist..

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

you win this ignore em9

11649650? ago

At least kevdude takes a pause from posting when you are online. ;)

Hahahaha, BUSTED you faggot! You thought you were just acting retarded? Hehehehe, no.

@9-11, thank you so much, this is too good.

11649463? ago

You cannot manage to formulate a good reasonable argument so you resort to pinging a buddy and claiming I am someone that I am not all because I agree with this side of the situation and *dare * to comment on it.

dooob ago

I don't have 15k accounts like them to forum slide and harass people.

Well, clearly you are on your way to get to 15k, mr 1 month old account.

11649352? ago

I don't even know kevdude?

You're taking things out of context because you're way too emotional over something that is meaningless.

11649303? ago

There is a difference between explicit and a mere suggestion.

11648642? ago

If you're never coming back why does your opinion matter?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Because /v/AmalekLeaves

It's so hilarious when a 13 day old account accuses others of making fake accounts to brigade with.

11648454? ago

There is no attempt to "install their cancer mods on every active subverse" but instead to remove reddit-tier cancer mod from an established system subverse.

Quit gaslighting, faggot.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

that is sanegoatiswear

11648531? ago

Ah figures.