voats4goats ago

Glad you went through with it and reported it! It's shit like this where I see a long winded response from a newborn account I automatically think copypasta. IDK just seems over thought to me

albatrosv14 ago

Dude, it's old news. You should always search the net when you see some long pasta. Some are removed after some time, though. You know, eradication of evidence and such.

hangry ago

I'm too sexy for two user names.

unruly ago

I'm too sexy for two user names.

Maxcactus ago

I suspect that there are only a couple of hundred people on Voat. All with multiple names.

Ina_Pickle ago

Maybe a voluntary Voat census? Keep it anon. Ask for active user name count.

Maxcactus ago

So we would trust the honesty of people using multiple accounts? Probably not reliable. The owners of Voat wouldn’t want it known how few people are members either. It would be hard to sell advertisements.

SaveTheChildren ago

Only reason I have multiple names is because my account was shilled into negative ccp from over 6K ccp. Now I need multiple accounts to post more than ten comments per day. Voat is easily manipulated by scum shills.

Macdaddy5000 ago

my account was shilled into negative ccp from over 6K ccp.

In other words, you stopped taking your meds and the majority of voaters hated your insane posts.

smallpond ago

Nah, more like censorship of unpopular users is an integral part of voat.

Disclaimer: I may not be able to reply. Unpopular users with less than 10 CCP cannot post, and are temporarily banned as soon as they make 10 comments in a day. Voat does not respect free speech, though past comments have stated an intention to improve things.

theoldguy ago

multiple accounts to post more than ten comments per day.

Voat is easily manipulated by scum shills.

Don't let the irony hit you in the ass on your way out.

Gowdy ago

I've got a couple usernames. Spamming the same comment across two different accounts is fairly shill like. No one likes poorly crafted copypasta.

WhiteRonin ago

Yep! These noobs have to evolve into @tallest_skil (sane)

Plant_Boy ago

Link for the lazy

heygeorge ago

Muh Russia

heygeorge ago

Great catch. The content is transparently shilly as well.