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KeifRomance777 ago

A spic friend from high school was given a full ride scholarship for being a spicc, dropped out not 2 weeks later. He didn't even graduate high school. Same school gave a spic that watched some faggot try and stick a pole up my ass in gym class while my back was turned while he laughed, thought it was funny, got a full ride scholarship. I was pulling academic scholarships working and going to school sun-up to sun-down and literally sleeping through classes and getting 3 hours sleep per night while these fucking spiccs get handed a free meal ticket for being spiccs.

They get everything for free, that's the new equality. When the dust settles, hopefully we can remember giving histrionic white sluts a political platform is a bad idea. Same with their slaver rent seeking parents; fuck the both of em.

ados ago

I feel your rage, brother.

KeifRomance777 ago

It ain't rage, I learned to fight. You learn to fight, you don't join a gang, you better yourself as best as you can and you build a wall to keep those out who don't play by the rules. They have a border on the lower mexican border, it never would have been a problem if it had been enforced. You build a better you and rage doesn't enter into the equation, just a healthy amount of fear and respect for life. Some people have neither and are doomed to blame themselves instead of bettering themselves. There comes a point where those who don't outnumber those who do, and you end up with collectivist regimentation and other failed attemps to outsource small jobs and shit you can be doing yourself. It's just lazy people standing around waiting for the messiah, fuck that, be active in your own life. If you make it in America, you don't get to stay here and have 4 kids living on welfare. Build the wall, that's why most reasonable people voted for Trump.

VoatIsForTimmy ago

You have to work harder. But, you will be far more successful because there is no substitute for intelligence combined with hard work.

Captain_Hamerica ago

Affirmitive Action and Diversity in the Workplace schemes would probably put up a good argument about that. While we're burning ourselves out working they coast along knowing they can't be fired.

The only time a diversity hire starts to worry is when the company hires another diversity hire.

Schreiber ago

He would still be forced to give gibs for lazy subhumans through taxes though.

canbot ago

Be that as it may; how much better would it be if we put our money and effort where it wouldn't be squandered. The kid who goes to college and doesn't graduate not only takes a seat form someone else but they waste their own time that could have been better spent building a career. I say this as a college drop out. But at least I only wasted space at a community college, and on my own dime.

dorven ago

The kid who goes to college and doesn't graduate not only takes a seat form someone else

I'd be willing to bet colleges know what their attrition rate is. Usually they like to keep it down, but they may decide getting a year's worth of government money for babysitting a retard is worth the stat hit. Especially if they have a high volume of students wanting to transfer in. Losing 10% of your Freshman class doesn't look as bad if you can replace most of them with transfer students.

burns29 ago

Or the college can just graduate them as well.

KeifRomance777 ago

You're right.

Mumbleberry ago

Fuck you;