Disappointed ago

I think the big issue is using IRCs. I really do.

Now if only the discord group get this. Sar used to bitch about the old powermod(SRS as e called them) group on Voat using IRC and linking back threads on Voat to it and now you have this group doing the same. Off site chats have always been a problem and the worst kind of users gravitate towards them.

bigdirtymotherfucker ago

don't worry faggot people have already moved on from your bullshit games. Pizzagate is still going and it won't be breaking on voat.

Texan_Pride ago

always, always, always spread misinformation and fail to back up your claims. As far as anyone with a brain is concerned, you dont want people communicating in real time about voat.

Discord is safer than voat. Ask any single security company on earth.

MrRain ago

I always thought discord was a bad idea but hey to each his own. Also wasnt Mightyyetgentle the guy who kept following sanegoats posts and kept kissing his ass?

Texan_Pride ago

i posted in maybe 2 of his threads. I was here before that penguine

MrRain ago



Im sure you both love penguins in seperate ways too...

Texan_Pride ago

why are those so blurry? And yeah sane is a penguine. He swims in whale shit every day in antarctica. I have nothing to do with that faggot. We only chatted in Voat's chat until it was ruined by this very sub and Putt took it down (so we made a new one, we are so nefarious)

MrRain ago

They dont look blurry to me i can see them just fine. But hey whatever you say buddy at this point im too lazy to argue or care about whatever discussion we would have if we continued to talk.

You do you and imma keep on moving along.

Texan_Pride ago

hell ya, now you are speakin my language. Cheers

Korean_Fan_Death ago

If CCP is "not an argument", then why are you shilling your anti-pizzagate discord server all over the place with a barely-used account?

It's not anti pedophile you ignroant faggot nadre. It's anti anything that censors people's thoughts. Pizzagate is heavily censored on this site, faggot.

How has Crensch (or myself, for that matter) been able to build up such a large amount of CCP without anyone accusing us of bot-farming?

Who cares?

Why are you even here arguing your case in the first place if you think that Crensch doesn't have any argument in the first place?

I'm @MightyYetGentle and ive been brigaded more than anyone on this entire site. CCP is a means of censorship to give you SJW faggots a little free head-start on spinning narratives. The discord is the opposite direction of what you shills yearn for, total control.

Go home, Spamalek, you aren't even trying anymore with low-quality spam like this shit.

Would you speak that way to @she?

Disappointed ago

The only time I really take notice of most of them is when someone posts about them here or one of their retards comes here to spam stupid shit so they can put the discord linking in the comments. This is probably what they want.

Texan_Pride ago

https:// discord.gg/DDZSU39

Yup, I only bring it up when it's relevant. There is zero evidence of spam. Crensh is just in here protecting his ass because he is one of the cancer mods of Pizzagate and he is desperate to keep people controlled on this site and within the CCP restrictions so people become accustomed to censorship.

I know you don't give a fuck particularly. I find it amusing how I have to explain obvious reality on a daily basis on a site of free-thinkers and skeptics.

Disappointed ago

Pizzagate likely wouldn't exist on this site without @Crensch. There was a legitimate effort by some to shitpost the sub into irrelevance as well as a huge downvote brigade of newer members by various people. I haven't seen whats going on there lately but I think some of the mods there are the reddit type we don't want from a couple of threads I've seen.

bigdirtymotherfucker ago

Pizzagate likely wouldn't exist on this site without @Crensch.

Glad you had to ping him. Pizzagate would be a thing regardless if that SRS shill got involved or not. He is desperate to cover shit up, not uncover truth.

There was a legitimate effort by some to shitpost the sub into irrelevance as well as a huge downvote brigade of newer members by various people

by the same fucking people now modding it you pleb

I haven't seen whats going on there lately but I think some of the mods there are the reddit type we don't want from a couple of threads I've seen.

No shit. And your downvoat brigading is noted, 9 mins and both you and cresnch downvoated. You are pathetic that you can't handle confrontation with people who know the truth. You and the pedo Crensch can enjoy the eternal lakes of hellfire shortly.

Crensch ago

Supposedly @kevdude and @VictorSteinerDavion hashed that out. I was pinged early on, but VSD took point and I told kevdude to let me know if things went sideways.

Other than dealing with cancermods, I try my best to stay out of that subverse.

Michael_Obama ago

Is there even still a demographic of voaters who actually buy your bullshit or are you just making these posts just to say you did?

Cock_Slap is my alt, so is Texan_Pride and ILoveJews. I'd still be on my original if queers like you didn't brigade me because you simply can't handle the extra work-load of shilling. 10 ccomments goes by in 1 comment and 4 replies. That's a lot of censorship for anyone who doesn't farm CCP!

You knew this was going to happen. You shit on people for so long and they find away around your bullshit and look how triggered you get.

I would expect @kevdude to flair this appropriately similar to here

Kill yourself shills.

Any of you out there still think discord is a good idea?

I think anyone in their right mind would know it's safer than this site realistically.

Crensch ago

Irrelevant question.

Whining about downvotes and accusing others of brigading.

Admitting to circumventing Voat's limitations.

More irrelevant bullshit.

Kill yourself, alt-army faggot. Nobody wants you here anyway.

Michael_Obama ago

you are the irrelevant shit-poster. I'm surprised anyone would take you seriously, shill. Smells more like a circle jerk.

Nobody wants you here anyway.

I agree, SBBH and PV shills are "nobody".

Crensch ago

you are the irrelevant shit-poster. I'm surprised anyone would take you seriously, shill. Smells more like a circle jerk.

8 months here and you can't even get 110 scp, or positive ccp? Who is irrelevant?

I agree, SBBH and PV shills are "nobody".

Regular users don't want you here. Maybe Sanegoat did, but he's gone now, and good riddance.

Michael_Obama ago

8 months here and you can't even get 110 scp, or positive ccp? Who is irrelevant?

look at the shill trying to use CCP as an argument. Discarded.